/ Book&Literature / Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI) 原創

Enchanting Melodies (HP SI)

Book&Literature 327 章節 6.9M 流覽
作者: athass_prkr

4.55 (131 評分)

簡介 目錄


[A SI Harry Potter Fanfiction]


Harry Potter was an odd boy, everyone knew it. His eyes were too aware, he was too calm, too intelligent for it to be natural. This remained a mystery, even to the boy himself, until one day he remembered the man he used to be.
Alas, The magical world is far more treacherous than the one from his past life and he must either succumb or rise above them all.
Will he rise to the challenge?


I will upload a chapter every Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday.
(although I might upload a chapter randomly just for the hell of it)
Chapters will be at least 2k words long.


I don't own pretty much anything in this Fanfic.





  1. athass_prkr
    athass_prkr 贡献 1361
  2. 3ll
    3ll 贡献 1236
  3. Vingilote
    Vingilote 贡献 1186


Rank -- 推薦票 榜單
Stone -- 推薦票




  • 寫作品質
  • 更新的穩定性
  • 故事發展
  • 人物形象設計
  • 世界背景



I am giving the story five stars because ... well everybody seems to do it, and I did it in my last story. Anyway, if you have any comments or criticism let me know. I hope you enjoy this fic...


The story overall is pretty decent, but it has a major flaw that makes it hard for me to want to read. It’s overly descriptive, and by that I mean 99% of the chapters are descriptions about certain things. As well as Harry constantly thinking, which make sure fic a chore to read as it gets boring fast. It took like 15-16 chapters just for him to get the his first class at Hogwarts. And like 13-14 to actually get to Hogwarts itself. The other fanfic this author has suffers from this same problem, which is just a lot (and I mean a LOT) of descriptions, thinking, and world background without anything truly happening. Not to mention the fact that Harry seems like your cliche Emo/loner Mc who is always quiet and super smart and all that. Overall I might continue reading, but if it’s anything like their other fic (which was definitely worse than this one) I probably will not.


What happend to this novel? It had amazing start and was one of my favorite novel but suddenly mc seem to be a differnt person..his outburst at hermione incident, malfoy drama and now he want friendship and family. If this is just another harry craving for love and friendship then i'd rather just go read the cannon any day.


I’m writing this review at Chp.22. Thus far the novel has proven to be well written and with a wonderful start to the story. The original canon has been altered, however it is still really good as you can see the original story happening yet our mc having his own adventure within the story. The melody’s of magic is an ingenious idea within this story and I’ve enjoyed it immensely. In regards to the MCs character, I’m still torn between despised and intrigued. You see, our mc is a pacifistic bookworm through and through. While I do enjoy an MC with a handle on his bloodlust and family murdering tendencies, it does get a bit odd when someone attacks you from behind and insults you at any given moment to not return the favour. In any case, there is still room for character development whether good or bad and I look forward to reading the upcoming chapters. Signed The most arrogant of all young masters.


im leaving a mixed review here hoping the author reads it. so far the story seems well paced and well written in terms of language and structure. im pointing out the things marring my reading experiance hoping it helps dont let it detract from your enjoyment of what seems to be a well written tale. however reading up to chapter 15 the story has a distinct feeling of condecension, towards the established lore, world building and plot. instead of just changing what the author wants they keep criticizing the established world building and stating that their version is the one that makes sense over the original. that may not be the intent but it certainly seems to be the effect. another thing that i mind is that the protagonist seems to be one of those transmigrators who looks down upon all the plot and conflicts as a high and mighty voice of reason that cant be bothered with childish politics and looks at all the mysteries and norms of the world as senseless and beneath them. and the character seems to hold most other characters in disdain and acts haughtyt and rude but is facing absolutely no consequences for it. it seems that the author intends for them to be this way. this however conflicts directly with how the author describes the character. on the whole the character seems unconcerned with the world and events and just wants to be a research hobo who is power hungry... to sum ot up this story has forspoken syndrome.... where the protagonists personality ruins your immersion and enjoyment of an otherwise likeable and well made world


Author it seems like you're trying to follow the framwork you set in the beginning and its stopping your novel into becoming something better. Constantly trying to force the cannon with such a big plot twist from the beginning doesnt make any sense when it could be so much better if you let the story progress organically. You have amazing take on magic and the unqiue power mc have, why not focus more on it with occational mix of cannon where he can just help if convinient or ignore it since dumby gonna control the narrative anyway. I'd recommend: Ancient rune professor, mythical journey if you wanna check out other novels that did following the cannon without letting it dictate the flow of story genre.


