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90.35% A True Beginning / Chapter 178: Ch.12

Chương 178: Ch.12

Another week of training Barry passed while the nights consisted of taking Caitlin on dates. Life really was interesting especially when it came to a head with another meta human rearing it's ugly head.

The next meta human turned out to be Bette Sans Souci, an army EOD specialist that ended up with bomb shrapnel embedded inside her when the particle accelerator exploded. Now she's become a bomb human and everything she touches explodes.

I chuckled when Barry brought her back to Star Labs. I'd been flirting with the very professional Dr.Snow when they arrived. Seeing her I mumbled. "Fascinating."

Barry went to introduce her and I held out my hand. She backed away and I chuckled. "Trust me, you're not going to harm me. I'm immune to all abilities that try to affect me. I also mimic them so it'll be fine. If you'd like, I have a molecular splicer that'll get rid of the bomb particles that seem to have fused with you on a molecular level. It's seeped into your vary DNA from the looks of it."

Cisco asked. "You can see her DNA?"

I chuckled. "I have X-Ray and microscopic vision. I can see the very atoms that make up all matter. Seeing what is wrong with her is a simple matter. I've many powers after all."

I held up up my hand and she took it. To her horror my hand glowed purple like her bombs but I immediately suppressed it and put a barrier around my hand as it exploded and came out unscathed. When I removed the barrier smiling I told her. "Ouch, that tickled. Now that I have and control your abilities, would you like me to teach you how to turn them of and on or do you want me to remove them. Molecular combustion through touch is a very useful ability after all."

Dr.Wells asked. "You know how to control these powers?"

I nodded. "My own ability allows me insights into every power I mimic. Like how I know the tricks to teach Barry. Turning powers on and off is the very basics of what I learn upon mimicking them."

Bette Sans Souci shook her head. "I want it gone."

I nodded. "First off lets get rid of this tracer you were shot with. The frequency is annoying to my ears."

I grabbed her arm and plucked the tracer round out of the light wound. I then blurred, taking it across the city in a moment before returning to the labs. There Barry asked. "Where'd you drop it off at?"

I grinned. "The Russian embassy. I think I'll let General Eiling sweat a bit and get in some serious trouble if he storms the place."

Bette Sans likes that idea. In the end she chose to remove her abilities so I took her to my own labs before using the molecular splicer to remove all the contamination from her DNA sequence. When I was done, I had the bomb fragments removed and by the time I was done she was left with a minor ability to make things pop like firecrackers at best.

I told her it was the best I could do without a pre-existing DNA sample to compare it to and as the army had a tight grip on that, she was satisfied to no longer have to worry about making things go boom. I taught her how to control her powers and set her up with my lawyers and a safe house in Starling city.

Oliver would make sure she's protected if Eiling finds her now. A week later I was out on rounds with Barry teaching him how to effectively throw static lightning from built up friction when we got pointed to a car thief situation.

His car thief was a metal meta-human with density issues. After he was beaten down a bit, the meta told him. "It looks like you were born to take a beating."

I snorted and appeared before him in my armored suit and grabbed him by the throat, slamming him into the ground hard. He fought back and I gained his ability which strengthened my own power to change into materials I touch that I got from Creed from the marvel universe.

I trashed him and took his unconscious body to the super prison before the cops could show up. Barry followed me back and I tossed the tosser into a cell. When we got back to Star Labs, I turned to Barry. "It's time I taught you how to throw a punch. I saw you out there and now I realize you don't even know how to fight properly."

His police father who asked for Barry's help spoke up. "Excuse me, but I taught him how to throw a punch myself."

I shook my head. "That's the problem. He's fighting like a human. He's a speedster. Instead of throwing useless punches like he was doing out there, all it should take is one punch, one blow at the correct angle and velocity should send even the mightiest of foes to their knees. Fighting like a human can get him killed out there now. It gives his opponents to many openings and chances to turn it around on him."

The veteran police officer nodded seeing the wisdom in my words. I took off my hood and shocked the police officer while I told Barry. "Shower and change before meeting me in the training room. You're in for a hell of a time."

I blurred and before coming back ten minutes later and hanging out with my good doctor before heading to the gym. There I saw his police father warming him up. When they were done I told Barry. "Show me what you have. Don't hold back, you can't hurt me."

