The eyes and mouth of the masks seem to be screaming, some of them have cried illusory tears again.
Adryan's expression stayed the same.
With a sweet smile and soft eyes, completely unaware of how the glove seemed to be about to die.
"I think you two will make very good friends" he said amused as he brought his hands a little closer and the masks in the glove began to cry much louder.
The horror they displayed grew by multiple levels but before Adryan could clasp his hands he stopped, now wearing a curious expression.
"Oh? It seems you don't like the Burnt Band, that's not nice you know? And I told her that she would have a new friend..." the redhead's expression turned sad and his eyes showed disappointment.
Some of the glove masks that weren't horrified by the Burnt Band stared at Adryan in disbelief.
As if they were telling him, don't you realize what you're doing? Why do you show a sad expression as if what you are doing hurts you? Do you have a loose nut?
Adryan let out a soft sigh and looked down at the glove.
" It's obvious that you don't like the Burnt Band so I won't force her to be with someone who doesn't know how to appreciate her." The redhead spoke, it seemed that he was rejecting the boyfriend of his only daughter.
"Well, how about a deal? The deal is that if you decide to abandon me having to praise you every 3 hours then I won't give you to this little friend." Adryan said with a small smile as he gently waved the Burnt Band over the glove.
The glove masks wept and after a few seconds Adryan pulled the band away.
"Do we have a deal? Smiling means Yes, Crying means No"
The masks showed indignation and angry expressions.
Adryan shook his head as he sighed.
"Wrong answer"
He waved the burning band over the glove again but this time brought the glove a little closer, causing some of the masks to start moving as they tried to move away from the band.
After another few seconds, Adryan move the band away.
He didn't say anything but raised an eyebrow at the glove.
At this, most of the glove's masks began to smile but some continued to cry.
Adryan shook his head and repeated the same movement.
After another 5 times, each and every one of the masks wore a big happy smile.
"See? It wasn't that hard, was it?"
Adryan chuckled, sending spirituality into the floating flame and it expanded again to form the gate of flames.
Returning to his body, he opened his eyes and saw the Burnt Sash and the glove in front of him.
Out of respect for the deal, he had the gauntlet as far away from the Burned Band as possible.
He did not move from his place but gave a devout military salute.
"Praise the Monarch!"
Saying that, he carefully grabbed the Burnt Bnad and the glove.
He put the Burned Band in his pocket and placed the glove on the table, then he went to his closet, and from it, he took out several white papers along with scissors.
He placed all his materials on the table and sat down in his chair.
He grabbed a piece of paper and scissors and began to cut.
After a while, he had several paper figures on the table.
'Being an Architecture student makes it quite easy to make the figurines and the Pyromaniac's hand made this even easier' the redhead thought with a smile as he placed the scissors on the table and grabbed a paper figurine and checked them for any failure.
"Is it an artifact made of a magician's characteristic?" Flora finally spoke, her question wasn't asked like one but rather it was said like a fact.
Adryan smiled and nodded as he lowered the paper figurine and grabbed the glove.
"It has the ability of Paper Figurine Substitute and Flaming Jump, the negative effect is that while I have it on I will seek the praise of an audience and if I wear it for more than 20 minutes it will become more difficult to remove it." the redhead explained calmly while looking at the smiling masks on the glove.
'Now you'll be very useful~'
"Your Lord is very generous to give you an artifact" the woman said curiously.
At first, she thought that the redhead had sacrificed that Band for secret reasons but it turns out that God had returned it to her along with a glove.
'Is that Band an artifact that has to be sealed from time to time? It's nothing special...' Flora thought as she took a quick look at the black band but quickly stopped herself.
'Stay out of God's business...' she quickly reminded herself.
What the God did was none of her business and if she wanted to live she must ignore it.
To divert his curiosity she spoke again.
"Princess Tomato you are preparing quite a bit for this attack" Flora said calmly.
For her this was the best, this would further ensure her survival.
"Better prepared than empty-handed." Adryan responded just as calmly as he looked at all the details on the glove.
The glove was made of a fabric and leather that felt comfortable to the touch.
'I wonder how many substitutes I can make before my spirituality runs out?' Not seeing the damage, the redhead grabbed the paper figures he had made and placed the glove on his right hand.
He tossed one of the figurines across the room and performed a substitution, trading places with the figurine.
Adryan raised an eyebrow curiously.
'It consumes a little less spirituality than a Shadow Leap at maximum distance,' he quickly calculated, feeling his spirituality.
He then formed a small fireball that he controlled to fly a few steps away from him.
He then snapped his fingers and flames engulfed him, he reemerged from the fireball in a flame show of sparks.
