68.5% The Immortal (twilight fanfiction) / Chapter 84: Taking action

章節 84: Taking action

[This chapter is going to be mostly summarized]

We ended up deciding to just build Carlisle his practice in one of the busier areas of this era's version of New York.

Which wasn't even a shadow of what it will one day become.

Doing it like this allowed us to wait for Julius to send people over to open a branch of Greingotts here, which will give me a steady revenue as well as a strong backing for what I had planned.

The workers we had hired to build a two story structure for Carlisle's medical practice had just finished when the gringotts delegation arrived in New York.

They came in a fleet of nine massive ships from our trading section.

One ship held the delegation members, who would deal with the local government as well as any issues that might arise from the locals.

On three of the other ships were the four hundred members of the gringotts legion.

All for the protection of the ship's as well as the two ships stuffed with gold for the purchase of the land for the bank, as well as the materials needed to build it.

The other three ships were war ships, each sporting one hundred cannons each.

To say their arrival stirred up the locals would be an understatement.

It is known worldwide that wherever gringotts opens a bank, the locals as well as the kingdom or city state would prosper greatly.

For the locals, as well as the economy.

The locals because there will always be a need for jobs.

From building the large bank that was always a staple of gringotts, to the staff needed to work the bank.

the economy, because gringotts was a large exporter of local goods, and always paid fairly for anything we bought.

Sending more money to the people.

I didn't go to meet with the delegation's leader when they arrived, as I didn't want to get in the way of them dealing with the local government.

So, for the first few months, I stayed and helped Carlisle in his medical endeavors.

I didn't help with stitching people up, but instead with herbal remedies, which I had thousands of years of experience with.

Quickly, the medical shop took off, and Carlisle was having to hire helping hands, which was good for me, because I figured it was a good enough time to finally go and meet with the delegation.

The bank decided to build the new bank in the Manhattan area, a few blocks from the harbor.

They bought the land from a second-generation farmer who inherited the land.

It wasn't much, only about 40 or so acres.

Which was good, because I didn't want this bank to be like all the others, which normally kept the gold underground.

With all the underground train tunnels that would one day criss-cross under all 5 burrows, I figured it would just be best not to interfere with that.

Instead, this bank was going to have all the gold stashed in large safes above ground.

So this bank was going to need to be much larger.

I made my way to the new location of the bank, where I knew the new bank head was going to be, who was also the leader of the delegation.

I was wearing new clothes that Carlisle had talked me into wearing.

The coat was tailored with wide lapels, cuffs, and intricate decorative buttons. The waistcoat, worn underneath the coat, was also embellished with embroidery patterns. Then plain breeches, which were knee-length pants, worn with stockings and buckled shoes.

To complete the look, I wore a tricorn hat and carried a walking stick. I also had a nice gold pocket watch that I twirled on the chain.

In Layman terms…I looked, as well as felt, like a clown.

A rich one at that.

Because Apparently, it wasn't "proper" to show up to the business "I" started in whatever I wanted.

But instead, I was to show up in clothes that fit my status with those who I was going to meet.

Which I found funny, as I was a religious figure to most of the top brass of my bank, who probably wouldn't really care what I was wearing.

The meeting went smoother than I had originally thought It was going to.

As soon as the guards saw my beat and battered gold card, I was instantly escorted to the large tent that was holding the delegation as they did their work.

What surprised me was the new uniforms that my legionary guards were wearing.

Gone was the armor, helmets, shields, and swords of the original legionary.

Instead, they now wore uniforms that resembled what English soldiers wore.

Except, instead of red, they wore purple coats, and pure black pants, with muskets.

I read Julius all over that decision.

But at least the captains and lieutenants still wore the legionary sword.

I knew it was bound to happen eventually, but that didn't mean I had to like it.

But to be fair, It's not like I could have armored legionary soldiers patrolling my banks in the 21st century in full regalia…or perhaps…nah.

The new bank head was a large man, not fat or anything, but instead looked to be built like a brick shit house.

As it turned out, the man was German and could speak almost perfect English.

His name was Friedrich Wilhelm Schmidt, and was a nice enough fellow who seemed very interested in my idea.

By the end of the day, that exact plan was written out and sent to Julius, who would be able to enact them.

The plan mostly contained the names of people we would be bribing, as well as orders to send my hundreds of protection/war ships to Africa to shew away anyone who was going to buy slaves until my plan could come to fruition.

My plan wasn't to bribe the kingdoms with gold, though.

Most of the countries that were involved in the African slave trade, besides England, were kingdoms that didn't have my banks in them.