He moved like lightning and threw several jabs and punches until I stopped him shaking my head. I moved like lightning and slammed him down. When I got up off of him, he groaned. "What was that for?"

I snorted. "If I'd have applied more force you'd be crippled until your body healed. In one singular move I could've put up at my mercy. Think, look around you. This room is circular. Use it to your advantage and build up speed before using an all out attack. You need to realize some of the metas you'll go up against aren't weak physically. You need to use your head to come up with a way to bring down those powerhouses. Think David and Goliath. Smart not hard."

He moved around and circled the room repeatedly throwing blows at my jaw every now and then as he got progressively faster. Finally, after a particularly hard hit I rolled into, I stopped him and told him to very his blows, look for weaknesses and exploit them instead of just hitting the same spot over and over again.

He learned quickly and adapted until I turned my body to metal. Then I told him to use his hardest blow at my weakest point, a singular take down punch as fast as he could go at the moment. Detective West had to leave the room as it would be a dangerous move.

Cisco and Caitlin advises him from the observation room and when he struck me in the heart, the metal abilities failed and my impenetrable skin was broken while I grunted and moved his hand back to to proper placing.

I grunted at his horror filled look and coughed up some blood while shaking my head. "If I hadn't moved your hand back, your whole body would shattered. Next time, if you go for the kill, don't hesitate or it'll cost you your life."

I pulled his hand out while I healed. When the hole closed up, I cleaned the blood off us both with a spell while telling him. "Sometimes your instincts will tell you to run, hide and escape. Other times they'll tell you to go for it, make the kill. What separates you from heroes like Green Arrow and me, is the will and the conscious decision to not kill. But remember this whenever you make that decision. It could mean your death instead. Yours is a noble path and one we should each strive for, but one that is at times even more dangerous then being on the front lines of a war."

Caitlin came over and checked me over and I let her calm herself in relief. Sighing I told Barry. "You know how to fight like you need to now. Next time rely on your friends to guide you as much as your instincts. Just punching things repeatedly is far more dangerous for you then even your own path is. You need to be as precise as a scalpel without killing. There was this famous boxer on my old world that had this saying, float like a butterfly, sting like a bee. It meant to dodge and observe before making one decisive blow because sometimes that's all you get is one chance."

That night I had a sit down with Joe West at the bar while the rest were off getting drinks. He asked me a lot of pointed questions and I gave him the highlights of my life and when and even how I came to this earth including meeting a yellow speedster and wounding him when I arrived so he wouldn't follow me.

I even told him about the murder of Ra's Al Ghul and my position as leader and figure head of the League of Assassins. I had nothing to hide and was completely open about it including my current relationship with Dr.Snow. He asked for my help in finding the yellow speedster and I shook my head. "I'm only helping Barry to become a better hero and saving who I can. I'm not getting into some decades old grudge he might have with another speedster. If and when they face off, I'll ensure there's little to no collateral damage but I'm not fighting his battles for him and neither should you."

He wasn't happy about that but I had to draw the line somewhere. I told him that so long as the yellow speedster doesn't bother me or hurt Caitlin, I won't confront him directly and I'd stop as much damage as I can otherwise. As for helping Barry fight him, I was already training Barry and he should be ready by the time the speedster shows his face again.

Barry, Cisco and Caitlin came back with shots and a special mixture for Barry to try out. Chuckling, I gave him my own telling him. "Be careful, it's enough to put any speedster on their ass for at least two minutes. It's the best I have unless I start weaving magic."

He took it and spent the next half hour drunk off his ass and even sang a few karaoke songs with Cisco. Two weeks later another meta was causing trouble by electrocuting people. When he made his way to Star Labs after draining Barry, he tried draining me until I reversed the flow and drained him.

I felt super charged with speed force and electricity until I sealed it off with a spell for later uses. After helping Barry jumpstart his powers and get him over the yips, he was far more charged as well. Wells had me put him through rigorous training and I taught him how to phase through solid objects by vibrating his body to certain frequencies.

