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90.86% A True Beginning / Chapter 179: Ch.13

Chương 179: Ch.13

With the particle accelerator online and no way to legitimately shut it down, we were forced to hunt down Wells until he voluntarily turned himself in and played his gambit. He offered Barry a way to go back and save his mother in exchange for a possible trip to the future.

He had apparently taken my inaction as acceptance because I didn't personally hunt him down and he somehow suspected I could very easily. He of course, dropped hints to Barry and the rest that I could simply take him back without trouble and even bring Barry to the past without the need for a particle accelerator.

I waited and when Barry came forward and asked. "Is it true? Can you really go back into the past and save my mom?"

I nodded. "You know I can. But just because you can do something, doesn't mean you should. The ripple effect it'll have on the timeline, hundreds if not thousands of changes and possibilities. There's a reason I don't screw with time or go into the past often. You'll effectively be playing god and you aren't a god Barry, you have no right to do so. Neither did Thawne but then, that's what separates heroes from villains, the will to restrain themselves from taking away others free wills. You'd be taking away everyone's choices, shattering events and time itself to remold it to your liking, that takes a certain kind of selfishness that not even I have with all my powers and abilities."

He looked a bit red and I sighed. "I'm sorry Barry, but I won't do it, not even for you. I have my own rules to ensure I don't give into temptation and that's a line I won't cross. The speed force is not your play thing or mine. It's a sentient power that uses us to keep this world turning. We are the light that pushes back the darkness and ensures this planet doesn't succumb to inertia. We can't be the ones to decide what the world is supposed to be, we are only meant to change what is not what was."

He mauled it over and the others took a vote. In the end he chose to follow Joe's advice in saving his mother. Shaking my head, I told them. "I want no part of this foolishness. Even if you managed to save her, there's a very real possibility that you'll never become the Flash, leaving everyone out there that's been saved by you to die horrible deaths because you weren't there. Do what you will, but I won't help you."

I left and Caitlin caught up with me. Soon enough Barry has called in backup to keep Thawne in check. Firestorm, Green Arrow and his team as well as Eddie Thawne and the now super suited Bette Sans Souci, aka Firecracker, showed up to help.

Caitlin tried talking me in to being supportive of it but when she saw I was resolute, I told her. "I'll help if the worst happens, otherwise I want nothing to do with it. They're endangering this entire planet on one man's selfishness and that's not including the the time travel. If they succeed they still run the risk of creating a singularity and it forming into a black hole."

She flinched and we sat in the parking lot. Sure enough an hour later when they were ready, the particle accelerator came online and when they succeeded in creating a portal, I felt it, a singularity was forming. Two minutes later they'd done all they could and found it themselves.

Grunting, I made a barrier around Caitlin to keep her safe and when the others came outside, I asked Barry. "Was it worth it now? You've caused this! Your own selfishness has screwed this city!"

Shaking my head I sighed and turned back to Caitlin. "I love you."

Turning away I flew up into the air and stabilized the singularity with my symbiote's body while I went into the eye and unleashed all the power I could in a burst of nuclear fission that exploded the black whole.

I felt weak and exhausted as I fell, being pulled through the event horizon to the other side. I wound up on the ground of a distant earth I didn't recognize. Even my symbiote fell through trying to pull me back. The singularity closed up nicely though and I was still alive so I called it a success for now.

Groaning I let the yellow sun soak up into my pores until I heard a voice. "Are you ok Mr.?"

I looked up and saw to my horror, a monkey tailed brat. Groaning, I asked. "Who are you brat?"

He frowned. "I'm Goku not brat and I'm training for the world's martial arts tournament."

I knew something was horribly wrong now as the air felt solid and thicker, harder to move in. Sitting up, I realized how truly screwed I was. Sighing I asked. "You wouldn't happen to be able to spare a few drops of blood and how to get to Dr.Brief's house would you?"

He frowned. "What do you need the blood for?"

I shrugged. "So I can become like you of course, tails are neat after all."

He lightened up and nodded. "In that case follow me, I'll take you to West City. Kintoun!"

A golden cloud came down and he helped me into it. I sank in as it felt my non hostile intentions and weighed my heart which was just tired and sad at the moment with a bit of excitement. When I was nice and comfy, it allowed me to stay on it while Goku directed it and we shot off at jet fighter speeds of around Mach three.