In this story, there are too many descriptions of what is happening around the main character, I have read all the available chapters at the moment and in this plot 80% of the description of the world background, which in fact is not necessary and only 20% of the plot, plus the main character seems to be some kind of emo loner who only does, that he reads books in a corner alone.


Things went down hill the moment the diary came into play.

LV 14 Badge

I tried reading this 3-4 times, but i can't do it.. The MC's personality is just so "irritating" to me he is pathetic for an "adult," a pushover, and i am so biased against him that he could just be breathing and i would be here in the comments section berating him for that lol


this becomes painful to read after the Hermione troll incident, I forced myself to read up to chapter 59 and it just gets worse and worse.


Sorry but the MC is too pathetic. Everyone insult him and his parents and he is still smilling and doing nothing. He sacrifice everything for a cheap moral superiority. The first time that he defended himself it was used to force him into the original plot.


I love the AU aspects of this story where the idiotic things not explained in the books are fleshed out and now make sense. Having a pet toad is now a toad choir, winning the house cup now has actual benefits in the next year, etc. I wish more HP fanfics would have stuff like this instead of making the entire Wizarding world seem stupid so that their MC can seem smarter in comparison.


ooook, I have very mixed feelings about this fanfic. The first 20ish chapters were perfect in my opinion and hooked me into reading the entire thing, but past that it became very... frustrating for me ig. Like it was mentioned in the 80th or so chapters where the MC is a coward and doesn't wanna get involved in the whole light vs dark war, but like, most of the stuff that he does are completely unnecessary and brings attention onto him, so like wth. Other than the plot dev the whole story is very good, I like that you decided to change the magic system a bit and added some Nasuverse power system elements. The characters themselves are good, though sometimes the SI just switches personalities which gets kinda annoying to read, but all in all everything else is perfect. 3.8/5, plot forcing kinda ruins the score. (pic is Riddle Tate and Harry the Pot smoker rivalry colorized.


This fanfic is surely the best fanfic I've read. - The world is amazing and feels alive when we read. - The characters' development is really good, and unlike other fanfics, we can clearly see when we read that other characters that the MC have a real development. - And for me, the thing I prefer the most in this fanfic is the fact that when the MC has a problem, he doesn't just use a power absolutely OP. Because even if he was very good at magic, he was not a God, and that is cool because he really use his brain and what is even cooler is the fact that his enemies use their brains to. AND ALL OF THAT IS WELL WRITTEN. (The second year is the best example of that, and actually, I think it deserved to be read to this point if you really want to know if you like it. ) Thanks for this amazing fanfic author. ❤️


This fanfic is not bad, it's just too boring. I love fanfics that are easy to read, not too rigid and cumbersome. This fanfic here is too logical, the MC doesn't feel like he is the MC. Just a normal person who reincarnated into Harry Potter world and started to learn about magic. He isn't talented and he doesn't have any Golden Finger or anything else to help him, he works hard to get anywhere. If it was only that, it would have been okay, but the problem is that the MC honesty doesn't get anywhere even with all his hard work, since as I said before this is a very logical fanfic, and not everyone can get as strong as Dumbledore and Voldemort through hard work... How many wizards dedicated themselves to studying and practicing magic but still didn't amount to much? A lot... I don't know what happens later on in this fanfic, but the first 100 chapters are very very boring and I honestly couldn't continue past it. So it is a 3 star review from me.