'And this one barely consumes half a Shadow Leap...'
Although he consumed half the spirituality, the distance he could make in a Flaming Jump was only 1/3 of what he could with a Shadow Leap.
'Also the Flaming Jump is not discreet and the negative effect of the glove makes it worse, in that case, the Shadow Leap is much better'
With a quick assessment of the advantages and disadvantages of the Glove's abilities, Adryan was satisfied.
He closed his right fist feeling the glove on it.
He then frowned.
Calling it Glove felt lame and he didn't really like Magician Glove either, it seemed pretty flat to him.
"Flora tell me would you like to name this glove?"
"What's with that offer?" Flora asked curiously.
"The glove has no name and honestly calling it a Glove has no essence, I just asked to see if you were interested"
Flora was silent for a few seconds.
"How about Guanto di Pomodoro?"
Adryan's eyebrow twitched slightly and the smile on his face turned tight.
Guanto di Pomodoro in Feysac meant Tomato Glove.
"Ha ha very funny" the redhead said sarcastically and Flora let out an amused laugh.
"What's up Tomato Princess? Doesn't that seem quite fitting? Every princess needs her glove after all!" she said amused and adryan could only sigh.
"I don't know why I bothered asking an old lady about names." he said disappointed.
"Hey!" Flora said annoyed and offended.
"I told you I'm not an old lady!"
The spotlight in Adryan's brain went on and a huge smile spread across his face.
"I know what I'm gonna name it now!"
"I'm not interested" Flora answered annoyed as she got ready to sleep.
"It will be Vecchio pomodoro!"
Upon hearing the name, Flora abandoned her attempt to sleep and yelled in annoyance.
"You bastard! Do you even have shame?!"
Vecchio pomodoro in Feysac meant Old tomato.
Adryan chuckled.
"Come on don't you think that's a pretty fitting name? It shows our beautiful relationship after all!"
"I am a tomato and you are an old lady!"
"AAAAAHRGGGGG" Flora could only yell in annoyance after hearing that.
She wasn't old!!
Adryan just laughed in amusement at Flora's reaction.
She was very easy to tease~
"Your father hasn't been acting weird, has he?" Adryan asked as he looked at Jerry, he noticed small changes in the girl.
The aura that the girl gave off had become brighter and more cheerful like a normal child.
'It seems that with her father healed, she is more relaxed now... That makes sense.' the redhead concluded.
When any of his parents got sick, he would worry a lot and become more serious till they recovered.
Today was Thursday and he had come to check on the condition of the girl's father.
They were both sitting in the same place as last time, on the old wooden steps of the top floor.
Jerry was sitting on the same step as Adryan, a few feet away, her hands clasped gently in her lap.
"He is still the same as always Mr. Holmes, Why?" Jerry raised an eyebrow, her tone showing a little confusion.
Since she had given him the liquid from the vial to drink, her father had completely improved, he was even able to return to work in the factory.
Adryan ignored the girl's questioning look, he tilted his head slightly and asked nonchalantly.
"He hasn't been saying anything about how he misses the sun or praising the sun?"
Jerry was taken by surprise for a few seconds, she didn't respond but tried to remember some instances of her father acting that way.
After a few moments, she shook her head slightly.
"There was nothing strange or any attitude like the one you described, he is still the same as he was before he fell ill"
'Although much more affectionate...' she added mentally.
"I simply wanted to know how he was recovering, a mere curiosity of a Doctor towards his patient." Adryan responded calmly, internally relieved.
'Well, if someone drinks the sun water produced by Tauk Millennium they won't be turned into crazy fans of the Eternal Blazing Sun. Of course, it may be because the quantity drank was too small but this can be confirmed later... That strange grandfather has good hands' the redhead praised the grandfather's ability as he got rid of two of the doubts about his artifact.
The question was whether diseases were considered 'evils' that the Holy Water could solve, thanks to Jerry's father he knew that was the case.
Also, now he knew that it was safe to directly consume the same water, there was no risk of becoming a crazy believer of the Eternal Blazing Sun.
'If I'm ever lost somewhere, all consumable water concerns have been solved.'
'Leaving that aside, it seems that she's more comfortable with me...' the redhead thought amused and curious as he saw that Jerry was sitting a bit far from him.
Unlike the first time, where she had always stood in front of him, never approaching him or turning her back on him. Now she sat a few steps away from him, looking at him calmly.
Her gray eyes didn't give him that feeling of being watched or analyzed.
He then nodded and said satisfied.
"That's good to hear that Jerry, I have a question I'd like you to answer."
"Ask Mr. Holmes" Jerry said with a little more emotion.
"In the building where they do the tests, are there any conditions to be chosen to enter to do the tests?"