I groaned until he brought us above the white clouds and the sun hit me directly. My symbiote that has latched onto myself went inside my inner galaxy and my armor retracted. Even for a mix breed I was one giant bruise that was chewed up and spit out by the black hole.

He looked me over and said. "You don't look so good mister. Here, have a senzu bean."

I took it and asked him. "How old are you kid?"

He smiled. "I'm sixteen. Kami and Mr.Popo are training me to fight a super strong guy that was hatched from an egg two years ago."

I nodded and ate the bean and almost choked up as it not only healed me but replaced all the magic and energy I'd wasted before. I sat up and exclaimed. "That was amazing, do you have any more or know where to get more?"

He nodded. "A talking cat named Karin gave them to me. He lives on a tower under Kami's lookout."

I smiled. "Thanks. I'll have to see him sometime. I'm called Shadow by the way."

He smiled. "You look strong Mister Shadow, would you like to spar sometime?"

I nodded. "Sure, but after I get a tail like yours. Now let's see if I can't make our trip faster."

I grabbed him and floated up before reading the direction of West city and teleporting us to the Capsule Corp founding home and labs where Dr.Briefs and his family lived. Goku had stars in his eyes but I just chuckled. "You haven't seen anything yet kid. Now, why don't you introduce me to Bulma and her family and get me a tail like yours and I'll show you a lot more tricks."

He hurried up and introduced me to a twenty year old blue haired female I was instantly attracted to and if my senses were right, she shared that same attraction. I asked to borrow her labs to build a DNA sequence modifier and a molecular splicer with a solar healing bed.

She agreed happily while mumbling something along the lines of 'wow, hot and smart, Bulma you got this!'

I got to work after figuring out their measuring and took sets and moved like lightning. Oddly enough I noticed Goku was able to keep up at Flash speeds with his eyes while I worked. When I finished, I hooked up a needle to both Goku and myself before using the DNA sequence modifier to sort out how best to add his Saiyan DNA to my own.

Once his blood was mixed with mine and distilled down to the base compounds, I added a cohesion modification gel to the mix to make things smooth and used a bit of magic to weaken an area of skin so I could inject it straight into the bone marrow all over at lightning speeds.

When I finished, I slouched down and put of the molecular splicer in case anything went wrong and laid down on the sun table while I went through five hours of agonizing pain that ended with me growing a tail and gaining a giant ape avatar in my mind scape.

It was as tied to me as my regular emotional ones and would take some effort in subduing. I turned on the solar bed to full blast while I soaked in the radiation that made me feel so much better now. When I left the bed, I put away the molecular splicer and began training my tail. It was like a third arm though much weaker at almost a human level.

When I left the lab, Goku and Bulma were there. Goku immediately asked. "Are you ready for some training?"

I shook my head. "First I need food then I need to borrow the dragon ball radar you mentioned on the way over here. I'll spar with you as many times as you like on the way to hunting down the dragon balls."

He nodded while Bulma asked. "Why do you need the dragon radar?"

I smiled. "I need to collect all seven dragon balls so I can wish for a training instruction manual or more specifically how to make my own dragon balls so I can wish for my own training stuff."

Her eyes went wide. "I never thought of that. Why didn't I think of that?"

I shrugged. "Perhaps it sometimes takes an outside voice to clear your clouded thoughts."

She smiled and handed me the radar with a wink and I smelled her attraction deepen as her arousal was evident. I put it away for now as I left with Goku and he taught me about Ki. When I realized it was the same chi that Kun Lun taught, I began experimenting and found it easy enough to manipulate and project like he did into blasts.

Smiling I upped the anti by floating with it by expelling enough from the pours on my body to negate the effects of gravity. He went big eyed until I explained how I was doing it and he followed me up. We began flying and even racing each other to the dragon balls.

After three days of searching, sparing and eating dinosaurs I'd never even heard of before, and I sat in front of the dragon balls grinning like a fool. I simply wished for the ability to make my own dragon balls.

At first the eternal dragon Shenron was reluctant to grant it but after Goku told Kami he'd handle it if I turned out bad, the dragon granted my wish. I instantly had the knowledge given to me by a magical presence that made the psychic link and understood exactly what it was.

The dragon balls were mere foci for the spell and the statue made was to represent the dragon intended to summon. The dragon balls held the summoning magic while the chant was meant to trigger the spell.