I warned him that it was how to travel to alternate earths and to be very careful when doing so as he could saw someone in half or shake them to death if he was not careful enough but I also told him the perks of being able to vibrate planes through buildings and prevent crashes as well as subway cars and regular vehicles if he had enough control and vibration speed relative to the objects mass and trajectory.

Several lessons on responsibility and how to use it in the bedroom if he wished later and I was speeding to stop a bank robbery with the bugger. I told Barry to handle the enraged people while I went to catch the bad guy and got whammy'd. It didn't take long to become immune to the power before I hauled the bank robber into his own personal cell at hotel La Argus.

It was interesting to fight the urge not to kill everyone but several rounds of rough sex with my personal Dr.Snow later and I was back at the top of my game. She however, was sitting with a goofy smile by the time Barry informed us Felicity and her team were in town.

Barry has ended up volunteering to help them catch their boomerang killer so Cisco was of course tinkering with the one boomerang they did have. When it went flying off, I caught it and held it firmly in place until it settled down and Oliver took it back.

He had actually been in the middle of telling me how he was planning to run for mayor when his mother's term was up in a couple years. I approved so long as he understood that the mayor couldn't be caught shooting arrows into people. I gave the boomerang back to Cisco and mentioned to Oliver about a son he has in the city he'd need to know about as well.

He was floored and I told him I'd discovered the boy and his mother had been sent away from Starling city by Oliver's mother when he was still a layabout party boy and not the man before me. I seemed to emphasize his lack of responsibility getting him into that mess and a good reason as to why he wasn't told before now.

He looked angry until I told him plainly that in fact he didn't even have a real job anymore and was just a figurehead for the new Queen industries so there was no real sign that his responsibility had changed in anyone else's eyes.

His mother knew he was the Green Arrow but the public still thought of him as a playboy billionaire philanthropist, especially now that he has the money back again. As it was I can't really blame his mother or the woman he knocked up for not telling him.

That was a hard pill to swallow for him but when I sighed and told him that anyone can be a father, but it takes a real man to be a dad, he seemed to understand what I meant. In the end he wisened up and I gave him the address to his son's home and the name of both the mother and son.

When their mission to catch the boomerang bandit or whatever was complete, he paid them a visit before shoving off to Starling city again. Two weeks later the yellow speedster revealed himself and started killing people for a tachyon particle emitter that Mercury labs was building.

I hadn't saw the need to delve so far into tachyon research so I wasn't surprised by it. Barry tried his best and while most of the others were trying to catch the man in yellow, Caitlin told me about the burning man being Ronnie Raymond.

I agreed to help her find him, as awkward as that was. We hadn't discussed what the outcome would be like if we did find him but I agreed to do my best to help him if we were successful. So while Wells was tricking Barry and the cops at Star Labs, Caitlin and I were chasing down leads literally as fast as she could handle.

A few hours of searching and Shadow's help later and we were in an underground parking garage near the mall when we found him. I had shadow pull up video of the incident along the way and suggested Professor Stein might be in control of the body while Ronnie was buried under layers of psyche.

When it turned out to be true, I had her back away and got blasted back until I became immune and gained the nuclear fission powers. They couldn't hurt me before, but it was good to gain something new either way.

I knocked out the two beings in one body and carried him and Caitlin back to my personal labs at Caitlin's request. There I bathed and shaved him before putting power bands on him that negated and slowed down the fission anomalies in his body.

Caitlin then explained who she was to the good doctor Stein and I got to work on building a miniaturized molecular splicer. When it was ready, I warned them it may only be temporary as the firestorm matrix's own nature bonded the two on a cellular level to the point where their natural state is together.

The doctor understood the possibility and after what seemed like some internal debate, I put the new aged device on them. I wrapped them in a shield as I pulled Caitlin back and they went nuclear in the lab. The shield held the blast and it's damage at bay until they were both free of each other and seemed fine.

I warned them again that it may just be temporary and a few minutes of hugs from Ronnie and Caitlin later I had to lock down the building as the military had shown up. I took them out while steel panels shut down the labs and my lawyers were called to make an appearance to clear up any issues and sue the stubborn General who broke into the labs without a warrant.

The tapes were recorded remotely so they'd definitely be seeing him in court. I dropped Dr.Stein off at his place and told him Ronnie would be at Star Labs if they needed to join again. When we got back to Star Labs the cops had already cleared out and Cisco along with the rest were shocked to see Ronnie again.