Such as Portugal, Spain, France, and Norway.

So, I was going to bribe them with building my banks in their kingdoms.

The countries that did have my banks and were involved, I would just bribe the rulers.

Like In England, I would be bribing Queen Anne.

All of them I would have pass laws banning the trading of slaves of any ethnicity.

Of course, that wasn't enough to completely stop slavery, which was a deeply rooted problem.

So I went for something everyone also had a deep connection to…religion.

That's right, I bribed the church.

Or, to be more exact, I bribed the pope.

Delegations were sent to the Vatican, with 100 chests of gold.

Pope Clement XI was more than happy to take our…donation.

Within a month, he started a campaign to stop slavery.

As soon as I got a written quote from the Vatican of one of the pope's speeches to his cardinals, I opened printing shops across the colonies, all printing his words.

"Let us proclaim with unwavering faith and resolute conviction that all humankind, created in the divine image, are bound together by the sacred bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood. In the eyes of the Divine, there exists no distinction of race, ethnicity, or social status. Every individual, regardless of their station in life, is deserving of dignity, respect, and freedom.

For it is written in our holy scriptures, 'Love thy neighbor as thyself.' Let this commandment be etched upon our hearts, guiding our actions and shaping our society. Slavery, that abhorrent institution that tarnishes the very essence of humanity, must be abolished. It is a blight upon our collective conscience, a violation of the divine order, and a denial of the inherent worth of every soul.

To keep another human being in chains is to defy the divine plan, to deny the fundamental truth that we are all equal in the eyes of God. Let us cast aside the shackles of ignorance and prejudice and embrace the teachings of compassion and justice. For it is through love, understanding, and forgiveness that we shall bring an end to this dark chapter in our history.

As followers of the faith, we are called to be instruments of liberation and advocates for justice. Let us rise as a united voice, speaking out against the injustice of slavery and working tirelessly to dismantle its oppressive systems. May our prayers be the catalyst for change, our actions, the embodiment of our faith, and our love, the driving force behind the eradication of this deplorable institution.

Today, we declare our unwavering commitment to the liberation of all enslaved souls. We call upon governments, religious leaders, and individuals of conscience to join us in this noble cause. Together, let us strive to create a world where every person is free, where the chains of bondage are broken, and where the light of justice and compassion shines brightly for all.

In the name of our shared humanity, in the name of our faith, we declare that slavery shall be no more. May our words and actions echo throughout history, inspiring generations to come and ensuring that the divine commandment of freedom and equality is upheld for all eternity… signed pope clement XI"

This is the time I really started to realize how much power my banks had.

Aspeshaly when kings and queens started to fall over themselves to get my banks into their kingdoms, by passing laws banning all forms of slavery.

For a very long time, I only thought of my Banks as my personal piggy bank, which, in a way, it was.

But in reality, Gringotts Banks held an insane amount of political power all over the world.

Not only for the status of having our banks in their country, but also for the revenue it brings.

And as I later found out, we also held a metric fuck tone of blackmail over some very powerful individuals heads, like galatians.

(Cough)...Moving on.

Something else I did was buy all remaining slaves in America that weren't already bought yet.

After doing so, I instantly set them free.

Me doing so, allowed the newspaper I had in New York named the "New York Times" to start printing story's of my actions to everyone.

Of course they didn't use my name, and instead I was described as a "rich individual" who followed the pope's words, and set the available slaves in America free Like any good religious man should.

And after I printed a "letter" I had received from the pope for my actions, everyone and their granny started to do the same…mostly.

Of course there were still holdouts who were determined to keep their slaves working their farms fields.

Such as people from religious groups.

So I bought their farms, stock and barrel.

And Within 10 years, America was a slave free country, along with most of the other kingdoms.


I know without a doubt that slavery couldn't have been ended so quickly.

But I figured it was best just to make it seem so, So I don't have to write a bunch of chapters about it in depth.

Because I'm ready to get to the main story.

章節 85: The start of a Revolution & Congressman


Boston Massachusetts.

I have done it.

What did I do you might be asking, well let me tell you.

I have become one of the first members of the "sons of liberty".

As to how, well, it was actually pretty simple.

Samuel Adams was a rather vocal apposser to the British Stamp Act.

As in going to the streets in protest, rallying support from the residents of Boston.

And well…let's just say I just so happened to be in the area, and saw a man like that could use some funds to support him.

That's right. All I had to do was give him money to pay for any costs the Sons Of Liberty may incur.

The fact I also owned almost every newspaper in the Colonies helped.

Of course, I didn't actually have any actual animosity towards the British Empire.