I completely understood why it took a year to recharge as well since they draw magic from nature to do so that way the maker doesn't have to waist their own magical energy in recharging them. The amount and power of the wishes relied entirely on the originator's own abilities while the wishes themselves were granted by the dragons as they consumed the power necessary to grant said wishes.

Grinning like a fool, I realized how I would make my own and got to work after catching all the dragon balls and tossing Goku his four star one back. The rest I put in a sack and handed him the dragon radar for saying. "Thanks for that. Keep these in case you need them later. I'll see you next time Goku, and I expect you'll be ready for the tournament by then."

He agreed and flew off while I blurred and ran all across the planet, mapping it out until I had a good idea where everything was. I made sure to cloak myself from this that could scry and went about making my own dragon balls out of every metal and ore I had available.

Once the balls themselves were completed, I made the statue mold of Shenlong, the dragon god I'd taken as a follower from the Percy Jackson world. I imbued him with a three wish limit and practically every spell I knew except time travel. I knew enough to know even here time travel is a big no no unless you're smart about it.

When I finished with the empowering chant and felt a massive drain on my magic reserves that left me stunned, I couldn't help but grin. I made the language it answered to entirely Lantean. When I summoned it for the first time, the dragon balls changed size and grew to the size of tractors.

The dragon itself was four times bigger than Shenron. As soon as it saw me, I recognized Shenlong right away as he did me. "Ah, that's what you got up to. I felt your ascension a few years back and you simply vanished."

Shenlong nodded and spoke in Lantean. "Yes, the dragon gods felt my ascension and called me home. You weren't quite ready to face them before and even now I can say the strongest is at the Ascended Godking level."

I sighed. "In that case this'll do for now, but remember your oath to me Shenlong. One day you will follow me and only me."

The mighty dragon god nodded and I sighed before tossed him a list. "I wish for everything on this list. Take what magic you need to make it happen."

His eyes glowed as I felt a massive drain on my magic before he spoke. "It is done."

I nodded as a watch appeared on my wrist and a new ring on my middle finger. Smiling I felt my Saiyan potential unlock as much as I could magically get away with. The balls went marble white and the dragon god faded into the clouds having sapped the last of my magic as payment.

I had a throbbing headache that threw senzu beans out of the infinite ring of them fixed that right up. I left the dragon balls right where they were as no one and nothing weaker than me could destroy them while nothing that couldn't read my thoughts could summon the dragon out of them when they fully recharged in a year's time.

When I felt they were weakening each other's ability to recharge, I changed my mind and teleported them all over the world to charge up. There was apparently only so much natural magic in one given area that they needed to split up or risk taking forever to fully charge again.

I then teleported to Namek, as one of my wishes demanded. The others were the ability to speak the gods language and to have the whole universe mapped out in my mind. That had been the real energy drain. The watch was an infinite gravity dilation device I could train with that only effected the wearer and hardened the ground under them to withstand the pressure of said gravity.

I had a year and after reading the Namekians minds and learning their language, I teleported all the dragon balls to me. I had two wishes when I summoned their dragon, Porunga. I wished two know all of the Saiyan history and related physiology and how to successfully achieve each stage of their transformations.

Damned if I wasn't happy to get that. Then I wished for the ability to breath in space like an ice demon. I couldn't help but grin when it worked as I lowered my own magical and power guards to let the new abilities and knowledge in.

I returned all the dragon balls and teleported back to earth where I spent the next year wandering the land while absorbing solar radiation and training my physical body. I burst through limits I didn't even know I had as my own chi or ki as they called it here became more and more pronounced to the point of reaching far passed any I felt on the planet or even when I fought Goku before.

While I was at it I picked up techniques of both the ki and mystical kind as I read every mind I cared to poke inside. I learned everything from the Kamehameha wave to the special beam cannon and the solar flare.

Even Krillin's destructo disk was taken by me. As for the magical aspect, I read both Babidi's and Babas minds as well as even Kami himself one evening. I'd tried taking a peak into mister Popo's mind but all I saw there was a black abyss and two eyes staring back at me calling me a maggot.

It was both the funniest and most horrifying experience of my life! As the year ended, I made my way to the world martial arts tournament. My body was now strong enough to tank hits dead on from an enraged Doomsday or maybe Frieza depending on the power discrepancy.

