For the next three months, Julius trained his new abilities.
And I must say "Holy…fuckin…shit"
Julius's power stopped growing after a month of him awakening it.
But by then, he could already unroot hundred-foot trees with his damn mind, And shoot rocks or pebbles faster than bullets.
If he wanted to, he could pick me up and throw me around with his mind.
But he quickly learned that was a bad idea.
I started carrying pebbles with me, and he found out that I throw accurately when I need to.
I found out that his power has a feeling to it, it's very subtle and almost impossible to feel unless you're around it all the time when he uses it.
And if he wants to use it on me I can feel it creep towards me, and that's when the pebbles come in.
It only took him having to reattach one of his ears for him to get the memo. "I'm not a rag doll to be thrown around"
And finally, the day has come when we can leave the forest and go after Julius's family's killers.
Sliding my pack over my shoulder I look over at Julius, who just slung his pack.
"Are you ready to go?" I asked him.
Looking around to make sure he didn't leave anything he said "Good to go"
And off we went.
I wasn't worried about bringing him into a village or town.
While training his martial skills I also trained his self-control.
I would cut my hand open and smear it around our camp so he would always have the smell of fresh blood around him all the time.
I know what you're thinking "gross" but hey it worked soooo (raspberry noise) deal with it.
With his already incredible self-control, all that was needed was more training with the direct smell of human blood instead of smelling it through skin and flesh.
So training under stronger smell training I guess. "What has my life become," has become a recurring thought in my head.
I mean one day a nerd and now a few thousand years later in what used to be a fictional world to me, I'm now a master shifu for a vampire kid with the ability to throw me around with his mind…need I say more?
But back to the story.
Leaving our camp behind, we begin our journey.
But first, we make a stop.
We now stood in front of two makeshift graves.
The two make shit graves only now starting to grow grass, making them easier to find.
We stood silently at the foot of the graves in respect for the dead.
After a few minutes, Julius finally turned to me.
"I think it's time I get my revenge," he says and walks past me.
And off we went.
It took us another few days to reach a village.
It only had a small population but it did have a few traders so I could get some supplies.
Sure fresh meat is good and all, but it's so bland, I only packed enough spices for a few months and not the almost year it took for Julius to be ready.
I also had to get Julius some clothes.
His clothes wore out after a few months of training and he was now using my clothes to cover any showing skin but his eyes.
I really need to find something out about that.
Like some sort of paint or something. I'm sure with my pull in Rome I could make it the next sensation, but if not, no big deal we still had the royal era where nobles or the rich literally painted thick paint onto themselves for what they thought was "beauty".
Entering the village I bought the needed supplies and extra spices.
Along with a white cloak for Julius with a hood to cover his head.
While we were there we asked around for any information about the two vampires.
Finding an old man sitting in front of his small rundown home we asked him.
"ohh I think I might have seen two strange men passing through quite a while ago," he said in a raspy voice.
"And what direction did they leave in?" I asked excitedly as we already got a lead.
The old man scratched his almost bald head and said.
"ohh that was a long time ago I'm not too sure I remember," he said.
"Uhhhh this old man is killing me," I thought while pinching the bridge of my nose.
I knew exactly what he wanted, this old fogie wanted money for information.
I know I have a lot of money and all but what you would call a penny pincher.
What can I say, old habits are hard to kill, even though it's from my life before I came here when I was one missed day of paying rent away from living in a box.
So with a defeated sigh, I grabbed a silver from my pouch, held it up, and said.
"What about now," and with no shame the old man grabbed the coin from my hand and pointed south.
"they went that way a few months ago, it's hard to not remember them, they almost had all the women chasing after them with their godly looks," he said while biting into the coin.
"Well thanks for the information," I said with a fake smile and began to walk away with Julius while mumbling under my breath.
Leaving the town, me and Julius headed south.
All the way I told stories to Julius of my past and adventures. And he would ask questions.
Every now and then we would pass through villages and ask if people had seen our vampires.
And of course, they had.
The biggest thing to keep people from boredom was gossip.
And we'll when two men that look like demi-gods or wore strange clothing, pass through your village, that's some hot gossip.
So it was easy to follow their track.
From what we could tell, these two vampires were taking their time.
And we were slowly catching up with them.
And it didn't take a genius to figure out where they were heading.
So that gave me another reason to kill them.
And before they got to Rome.
Because these two are clearly killers and didn't care about human life.
Every now and then, we would come across dead bodies of travelers in resting locations along the roads.
Making me hate them all the more.
The last thing I want is for them to get to Rome and start a coven of newborns.
That thought made me turn on the afterburners.
Instead of walking, me and Julius ran at full speed so we could catch up with them quickly.
And within another month we had finally found them.
After talking to someone in the village we found out that they had just left the village no less than thirty minutes ago.
Me and Julius look at each other and then take off.
Thankfully we didn't zoom out of the village and instead waited until we were out of sight before taking off, hot on their heels.
It only took minutes of us running at full speed to catch up to them.
Both of them were in head-to-toe black cloaks with the head cover up to help keep their skin from sparkling.
When we were a few hundred feet they both turned to look at us.
The shock was clear to see on their faces.
Me and Julius come to an abrupt stop and have a stare-off.