We exchanged stories of our nights and Caitlin gave Ronnie a checkup with an official all clear. I gave them some space while they talked and told Caitlin in private to call me when and if she was still with me. She bit her lip and I saw the hesitation in her eyes so I let it be and told her I would be there if and when she was ever ready.

With that I left Star Labs and headed home for a few days away. I didn't want to hover and she clearly needed time and space to adjust and decide for herself. Two days later I heard about Leonard Snart coming back and fighting Barry.

When I heard Caitlin was abducted, I immediately went to deal with them and beat Snart and his new partner into the ground. I warned them in no uncertain terms that if they ever came after her again, I'd make their deaths the stuff of nightmares.

Both were sufficiently terrified by the time Barry and the rest arrived to take them away. I gave Caitlin a mere glance before leaving now that she was safe and in good hands. I heard a couple days later that General Eiling had caught up to them and taken the professor, forcing the issue and another merger.

After Eiling and his people got their collective asses handed to them, Ronnie/Stein decided it was best that they go out of town for a lengthy bit to consult a colleague of Stein's about how and what they were now.

With them gone Caitlin started coming around again and for a while it was nice again. The tension was still there but we avoided the subject with sex mostly. Well's protégé Hartley Rathaway was the next asshole to show up. Unfortunately for him though, I wasn't so accommodating.

I pulled both his explosive hearing aids when he was put in the secret prison and had the bots heal his ears. He did try bargaining for his freedom with information on what happened to Ronnie but I shut that down with a full explanation on what happened and how we fixed him up.

After that failed he moved on to yelling at the cameras about knowing Wells's deep dark secret. Wells of course, responded by going to the media and admitted to knowing there was a possibility that the particle accelerator would explode.

That brought some major tension to the team but that didn't really matter at this point either. Three days later a teleporter broke her boyfriend out of jail and I quickly gained that ability as it strengthened my own vastly. The teleporter, Shawna Baez, was locked up and her boyfriend joined her in the same prison cell with only a contraception ward to keep issues away.

Cisco and detective West started working together on Barry's father's case over the next week while Caitlin and I tried to set our relationship back on track. It wasn't easy as I could tell it all boiled down to her not really choosing whom she wanted to be with.

That fact was hurting us both until finally one evening she came to me and admitted she'd already chosen me and that she just hadn't had the chance to really say goodbye to her past fiancée until recently. That night I gave her everything from a massage to mind blowing orgasms and while we laid curled up in bed, I slowly revealed what I was to her through shared dreams.

It wasn't much at first, only the beginning of the journey. The next big issue was one I personally had a hand in. Mark Mardon, Clyde Mardon's brother and the first meta human I took powers from in this reality, showed his face by killing the city coroner.

Barry and I both dealt with him but not before he created a Tsunami and Barry ended up running back in time. I got a headache as I was flung back as well. As a quantum super positioned being, him changing the past forced me to go back as well.

When he started doing his deja vu crap, I smacked him upside the head telling him to stop fucking with time. He and everyone else was shocked but I didn't care. He asked. "How did you know I went back in time?"

I snorted. "I'm unique. When you went back, it dragged me back as well. Not exactly the fun way either. Next time you time hop warn me, I didn't exactly enjoy it."

Cisco started asking questions but I told him that timeline had already crumbled from Barry's little changes and my own, therefore it was invalid and useless. It wasn't even that far into the past either so it didn't take much to do it.

Both scientists wanted the data of course but I merely told them it didn't matter as speedsters had to have both a physical and emotional rush to achieve the speed of a time hop. As for me, I explained I could just do a temporal spell to any timeline I can envision and go there or run through time at my leisure as I really was that fast, only I don't really like fucking with time as instead of actually changing the past, most times it just creates an alternate reality.

That brought on theories I mostly shot down as I explained that time, realities and reality clusters were very unique. I had to explain temporal mechanics to three scientists and a speedster to the point where I told Barry. "Even if you could run back into the past and save your mother, it would only fling you into an alternate reality or worse, change this future to where you never became a speedster thus breaking a causality loop and killing us all. Billions, if not trillions of lives in this universe would be lost over your selfish endeavor."