I did stop by and store away the dragon balls some village had began calling great treasures. I had to kill an idiot for trying to fight with me over them, not that it mattered as he couldn't summon the dragon anyways.

When I arrived at the tournament in full armor and cloak, Goku and his friends were there standing in the rain. He waved to me yelling. "Shadow, over here!"

I walked over and signed up before greeting him and turned to Bulma as I lowered my hood. "Thank you for all you've done for me. I've grown a lot stronger thanks to your help. I've even begun to master the great ape transformation."

Goku coughed. "You have? Aww man, Kami cut my tail off saying it was too dangerous to use it."

I chuckled and waved my hand, helping him grow his tail back. My own white tail was firmly wrapped around my waste as well. I told him. "It's unreliable in a fight until you've mastered it. There's a desert not to far from here that I practice in if you want to go there to master your own tail on the full moons. When you've mastered it, it gives you a multiplying boost of times ten to your ki attacks making them ten times stronger. The key is mental control using your own willpower."

He thanked me with a smile and Yamcha, the weakest of the lot that I could sense, even after suppressing my own ki to practically zero, spoke up. "So you're like Goku? You turn into a giant ape?"

I nodded. "I actually changed my race, or most of it anyways by genetic manipulation a year ago. Goku was kind enough to teach me all about ki and energy attacks while we tested the new limits of my body. I gotta say it's very different and far more helpful then being a plain human."

Goku chuckled. "Aww shucks, it was nothing really. I mean, you taught me a lot about martial arts techniques. Before I was just relying on strength, speed and instincts. Now not only do I have those, I have the skills to use them to their peak advantage, dealing tons of damage to the weakest points."

I smiled. "As it should be."

I turned back to Bulma. "I really do owe you for that though so thanks."

She shook her head. "Don't mention it. With the machines you've built, we've had plenty of breakthrough and profits from learning new things. Now I've been able to come up with a way to terraform planets should we ever get the space technology working. My dad says your DNA modifier and molecular splicer may even be able to lead to the fields of cloning and possibly even curing hundreds of genetic diseases."

I shrugged. "We'll call it even then. I just needed them as a safety net in case adding Goku's DNA to my own had any adverse side effects."

Krillin, the short monk with no nose spoke up. "You did what?"

I shrugged. "Technically I only have the special parts so Goku could be considered my brother now after the modifications. I didn't keep the pigments in my tail at least so there's still some of me leaking through."

I waved my white tail in his face before wrapping it back around. Bulma made eyes at me for a while and we were eventually called in for the testing rounds. My first three opponents were simply slapped out by my tail.

When the last one stepped up and tried to use a smelly finger attack on me, I wasn't touching him so I blew air at him, sending him flying off the ring. He landed face first on the tile floor with his finger in his mouth on top of Yamcha in a comical display as Yamcha's head was stuck being tea bagged by the fat smelly lard of a man.

What was worse was the commentator noticed the fat guy's front pants were down and Yamcha was knocked out with a smelly testicle in his mouth. He announced it to the whole crowd unintentionally as he was too shocked to look away.

Yamcha being the next fighter up on the ring as I hopped down, was revived and awoken before they managed to get the fat guy off and out of him. He fainted almost immediately in a comical mouth foaming state as he ended up biting the testicle, waking the fat guy up and getting him off of him.

There was a smear where the outline of the smelly man's junk had been both on his face and forehead as it really was a nasty sight. After Yamcha was called forfeit, I tossed him a senzu bean and told him he was considered forfeit when he failed to get to the arena.

The next few matches were held in front of the crowd since most of the fighters were chosen. I tail slapped Krillin off the stage next and went up one rank before watching Goku fight Chichi. It was rather hilarious to see but I sent Goku a mental message to tell him it was Chichi his childhood friend and the daughter from the Ox king.

He lightened his blows and I suggested he marry her and Bulma both as they would both be perfect wives for him. One had money and the other had pure mothering instincts. Both were sweet on his new form and I had no intentions on either.

He agreed as I promised marrying both would set them at ease in the long run as they could support each other if anything happened to him. That and he'd have plenty of training gear and food on hand with both of them.

He was practically drooling by the time he knocked her out of the arena gently. I made two rings appear before him with magic and instructed him on what to do. He proposed to ChIchi right then and there and explained that he was a powerful warrior so she'd have to put up with a second wife but that it wouldn't diminish his love for her.