Jerry's eyes widened slightly in surprise at this question, she quickly recovered and answered calmly.
"There are no conditions Mr. Holmes, anyone can be chosen to enter but usually the Truman Street workers are chosen."
Adryan nodded at the information, several plans formed in his head, under his mask an arrogant smile grew.
Rising from his spot, Adryan looked at Jerry.
"It has been a pleasure working with you little one, recently I found out that this weekend there will be a lot of noise so it will be better that you and your father stay at home to be safe~"
Jerry easily caught the man's warning and her mouth dropped slightly, she nodded.
"Thank you for the warning Mr. Holmes"
Adryan just nodded and walked down the stairs.
"Wait, sir!"
Just as he got to the first landing on the stairs, Jerry spoke up and stopped him.
Adryan turned to look at the girl curiously.
Jerry had gotten up from her spot, her ears slightly red and she could barely make eye contact.
"What's up Jerry?" the redhead asked interested.
Jerry took a few breaths to gather her courage, then she reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of newspaper.
She held the piece out to him with her shaking arm, she couldn't hold any more eye contact and lowered her head sheepishly, her ears bright red now.
"Please could you..." she stammered, her tone dropping lower and lower until it was barely above a whisper.
Adryan was slightly surprised by that, he went back up the stairs and took the newspaper that Jerry had handed him.
The girl then lowered her arm and lifting her head slightly, she looked with her gray eyes full of anticipation at Adryan.
'You look like my dog Miel, she was a very small brown poodle like you, she also looked at me like that when she wanted to play ball' Adryan thought full of tenderness, he lowered his gaze and looked at the piece of newspaper.
It was a section with a pretty decent drawing of him as Holmes, even though it was skinnier than he actually was.
It was obvious that it was a recent one.
"Princess Tomato, it seems your fan wants your autograph~" Flora teased with amusement, laughing softly.
A slight blush grew on Adryan's cheeks but controlling himself, he spoke calmly.
"Oh~ would you like me to sign this little one?"
Jerry, not trusting her voice, just nodded.
The blush had spread to her cheeks.
Adryan chuckled softly at how cute Jerry looked, he pulled a red fountain pen from his pocket.
"I can't disappoint my most faithful fan." he said teasingly causing the girl to lower her head embarrassed.
He signed the newspaper and handed it back to Jerry.
The girl took it with her trembling hands, she had a smile and looked excitedly at the man's signature.
_For my Number 1 Fan ♥️_
_James Holmes _
She blew out a shaky breath and hugged the newspaper with a big smile, her eyes closed.
But they opened when she felt a hand petting her head.
She looked at the man's creepy mask in surprise.
Adryan chuckled softly, removing his hand from the girl's head, he turned and walked down the stairs as he said goodbye to the girl.
"Take care Jerry"
Jerry looked dazedly at the man as he walked away, but before he was out of sight she ran down the stairs.
She stopped at the landing and watched as the man was putting a black band around his arm.
"Will I ever see you again?!" she asked desperately and Adryan calmly donned the Burnt Band.
'I hope not.' he thought with the corners of his lips shaking, he then turned to look at Jerry.
"Maybe someday" he then turned around and entering the shadows of the floor he disappeared.
Jerry ran to the place where she had seen the man but couldn't find him anywhere.
It was as if he had evaporated.
She could only tightly hug the newspaper with the man's signature.
From a nearby alley, Adryan gazed at the residential building for a few moments before turning and starting to walk away.
"Princess Tomato is a Softy~" Flora sang mischievously and Adryan sighed.
"What's that about Miss Dancing Worm?" Adrian countered calmly.
Flora got stuck for a few moments but recovering, she answered amused.
"Well, you went to all that trouble with that girl to help her without needing to do that at all. Your heart is a sweet marshmallow Princes Tomato~"
"You know that everything could have only taken 10 minutes" she said a little darkly.
"I'm not killing a child," Adryan replied coldly, his voice an iceberg.
"I never said anything about killing Princess, you know it's not necessary to do that but you still went through all that trouble for the girl" Flora said carelessly but then she chuckled.
"That makes you a Softy~" she said mischievously.
Adryan just sighed, internally he agreed with Flora as well as disagreed.
He was able to simply channel Jerry's spirit to get everything she knew without having to go through all that trouble.
And normally he would have done it, he knew that there was no need to kill Jerry to speak with her spirit, thanks to the book that Isengard had given him he knew how to do it but he didn't do it with her.
His bottom line was innocent children, he would not hurt or take advantage of innocent children in such a way.
If they were evil he had no problem but Jerry was innocent.
Sighing, he continued on his way.
'I really am a softy...'