LV 1 Badge

one of the best HP novel i have read. the magic melodies was brilliant, the only reason for 4 star was because the MC is a pacifist. he doesn't fight back, even when him or his parents were insulted when they throw spells at him and even when he's called a traitor, all he does is use his mouth, and it got to the point where I can't stand it so regretfully I am dropping this here.


It’s crazy how good this book actually is. The author has such an interesting take on the Harry Potter universe. This is probably to best HP fanfic I’ve ever read and that’s saying something cuz I’ve read A LOT of fanfic.


So far, there are no complaints. The plot currently has a lot of potential, however will it stay that way? The MC is quite pragmatic, and introverted, which is not an issue, but will this lead to a high-and-mighty character or an ignore all type. Thanks for posting your novel.


Its Way way way too dark. Atleast put a Dark Tag or something my guy. It is honestly a really good story if you are looking for something that just keeps going darker and grittier. I just don't like how many things are going on all at ones, it is getting pretty overwhelming to keep track of the no. of plot points going on all at ones.


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  1. 1
    Chapter 1: A Disappointing Childhood 1 years ago
  2. 2
    Chapter 2: The Incident 1 years ago
  3. 3
    Chapter 3: Remembrance 1 years ago
  4. 4
    Chapter 4: Semblance of Magic 1 years ago
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    Chapter 5: The Letter 1 years ago
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    Chapter 6: Wilted Flower 1 years ago
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    Chapter 7: The Alley 1 years ago
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    Chapter 8: Shopping 1 years ago
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    Chapter 9: The Wand 1 years ago
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    Chapter 10: Hogwarts Preparation 1 years ago
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    Chapter 11: Ride on the Express 1 years ago
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    Chapter 12: Magical Welcome 1 years ago
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    Chapter 13: Better Be… 1 years ago
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    Chapter 14: House Tour 1 years ago
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    Chapter 15: First Days 1 years ago
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    Chapter 16: Order and Chaos 1 years ago
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    Chapter 17: Charming Housemates 1 years ago
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    Chapter 18: Silence in the Library 1 years ago
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    Chapter 19: Trouble Brewing 1 years ago
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    Chapter 20: Fame and Glory 1 years ago
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    Chapter 21: Valonquar 1 years ago
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    Chapter 22: Legacy 1 years ago
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    Chapter 23: Clouds 1 years ago
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    Chapter 24: The Brawl 1 years ago
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    Chapter 25: Of Meetings and Plots 1 years ago
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    Chapter 26: Of Frustrating Beavers 1 years ago
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    Chapter 27: Family Magic 1 years ago
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    Chapter 28: Magic Crests 1 years ago
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    Chapter 29: A Friend in me 1 years ago
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    Chapter 30: Samhain Excitement 1 years ago
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    Chapter 31: Troll 1 years ago
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    Chapter 32: Samhain Rituals 1 years ago
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    Chapter 33: Samhain Recovery 1 years ago
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    Chapter 34: Samhain Aftermath 1 years ago
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    Chapter 35: The Snowy Day 1 years ago
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    Chapter 36: Lionheart 1 years ago
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    Chapter 37: Beaver’s Contemplations 1 years ago
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    Chapter 38: Of Habits and Mischief 1 years ago
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    Chapter 39: A Snowy First Year 1 years ago
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    Chapter 40: Mirror of Desire 1 years ago
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    Chapter 41: A Magical Christmas 1 years ago
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    Chapter 42: Cloak of Winter 1 years ago
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    Chapter 43: The Library Has Been Breached 1 years ago
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    Chapter 44: The Two-Faced Man 1 years ago
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    Chapter 45: Dodging a Bullet 1 years ago
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    Chapter 46: The Dueling Club 1 years ago
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    Chapter 47: Reparations 1 years ago
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    Chapter 48: The Howling Banshee 1 years ago
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    Chapter 49: Eventful Detention 1 years ago
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    Chapter 50: Of Rage and Jealousy 1 years ago
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    Chapter 51: The Silent Night 1 years ago
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    Chapter 52: The Truth to Happiness 1 years ago
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    Chapter 53: The Life Debt 1 years ago
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    Chapter 54: The First Duel 1 years ago
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    Chapter 55: Tic-Toc Goes the Clock 1 years ago
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    Chapter 56: The Dark Lord 1 years ago
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    Chapter 57: Riddle Me This 1 years ago