This world was built around male dominance patriarchy so it was practically a given that the strong would take on more wives. He then surprised Bulma by proposing to her as well.

She gave me a glance but saw my indifference before agreeing as well. Seeing all three happy, I smiled and watched Piccolo Jr. beat up Tien Shinhan. It was a very anticlimactic fight that ended with me learning Tien's moves including splitting myself into four solid bodies.

Tien hadn't stood a real chance and when he was tossed out, I tossed him a senzu bean which he thanked me for before I went back on stage. I beat Chiaotzu with a simple flick of my mental prowess that knocked him out.

The referee counted him out and I revived him with a senzu bean before telling him he had a long way to go in the mind arts but he had talent. He and Tien thanked me for my mercy.

I nodded and watched Goku fight Piccolo. It went down like the manga and anime mostly and when Goku won, I repaired the arena and tossed him a couple Senzu beans. He healed up Piccolo then himself with them and I stepped onto the ring and released an immense amount of ki that vibrates the air with my presence.

Goku's eyes went wide and I smiled. "Come, show me how you've improved."

Piccolo called me a monster even by his standards and hopped off the stage. Goku and I began our stand of and as we flickered, creating after images, the crowd went wild and began to hide until they noticed the barrier I put up around the arena.

Goku noticed it as well and decided to go all out. I beat him back with my tail mostly and when he fired the Kamehameha wave, I countered by slapping it down with my hand before going on the offensive. In a blur so fast Goku could barely keep up, I beat him down efficiently.

When I was done, he was barely alive. I told the announcer coldly. "He's alive, count down."

Goku was barely breathing and the crowd went wild while the super fast cameras replayed my moves. Chichi and Bulma were worried as were their friends but as soon as I was declared the winner, I fed Goku a senzu bean.

He healed up stronger then ever and coughed a bit. Chuckling, I told him. "You've grown stronger Goku, perhaps one day you'll be my opponent. Continue to grow strong and by then I'll be ready for you."

He nodded and I left with my prize winnings which was just five hundred thousand zeni, equivalent to just over five grand in USDs. I treated Goku and his friends to a barbecue meal of my own making on the flight to Master Roshi's island Goku invited us back on. I'd taken to storing dinosaur meat in stasis in my inner galaxies so it wasn't living when I pulled it out to cook but fresh and ready.

It was an all you can eat and even I was nearly in tears by the end as the months of random catches worth of food was devoured in one meal. Sighing, I ate my fill, rivaling even Goku's appetite.

When we arrived, we were all stuffed full. Even Krillin looked like a balloon now. Chuckling, I stood and steam poured off me as my body rapidly digested my meal. A trick I picked up from watching Clark and Goku eat and tinkering with my own digestive capabilities.

I felt all the excess food burn off and turn into pure energy. Grinning, I walked off the plane, cleaning the sweat and grime with magic and refreshing clothes. When I sat down on the beach, I relaxed and watched as Goku ran all over the place looking for the Bansho fan and trying to get ready for his weddings.

I couldn't help but chuckled and watch as he finally chilled out and had his weddings. He couldn't sit still for long but he managed long enough after the vows and had cake. I presented my dragon balls saying. "These dragon balls allow for three wishes with very little limitation. As their creator, I'm willing to translate and allow you to make one wish apiece for the happy trio."

They all went bug eyed because of the size of them. Krillin mentioned overcompensating but I shut that shit down fast saying. "Their size is a direct result of my magic and ki mixture I've used in their creation. They'll grow bigger and stronger over time as I do."

I summoned Shenlong and asked them what they wished for. Chichi wanted a big house for her family. I told the dragon god and he turned the Brief's home into a mansion. Bulma asked for a nanny bot and Goku asked for a training room built for him.

I suggested he ask for a watch like mine after I explained that it could increase gravity on me until the point of creating a black hole for training purposes. He instantly changed his wish especially when Bulma told him she'd make him a training room.

Soon enough three nanny bots and a grav watch appeared. The balls went white and I sent them around the world with a thought to recharge. This time I wasn't even tapped because the wishes didn't involve anything strenuous.

I told them to check the mansion when they got back to West City and mentioned the nanny bots had a human form as well they could switch to and even a teaching form all the way up to college level as well as every language on the planet.