He flinched and I shrugged. "It doesn't matter much to me as I and those I'm connected to would be flung into the past with you to that point then flung forwards to the new point before we all die horribly, or well, everyone else does. I'd just take Caitlin and whomever I can grab before reality hopping off the sinking ship as it collapses killing all life in the known universe."

I took out a necklace and handed the jewelry box to Caitlin as I explained that it would in fact protect her from any more time travel shenanigans via speedster travels. I had to go through the whole 'it only working for her and not able to be taken off' explanation while I put it on her.

Nyssa has her own already as a gift and had in fact contacted me when we were flung backwards in time by a day. I then ran off with Barry to catch Mark Mardon ahead of schedule and retook his abilities which were so much more advanced then his brother's.

He was safely locked up and being seen by psychiatric bots twice a day. I warned Barry that events leading up to Iris kissing him hadn't happened so he shouldn't expect it to again as time was a fickle mistress. He didn't believe me and ended up pissing off Iris and punched in the face by her boyfriend Eddie Thawne, her father's cop partner.

I laughed my ass off as I watched it and told him he definitely deserved it for being a child about it. I told him if he was going to act like a child, I'd be there to laugh at his pain for being an idiot. That same evening after Caitlin and I retired my flat, Barry and Joe showed up asking if I knew Wells was the yellow speedster.

Caitlin and I sat down for that conversation and she was floored. I shrugged. "He May be the man in yellow, but he's not a speedster. I'd be able to feel it if he was."

They both looked confused as I explained. "It's possible if he went back in time, that the speed force or the reverse speed force if Cisco's naming is right, released him as an avatar of it's power. We're talking living dimensions here. If he was a speedster before, then his cells would still be primed to use it again. All he'd need is a charge, a way to regain his speed temporarily. There's no way it would be permanent as without a connection he wouldn't be able to keep a charge. He wouldn't be considered a speedster if you will."

I instructed Barry to rapidly move his eyes and inspect ever fiber of my being and when he did so he stopped and told them he saw lightning flashes both green and red around me.

I nodded and said. "It's the same for when I look at you or any other speedster. What's more, and the reason I'd be able to tell, once you've amerced yourself in the speed force and attuned your senses to it, you'll be able to sense any other speedsters or if you focus, reverse speedsters. It takes time and practice but in the end it's a guaranteed proof positive that he's not a speedster. As a matter of fact, the only speedsters on this earth are you and me right now Barry and I'm sorry but I didn't kill your mother."

Detective West asked. "But it's possible Wells did? I mean if it's like you said and he went back in time before he was recognized as a speedster then he'd only loose his abilities."

I sighed and nodded. "Yes, if he did, then yes it's possible he's the man in yellow. The issue is to not have his speed, he'd have had to go back to before he was born. Before whatever it is have him his abilities targeted him as a future avatar of the speed force or it's counterpart. That means he'd have to be from the vary distant future. We're talking hundreds of years here. Odds are he'd be using future knowledge to his advantage to keep several moves ahead until his knowledge became invalid."

Caitlin spoke up. "But it isn't possible! Wells is a kind man, he got me through the worst time in my life!"

I held her and sighed. "Odds are if it is him then he came through fifteen years ago when Barry's mother was killed by him then he killed the real Wells and his fiancée before taking on Wells's identity. He probably cherry picked the best and brightest from universities to get the particle accelerator to explode to release dark matter and make meta humans."

Caitlin asked. "What for though?"

I sighed and looked at Barry who answered. "Me. He wanted to create another speedster like himself, but why? Why kill my mother either?"

I shrugged. "I don't know Barry, I can only guess at his motives. Speedsters are connected to the speed force, a dimension outside time, space and even reality. It's a super highway that connects all realities and times together. Odds are if one were to become one with the speed force they'd be immortal, or as close to it as humanly possible."

My words hit them like a ton of bricks as I continued. "If he's from the future and it's centuries ahead, the only way he'd even know you-"

Barry finished. "Is if I became immortal."