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    Chapter 58: Reflection 1 years ago
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    Chapter 59: The Investigative Headmaster 1 years ago
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    Chapter 60: Grass of Emerald 1 years ago
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    Chapter 61: The End and a Beginning 1 years ago
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    Chapter 62: Summer’s Child 1 years ago
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    Chapter 63: Prerogative 1 years ago
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    Chapter 64: The Alchemist 1 years ago
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    Chapter 65: Summer Days 1 years ago
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    Chapter 66: Planning a Heist 1 years ago
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    Chapter 67: The Diary 1 years ago
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    Chapter 68: The Blackest Night 1 years ago
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    Chapter 69: To Walk With Death 1 years ago
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    Chapter 70: Back Home 1 years ago
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    Chapter 71: The Game Is On 1 years ago
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    Chapter 72: Of Mysterious Traps 1 years ago
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    Chapter 73: The Fraudulent Professor 1 years ago
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    Chapter 74: An Unforgettable Lesson 1 years ago
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    Chapter 75: The Refraction Phenomena 1 years ago
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    Chapter 76: The Thing About Quidditch 1 years ago
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    Chapter 77: Slytherin’s Court 1 years ago
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    Chapter 78: Of Frustrating Crests 1 years ago
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    Chapter 79: Off Day 1 years ago
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    Chapter 80: Dueling Test 1 years ago
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    Chapter 81: The Game is Afoot 1 years ago
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    Chapter 82: The First Move 1 years ago
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    Chapter 83: Gambit 1 years ago
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    Chapter 84: Encounter 1 years ago
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    Chapter 85: Game of Shadows 1 years ago
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    Chapter 86: Reassessment 1 years ago
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    Chapter 87: The First Attack 1 years ago
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    Chapter 88: Pendulum 1 years ago
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    Chapter 89: Legacy 1 years ago
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    Chapter 90: The Thin Red Line  1 years ago
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    Chapter 91: Of Gifts and Clues 1 years ago
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    Chapter 92: Into the Deep 1 years ago
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    Chapter 93: Moon Shot 1 years ago
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    Chapter 94: Fire Storm 1 years ago
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    Chapter 95: Lunar Alliance 1 years ago
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    Chapter 96: Emerald Wands 1 years ago
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    Chapter 97: The Tongue of Serpents 1 years ago
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    Chapter 98: Of Foolish Plans 1 years ago
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    Chapter 99: Of Fantastic Beasts 1 years ago
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    Chapter 100: Closer Ties 1 years ago
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    Chapter 101: Impostor Syndrome 1 years ago
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    Chapter 102: Golden Trouble 1 years ago
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    Chapter 103: Difficult Position 1 years ago
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    Chapter 104: Of Burning Light 1 years ago
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    Chapter 105: One Step Forwards 1 years ago
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    Chapter 106: Dark Festivities 1 years ago
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    Chapter 107: Shot in the Dark 1 years ago
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    Chapter 108: Outsider’s Perception 1 years ago
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    Chapter 109: Slithering Letters 1 years ago
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    Chapter 110: Courtly Inquisition 1 years ago
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    Chapter 111: Unwanted Truths 1 years ago
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    Chapter 112: The Wolf of Hogsmeade 1 years ago
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    Chapter 113: Deal With the Devil 1 years ago
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    Chapter 114: Bloody Valentine 1 years ago
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    Chapter 115: Dance of Lions 1 years ago
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    Chapter 116: Of Earths and Stars 1 years ago
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    Chapter 117: Scarlet Precision 1 years ago
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    Chapter 118: Into the Abyss 1 years ago
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    Chapter 119: The Chamber of Secrets 1 years ago
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    Chapter 120: Check 1 years ago
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    Chapter 121: Queen’s Gambit 12 months ago
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    Chapter 122: Checkmate 12 months ago
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    Chapter 123: Truth and Consequences 12 months ago
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    Chapter 124: Truth Hurts 11 months ago
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    Chapter 125: Green Pastures 11 months ago
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    Chapter 126: Shedding Skins 11 months ago