They were each completely satisfied, even Goku who ended up on the ground when he turned up the watch to quickly. I gave him the control instructions with a telepathic link. The next thing I did was retrieve his old ship and bring it to Dr.Briefs to study before slinking off to where I'd found Broly in an ice glacier up north.

I took cord samples of his blood and flesh while keeping him in a spelled induced sleep with powerful wards to keep him that way. I took enough for a full upgrade before healing him up and freezing over the core pockets I'd made.

I sure as hell wasn't ready to deal with a legendary super Saiyan without teleporting us both into a star. I'd survive but I'm unsure as to whether he would or he'd simply blow the damn thing up before dying himself.

I spent another year perfecting my great ape form while helping Goku to start his great ape training. Once he could barely control it, I'd perfected it, shrinking and compacting it into the hybrid form also known as super Saiyan four. It offered more control over my ki and physical body then ever before and I kept the ten times multiplier boost.

I had white fur with green eyes when I perfected it and I no longer needed a full moon to change. I could do so at will now. I then went into seclusion where I put up wards around myself that induced psychological attacks and memories of loss while on a desolate planet far away.

It lasted a full day before I lost all control and transformed from my human form into a super Saiyan. After the wards shattered, I focused on regaining control and memorizing the feeling. The strain on my body wasn't as immense as I'd thought it would be and it lessened over the next six months until I could hold it indefinitely with no strain at all.

I then blew passed the ascended Saiyan that focused on power over speed in another six months. Finally I achieved super Saiyan two and began mastering that as well. It took a whole year to achieve it and when I exited my training, for the next martial arts tournament, I was disappointed to see that none of the Z-Fighters or Goku had decided to join in.

It was a clean sweep for me as I beat down the last opponent being Hercule Satan with a simple gust of wind from my tail moving through the air. He tried calling for a rematch but I simply flicked him off the stage with a finger next.

He passed out after eating some dirt and I turned to the announcer who gave me my prize and the title for the second time in a row. The money had definitely increased though as it went up to ten million zeni or a hundred and twenty eight thousand USDs.

I invested it all into Capsule Corp which was a definite safe bet at this point. Dr.Briefs was already working on building his own fleet of space ships and advanced satellites. I stopped by to see what Goku was up to and found him in his training room teaching Gohan and Tanks, his two sons, to do push ups.

They were only two years old but it was rather cute until Chichi chewed him out and Bulma dragged him off for relief sex. I gave him the idea to start going down on them and using more tongue in certain places.

I chuckled as I heard screams of pleasure as I flew away with some capsules Bulma gave me full of training clothes and food they had spare of. I hadn't minded in the least as I'd picked up a set of the splicer, sun bed and DNA modifiers to do some more work of my own.

I wasn't yet ready for it but it wouldn't be long I hoped. I'd already wished for a time chamber training room with solar energy emitters for the sky inside as it automatically collected solar radiation from the sun for me.

It was a ratio of three to one inside so I could spend three years inside while only one passed outside. I did just that while the planet I chose orbited a blue super giant so the solar radiation would super charge my cells as they absorbed it all.

The first few months were just feeling it out before I finally induced the super Saiyan three transformation. I practically emitted my emotions as power and damned if it wasn't mentally straining in a way I hadn't expected. It took two full years to master it and not leak excess ki or waste anything.

I then spent the next few months using my hybrid form and adding my super Saiyan forms to it. The only one I had real trouble with was super Saiyan three ape hybrid form and that was because of the massive power drain. (Non cannon super Saiyan four plus gold hair super Saiyan three.)

It was a heady experience and one that took the last of my time learning to control perfectly before I was forced to head back to earth for Raditz's big show down. When I arrived, Goku was fighting his brother on the beach to protect his kids.

Goku hadn't grown much stronger except in controlling his great ape form so I cloaked myself and watched as Raditz took off with both Gohan and Tanks as they both had tails and were half Saiyan.

Goku followed and Piccolo eventually caught up. They both fought like enraged animals until Goku managed to pin Raditz in a head lock and Piccolo shot him with a special beam cannon. After a while, I appeared and took Raditz's and Goku's bodies.

They'd both go to waste otherwise and my symbiote needed to assimilate their powers as well. I'd stolen Raditz's techniques so I had my symbiote eat and assimilate the weaker Saiyan's body, hedgehog hair and all. When my symbiote finished and grew it's own tail, I healed up Goku's body and put it in a stasis capsule to preserve it before giving it to Bulma saying I got there to late.