I nodded. "And if he came back into the past with a future version of yourself and failed to kill you, he probably lashed out and killed your mother. When his speed force failed him because he wasn't technically born, he was probably left behind in the past and when your future self didn't feel his speed presence anymore, he probably went back to the future trying to find him. Odds are he's been trapped here in the past and he needs a ride home so he's been collecting speed force from the only one he can."

Barry grunted. "Me. He's been using me this entire time!"

I shrugged. "Just remember, this is only the worst case scenario if you're right that it's Wells. If not you'd be ruining an innocent man if you accuse him without proof. Not to mention the fact that he's also the one that saved your life before. You'd better be damn sure you're right before you make that accusation Barry. That's a bell you can't unring."

He nodded. "Then we just need to get proof. Where do we start though?"

I shrugged and Caitlin suggested out of nowhere. "Find the real Wells's body maybe? If he didn't have his speed force then the body was probably buried near the scene of the accident somewhere."

They left with an idea in mind and the next few days got really interesting. Barry revealed himself to Eddie Thawne and asked for his help in covering for Joe while he took Cisco to Starling city to find Wells's body a week from now.

A Joker wannabe showed up and got slapped down while I shook the original Trickster's hand and forced him to tell us his plan. He was already in it for life so his son got a cell not far away. Then came a hive queen bad girl who was using bee robots to kill people.

I had Shadow hack the signal and shut that shit down. Felicity and her boyfriend Palmer showed up with his Atom suit that needed repairs. I gave him a full upgrade package and pretty much made him an invincible iron man/ant man combo.

When he left he had a sporty arc reactor in his chest plate with several more in the pad joints with plenty of weapons systems and stun lasers that would put a herd of elephants on their asses in one jolt. He could dial it down of course but that was up to him.

They left happily enough while the detective was off on his own romp a week later with Cisco who agreed to go check it out after his own nightmares started, Barry, Eddie and I were forced to bring in a shapeshifter and make it a public takedown.

When the shapeshifter tried to pretend to be a trapped little girl, I sent a jolt and forced it to morph repeatedly while onlookers backed away horrified by the meta human. The CCPD was given a list of inmates whom it had impersonated to look into and release.

My own lawyers made sure they were as well. Later that evening when Joe and Cisco came back from Starling city with the body, Barry and the rest found what Cisco called the time vault. The next day they set up Cisco in a hypnotic dream state so he'd be able to reveal his big death scene.

When they determined to repeat the efforts and Cisco turned on the barrier generator. We tested it first and while I told them I could break it if I pushed, I let off saying no regular speedster could easily do so. They put their plan together and I got an alert that the prison was almost broken into but the assailant was repelled.

With that the coms came on and Wells told them it was a nice try but he had no interest in joining the rest of the metas in prison. When he didn't fall for their trap, I went to the police morphed into Wells and confessed to the murder of Nora Allen and Tess Morgan as well as the real Wells. I then morphed into the yellow speedster and knocked the cops out and Barry as the Flash chased me when he saw the news.

I led him away before shifting back into my real self when he went to attack me. "Jesus relax man. I was forcing his hand. Now your dad will be released and the police will be on the lookout for Wells or more specifically Eobard Thawne. Think of it as insurance that your dad gets out."

Barry chilled and thanked me while we went to head back to Star Labs and told the others what I did. A week later the gold reserve was attacked and both Barry and I went there to stop it. When a mind assault hit me, I held it off while the Sage force was opened up to me and connected to me properly.

Grinning as my own psychic powers were fully unlocked to the point where the Phoenix force woke up and fully fused with my mind, I couldn't help but feel elated. We tracked down Grodd after catching Eiling who was a puppet for the giant ape.

While Barry tried to fight off the ape's mental assault, I beat the Guerrilla into submission before taking it to a special prison cell. There all it's powers were negated. Unfortunately that was a distraction as Eobard kidnapped Eddie Thawne.

We ended up searching the city quite a few times to my annoyance while Shadow searched with the massive satellite array I had in place. A trail was found back to Star Labs and into the pipe line where the particle accelerator was located.

We found Eddie and unfortunately Eobard has already activated the particle accelerator once more to charge up it's own power once more. He'd repaired the particle accelerator and was using it as leverage while Eddie was released.

He didn't have the balls to show his own face for fear I'd act but it didn't matter now.

next chapter
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