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    Chapter 127: Mosaic  11 months ago
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    Chapter 128: Slithering Denouement  11 months ago
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    Chapter 129: New Beginnings 11 months ago
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    Chapter 130: Platinum 11 months ago
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    Chapter 131: Black Mirror 11 months ago
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    Chapter 132: Lion’s Grief 11 months ago
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    Chapter 133: Blood Feud 11 months ago
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    Chapter 134: Code Red 11 months ago
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    Chapter 135: Echo 11 months ago
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    Chapter 136: Earshot 11 months ago
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    Chapter 137: Listen 11 months ago
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    Chapter 138: Remuneration 11 months ago
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    Chapter 139: Mercenary 11 months ago
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    Chapter 140: August Ponderations 10 months ago
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    Chapter 141: The Defense Conundrum 10 months ago
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    Chapter 142: House on Fire 10 months ago
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    Chapter 143: Long Way Home 10 months ago
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    Chapter 144: Survivor’s Guilt 10 months ago
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    Chapter 145: Thrice Warned 10 months ago
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    Chapter 146: It’s Only Logical 10 months ago
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    Chapter 147: Lupine Behavior 10 months ago
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    Chapter 148: Thickening Mist 10 months ago
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    Chapter 149: Clearing the Fog 10 months ago
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    Chapter 150: Spherical Mishap 10 months ago
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    Chapter 151: Scarlet Hound 10 months ago
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    Chapter 152: Strategic Division 10 months ago
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    Chapter 153: Of Intrusive Beavers 10 months ago
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    Chapter 154: One Step At a Time 10 months ago
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    Chapter 155: Symbolic Dread 10 months ago
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    Chapter 156: Bloody Confessions 10 months ago
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    Chapter 157: Feral 9 months ago
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    Chapter 158: Looming Death 9 months ago
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    Chapter 159: Rebellion 9 months ago
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    Chapter 160: Demons Run 9 months ago
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    Chapter 161: A Good Man Goes to War 9 months ago
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    Chapter 162: Unmasked 9 months ago
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    Chapter 163: Reunion 9 months ago
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    Chapter 164: Dark Wings 9 months ago
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    Chapter 165: Amends 9 months ago
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    Chapter 166: Fresh Perspective 9 months ago
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    Chapter 167: New Resolutions 9 months ago
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    Chapter 168: Of Uncomfortable Giants 9 months ago
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    Chapter 169: Of Hounds and Wolves 9 months ago
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    Chapter 170: Of Precious Findings 9 months ago
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    Chapter 171: Of Dystopian Declarations 9 months ago
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    Chapter 172: Chaotic Retribution 9 months ago
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    Chapter 173: Of Evil and Death 9 months ago
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    Chapter 174: Of Cheeky Emeralds 9 months ago
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    Chapter 175: Winter Charm 8 months ago
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    Chapter 176: Tasking Course 8 months ago
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    Chapter 177: Race Against Destiny 8 months ago
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    Chapter 178: The Frozen Side 8 months ago
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    Chapter 179: His Final Trick 8 months ago
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    Chapter 180: The Black Swan 8 months ago
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    Chapter 181: The Lemon Tree 8 months ago
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    Chapter 182: The Serpent Awakens 8 months ago
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    Chapter 183: A Trace of Mischief 8 months ago
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    Chapter 184: Rumbling Depths 8 months ago
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    Chapter 185: Spectating Echoes 8 months ago
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    Chapter 186: Circular Reasoning  8 months ago
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    Chapter 187: Bleeding Heart  8 months ago
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    Chapter 188: The Crimson Light  8 months ago
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    Chapter 189: Of Desperate Vultures 8 months ago
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    Chapter 190: Wisdom and Choices 8 months ago
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    Chapter 191: Centurion 8 months ago
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    Chapter 192: Lengthy Desperation 7 months ago
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    Chapter 193: The Second Face 7 months ago