But that was because I was mega rich, so the taxes they were enacting didn't affect me.

But it did affect the little people of the 13 Colonies.

Most people were already scraping by.

But now, with extra taxes dumped on their heads, they were drowning.

Of course, I could probably make the British Empire lessen the pressure they were putting on the Colonies.

But if I did that, I wouldn't be able to enact one of my biggest fantasies.

Which was to see, as well as help with, the American revolution.

Maybe it was petty of me to do, but America needed to become independent, and there was really only one way that would happen.

At the moment, me and Samuel were in cahoots with other Liberty members.

My role was to print anti stamp tax flyers, while the other members would go around at night and nail them everywhere.

Normally, I would be heavily taxed on the paper I used to make those exact flyers.

Except I had the paper bought in France then shipped, by my own ships, to me in Massachusetts all in secrecy.

The reason it had to be done in secrecy was because England no longer used my ships to transport goods to the American Colonies. In fact, they directly told my bank head in England that if any of my ships did not sell their goods in England to the Crown, It would put my bank against the crown.

So, in other words, my ships had to sell any goods they might have brought to the Colonies and sold Tax free to England.

Where the crown would then expect us to sell to them at almost no profit for us prices.

All so they can turn around and ship it to America, where it would then be sold with tax.

My guess was since they didn't have India under their thumb, it made them a lot poorer than in the original history.

But that did not mean they were weaker.

England still held a very impressive army that was well trained and hardened to battle in places like Austria, Quebec, and again, the Spanish to the south of the Colonies.

If I didn't want the American Revolution to happen, I would have been more than happy to pull my bank, along with all shipping from England.

But only God knows what would happen if I did that, especially with a mad king at the helm of their kingdom.

It also wasn't that big of an issue for use.

We still had the Indian sea trade that we could take to other kingdoms who would be glad to buy from us.

Like France, who was in the middle of a rather shaky part of their history.


Over the past five years, I had become quite the notarized person in the city of Boston, as well as the colony of Massachusetts.

It wasn't hard to see I was a like-minded man to Samuel Adams and the other members of the sons of library to the people who knew of me.

Especially, when my papers continued to slander the crown and the actions they were taking to "push down on the great people of the Colonies".

During this time, I took on my oldest alias of Adam Gottes.

One of, if not the, wealthiest men in all of the colonies.

Of course, I was, without a doubt, the wealthiest man in the entire world.

But the everyday Joe didn't need to know that fact.

Since joining the Sons of Liberty, I have built an entire persona for myself.

To the world, I was a wealthy young man, of above average intellect, who inherited a fortune from my father, along with nearly every printing shop, of any worth, in all the Colonies, as well as 7a significant amount of land with active farms with resident farmers, paying me yearly.

It was also well known that most, if not all, of the money I got from my farms and printing shops went back into the Colonies, as "donations" to the colonies from myself, Adam Gottes.

These donations were put in use for the betterment of the citizens of Boston.

Building new schools and roads, and I even collaborated with Benjamin Franklin to build a large library for the residents of Boston.

And let me say, the man was smart, but at the same time a little snobbish, arrogant, and quite the womanizer.7

I took a larger part in the limelight after I and a few other significant figures managed to halt the Boston massacre from happening.

I intervened by bringing Mister Samuel Adams and his cousin John Adams with me for a late night 'stroll' where we 'mistakenly' came upon the riot.

Doing it like this allowed Samuel, his cousin John, and myself, all notable figures in the community, to defuse the situation.

But that didn't mean we didn't later bash and let everyone in all 13 Colonies know what the redcoats were about to do to the innocent men, wemon, and children who were present during the protest.

This happening this way, didn't get people immediately up in arms.

Instead, it was a slower burn, but in the end, I knew it would still end up with the same result.


Well, it has finally begun.

The first battles of concord and Lexington have happened.

Unfortunately, I could not be there, as I had to go to Philadelphia, as I was now a part of the second continental congress.

With notable figures such as Samuel Adams, John Adams, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and John Hancock.

I was chosen along with Samuel Adams, John Adams, and John Hancock, by the provisional Massachusetts Congress, to represent Massachusetts.

The main reason I was chosen was for my reputation in the Colonies and the substantial donations I had made to the commonwealth of the colony.

Unfortunately, I wasn't a part of the first Continental congress because at the time, I was in New York dealing with the whole England wanting to buy all of our trade for pennies on the quarters.


I don't know why, but the device I use to write always auto corrects Especially to Aspeshaly without it having the Error marks on it.

I'll try my best to catch them in the future.

Also if you would like to support my writing, check out my patron @.


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