One of them slowly lowers his cloak's good and looks at us.
All the while staring at Julius.
"you," the taller one with long brown hair said with clear disgust in his voice.
"You are supposed to be dead."
"Clearly I'm not," Julius said in a condescending voice.
This time the shorter one spoke, but he had yet to remove his hood.
"It seems he held on to life long enough for him to change."
Turning his head to Julius he said in his deep voice. Revealing only an evil smile from under his cloak.
"Come to get revenge, have you," he said with a chuckle in his voice.
"I've come for more than that," Julius says, his voice cold as ice and devoid of any feeling.
This was a side of him I had yet to see, this was the really pissed-off Julius.
"And what, you and your friend here thought you could get your revenge." the tall skinny vampire said slowly, taking off his cloak.
"pfft haha" I laughed at him.
"I won't do anything," I say, walking to the side of the road to lean on a tree.
"There's no need for me to help, Julius here can take on both of you all on his own."
Both of them only give me a quick glance before looking back to Julius's cold expressionless face.
The shorter one smiled again and said.
"It's your life you're throwing away."
He said and took off his cloak, revealing a very blocky ordinary face. With dark brown hair, almost black hair, and his deep crimson eyes.
The evil smile never leaves his face all the while.
"Would you like to know something?" he says, tossing his cloak to the side.
"your little brother…he had some of the sweetest blood I have ever had."
"it was like the nectar of the gods as it touched my tongue, the sweet-savory taste makes me salivate at just the thought," he said and smacked his lips to drive the point home.
Then the other vampire also with an evil grin spoke.
"Then there was your father, he had a very unique taste, oh how should I put it, a very gamey taste, ah yes… like the taste of those who have lived a full life with many more years to go but was destined to die at our hands."
He said with a sadistic chuckle.
These two were clearly unhinged and had a few screws loose.
"and the best part," said the shorter one
"was when I looked into your eyes, that fear in them I can see it now…yes, I can, the sadness and hatred I can see it, the fear," he said, sounding more insane the more he spoke.
And his smile grew wider and wider showing off his slightly longer K9s.
"ohh that feeling," he said, his hand slowly going down to his crotch.
"Ohhhhhh he's one of those guys" I thought, having to put a hand over my mouth to stop myself from puking or killing him myself.
"If we weren't so hungry, me and my friend here would've had more fun with you and your brother and father before killing you."
"I would have loved to see that fear in your brother's eyes, ohhh I'm sure it would have been blissful."
The shorter vampire said, and I was close to killing them myself but before they could continue to talk, Julius made his move.
The shorter vampire who seemed to be the one in charge was about to speak again, now with his hand fully touching his crotch when the ground seemed to shake.
Both vampires froze, their smiles slowly dropping from their faces, at the sight of rocks, pebbles, and anything on the ground starting to float off the ground.
Then one of his hands shot up in their direction, licking them in place.
The shock was clear on their faces, their eyes as wide as saucers.
"You're going to suffer a death that will make the both of you beg for me to end your lives before I'm done with you," Julius said in his cold voice.
" And when you beg that's when the real torture starts."
Moving his hand down the two vampires went to their knees, still wide-eyed.
Then the show began.
Pebbles began to shoot the two vampires who were now on their knees.
But he didn't just shoot them with the pebbles, oh no what he did was way worse.
He only grazed them, talking them apart piece by small piece, slowly taking them apart.
Each pebble taking small pieces of them, causing them to scream in agony.
And for hours he continued.
And I let him.
Because I knew, if I was him I would have done much worse.
I would have taken off their arms and legs and cooked them over a volcano for a few hundred years.
The first one to break was the tall guy.
"Just kill me already, I can't take this anymore." he bellowed.
And I saw the smile spread over Julius's face.
"Sure," he said.
Then with both hands aimed at the tall vampire, Julius slowly moved his hands inward, slowly crushing him.
After a minute the vampire started to scream bloody murder, like his flesh was being cut off of his bones.
Then the creaking sounds started. Crack after crack then the sound of him slowly crumbling under Julius's hate and anger that he buried deep down inside him waiting for just this moment to be used as the fuel to kill his and his family's killers.
"CRACK" Then a loud crack then crumble sounded out as the tall vampire was turned to all but cristal dust, all the while his shorter friend watched on in horror, the gross part is I could see that he was hard the whole time.
"disgusting," I thought as I could only imagine how sick this man was.
"your turn," Julius said, looking back at the shorter vampire.
"wait," was all he managed to say before he was lifted into the air.
Then in a flash, all of his limbs except for his head were torn from his body.
"ahhhh" the shorter vampire screamed.
"Oh I would save that," said Julius.
"Like I said earlier, we're just getting started."
I was starting to wonder if I should stop him, but I realized that in his current state, he would more than likely try to kill me if I tried to interfere with this.
The best I could do was hope that him doing this won't affect his personality.
I watched as Julius aligned the limbs back into place on the shorter vampire's body then they started making circling motions.
"he's going to ground him into dust using his own limbs to do so," I thought as I watched on.
Not gonna lie, I was impressed.
I would have never thought to do that.
But I had to put an end to this.
"Julius that's enough, it's time to end this," I said, making sure to keep a good distance between us.
Three in one day how bout them apples