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    Chapter 194: Bright Futility 7 months ago
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    Chapter 195: Marooned 7 months ago
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    Chapter 196: A Thankless Job 7 months ago
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    Chapter 197: Retrospection 7 months ago
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    Chapter 198: Crouching Tiger 7 months ago
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    Chapter 199: Verdant Snow 7 months ago
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    Chapter 200: Eye of the Storm 7 months ago
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    Chapter 201: Courtly Sphere 7 months ago
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    Chapter 202: Pricey Remembrance 7 months ago
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    Chapter 203: The Lost Serpent 7 months ago
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    Chapter 204: Declared Thrice 7 months ago
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    Chapter 205: Tempest 7 months ago
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    Chapter 206: Twisted Web  7 months ago
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    Chapter 207: Daedalus’ Delights  7 months ago
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    Chapter 208: His Deepest Fear 7 months ago
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    Chapter 209: Nevermore 6 months ago
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    Chapter 210: Tentative Allies 6 months ago
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    Chapter 211: Turbulent Times 6 months ago
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    Chapter 212: A War of Words 6 months ago
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    Chapter 213: Infernal Garden 6 months ago
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    Chapter 214: Historical Recurrence 6 months ago
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    Chapter 215: One Bad Day 6 months ago
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    Chapter 216: Contraction 6 months ago
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    Chapter 217: Short Fuse 6 months ago
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    Chapter 218: Of Darkness and Death 6 months ago
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    Chapter 219: The Slow Knife 6 months ago
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    Chapter 220: Greener Pastures 6 months ago
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    Chapter 221: Vast Sorrows 6 months ago
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    Chapter 222: Darker Hearts 6 months ago
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    Chapter 223: A Rose’s Thorns 6 months ago
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    Chapter 224: The Long Howl 6 months ago
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    Chapter 225: Gold Rush 6 months ago
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    Chapter 226: Wisdom Incarnate 5 months ago
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    Chapter 227: Black and White 5 months ago
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    Chapter 228: The Serpent’s Maw 5 months ago
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    Chapter 229: The Old Guard 5 months ago
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    Chapter 230: The Wise Girl 5 months ago
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    Chapter 231: Remnants of Gaunt 5 months ago
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    Chapter 232: The Stony Path 5 months ago
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    Chapter 233: Cultural Exchange  5 months ago
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    Chapter 234: The Clever Owl 5 months ago
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    Chapter 235: Vengeful Ruby 5 months ago
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    Chapter 236: Of Blooming Flowers 5 months ago
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    Chapter 237: Courtly Retroflection 5 months ago
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    Chapter 238: Meeting His Match 5 months ago
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    Chapter 239: Enemies in Blood 5 months ago
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    Chapter 240: Snake in the Grass 5 months ago
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    Chapter 241: Damage Control 5 months ago
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    Chapter 242: Mysterious Raid 4 months ago
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    Chapter 243: Broken Secrets 4 months ago
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    Chapter 244: Black Heart 4 months ago
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    Chapter 245: Of Future Pasts 4 months ago
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    Chapter 246: Of Curious Herbs 4 months ago
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    Chapter 247: Meeting the Greenery 4 months ago
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    Chapter 248: Change in Management 4 months ago
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    Chapter 249: Stormy Vision 4 months ago
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    Chapter 250: Draco Dormiens 4 months ago
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    Chapter 251: Anticipation and Adaptation 4 months ago
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    Chapter 252: Unforeseen Challenges 4 months ago
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    Chapter 253: Shining Bright 4 months ago
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    Chapter 254: Game Theory 4 months ago
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    Chapter 255: Bloody Emerald 4 months ago
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    Chapter 256: Mother and Son 4 months ago
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    Chapter 257: Fire and Blood 4 months ago
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    Chapter 258: Feeling Blue 4 months ago
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    Chapter 259: Leafy Distractions 3 months ago
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    Chapter 260: Raining Manhunt 3 months ago
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    Chapter 261: Tempest Incarnate 3 months ago
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    Chapter 262: Raven Soaring 3 months ago
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    Chapter 263: Azure Recollections 3 months ago
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    Chapter 264: The Disbanded Knot 3 months ago
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    Chapter 265: Of Bloody Words 3 months ago
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    Chapter 266: A Tale of Two Brothers 3 months ago
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    Chapter 267: Wands and Roses 3 months ago
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    Chapter 268: Eagle Eye 3 months ago
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    Chapter 269: Premature Celebration 3 months ago
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    Chapter 270: Of Bright Delights 3 months ago
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    Chapter 271: Deadly Light 3 months ago
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    Chapter 272: Thorny Clouds 3 months ago
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    Chapter 273: Bright Vines 3 months ago
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    Chapter 274: Ave Imperator 3 months ago
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    Chapter 275: Pearly Gladiator 3 months ago
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    Chapter 276: River Stroll 2 months ago
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    Chapter 277: Dark Spiders 2 months ago
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    Chapter 278: The Dropping Shoe 2 months ago
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    Chapter 279: Train Express 2 months ago
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    Chapter 280: Stacking the Odds 2 months ago
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    Chapter 281: Beneath the Hound 2 months ago
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    Chapter 282: Crimson Devil 2 months ago
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    Chapter 283: The Cursed Reaper 2 months ago
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    Chapter 284: Distorting Influence 2 months ago
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    Chapter 285: Cornering a Spider 2 months ago
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    Chapter 286: Glowing Petals 2 months ago
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    Chapter 287: Azure Tantrum 2 months ago
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    Chapter 288: Whatever It Takes 2 months ago
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    Chapter 289: Emancipating Darkness 2 months ago
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    Chapter 290: Blood Moon 2 months ago
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    Chapter 291: Shades of Crimson 2 months ago
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    Chapter 292: Verdant Dilemma 2 months ago
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    Chapter 293: Of Choices Made 2 months ago
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    Chapter 294: Hour of the Wolf 1 months ago
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    Chapter 295: Dancing Wyrm 1 months ago
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    Chapter 296: Express Delivery 1 months ago
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    Chapter 297: Budding Roles 1 months ago
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    Chapter 298: Auburn Conjectures 1 months ago
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    Chapter 299: Of Change and Choices 1 months ago
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    Chapter 300: Lines in the Sand 1 months ago
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    Chapter 301: Spherical Thirds 1 months ago
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    Chapter 302: Preparing a Heist 1 months ago
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    Chapter 303: The Yule Ball 1 months ago
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    Chapter 304: Murky and Tabby 1 months ago
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    Chapter 305: Blood and Vines 1 months ago
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    Chapter 306: The Fated Sovereign 1 months ago
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    Chapter 307: Tested Patience 1 months ago
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    Chapter 308: Race Against Time 1 months ago
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    Chapter 309: A Hero’s Journey 1 months ago
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    Chapter 310: Strained Family 1 months ago
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    Chapter 311: Of Scaly Yields 28 days ago
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    Chapter 312: The Owl and the Serpent 26 days ago
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    Chapter 313: The Scattering Flames 25 days ago
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    Chapter 314: The Lost Raven 23 days ago
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    Chapter 315: Feline Impressions 21 days ago
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    Chapter 316: Hero’s Lament 19 days ago
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    Chapter 317: A Lesson in Manners 18 days ago
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    Chapter 318: A Change in Perspective 16 days ago
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    Chapter 319: A Toad’s Misgivings 14 days ago
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    Chapter 320: Of Cruel Feathers 12 days ago
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    Chapter 321: Of Investigative Bushes 11 days ago
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    Chapter 322: The Grimness of Hounds 9 days ago
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    Chapter 323: Hounding Truths 7 days ago
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    Chapter 324: Potions Mishap 5 days ago
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    Chapter 325: Reality and Illusions 4 days ago
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    Chapter 326: Illuminating the Path 2 days ago
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    Chapter 327: The Defiance Consortium 1 hours ago

作者 athass_prkr