Goku made a mental connection with us all and told us about the two even stronger saiyans coming in a year's time and that they'd destroy earth if he didn't train with king Kai, the god behind Kami's throne or some such.

I teleported to Goku and found myself on a small moon planet in the afterlife. Bored, I read King Kai's mind and was surprised to find a natural defense there blocking entry. I asked for him to teach me his ki techniques and offered a joke every week if he agreed.

When he did, I told him one about a stripper in a bar of nuns. He burst out laughing and Goku greeted me. I told him I planned to learn the ki techniques as well and began chasing the monkey with a mallet and the cricket as well. I caught them quickly and they ended up with two knots on their heads while Goku took over.

King Kai was forced to teach me the Kiao Ken and the spirit bomb. Both took about a month for me to learn the basics on together before I left them there in favor of my own training. I went back to my time chamber and prepped the lab for the legendary super Saiyan mutated cells.

Two weeks of agony and another of uncontrollable rage made me very glade I'd made sure to wish the time chamber was indestructible. When I was finally able to calm down the raging emotions, I found my body bulkier but still form fitting as my hair tenges greenish-yellow in my legendary super Saiyan transformation.

It took a full year to quell the rage completely and gain full control while I went through my transformations once more. Each one gave an extra twenty percent boost compared to before, ending in my hybrid legendary super Saiyan form nearly exploding with power I'd yet to tap into. At a multiplier of fifty thousand it was almost a third of what a super Saiyan God's multiplier was. Even as the power pulsed through my muscles, I realized I'd screwed up as all my Saiyan S cells were mutating to legendary super Saiyan.

I'd never just be a regular super Saiyan again. Luckily my control was now cemented in stone and iron thanks to all the time I'd spent learning to control the basic forms. It gave me a great foundation to work on and I spent the last of my time wisely in meditation while in each form until I mastered all but the final hybrid level three as I called it.

I'd increased my weight training dozens of times over and I was working on five hundred times earths gravity in my base form when the alert went off that Vegeta and Nappa were entering earth's atmospheres.

I arrived and stood next to Bulma as I told her to use the regular dragon balls to revive Goku now. She did so and soon enough Goku was standing before me. Smiling I nodded to him. "You'll definitely do. You've gotten much stronger. What's your Kiao Ken at?"

He smirked. "Times twenty."

I chuckled. "No sweat then. Let's let the weaker ones fight first to let them test themselves."

He looked me over before saying. "Only if I get to fight you when it's all over."

Chuckling, I shook my head. "Sure whatever. You're in for another thrashing though. I've been training in a time chamber to increase my strength rapidly. You don't stand a chance anymore."

He looked like someone kicked his puppy but I merely laughed it off and promised I'd share the time chamber with him as well once this was all over. We watched over the fights as the Z-Fighters got thrashed badly. Only Chiaotzu, Yamcha and Piccolo ended up dying and that was more because of accident then anything else.

I was easily able to pick the two saiyan's brains for techniques and even technology. They weren't the brightest lightbulbs in the shed but they did tell me where to find those that were. After Goku curb stomped Nappa, Vegeta went to kill him but I interfered, feeding him a senzu bean and forcing him to sign a contract of servitude to me.

Vegeta was pissed but Goku soon stomped his ass as well, even when he went great ape. Goku ripped his tail off and he was forced back when he fled. I stopped Goku from going further and healed up whom all I could.

Nappa mentioned the planet Namek as the place Piccolo came from and I revealed my own dragon balls, the size of small moons now, being tired out from my most recent wish which was a boosted set of armor of the best materials this universe had to offer, all the universe's species and abilities information and the location to the planet where Whis and Beerus laid their heads.

I put my balls away and chuckled at their marveling at their size. I warned them that Namek was far away and Bulma mentioned it would take a month even with their fastest ship.

They set off immediately and I stuck around for the real fun stuff. I went ahead and destroyed the frozen laboratories in the Tsurumai-Tsuburi Mountains as I didn't feel like playing with robots. I also made a negative field of static electricity around me to keep Dr.Gero's nano bots from taking samples as I wanted no part of that experiment gone bad.

I did end up zapping a few before he took a hint and pissed off I made sure to magically wipe any traces of my DNA from everywhere. The last thing I wanted was to fight a legendary super Cell. I may have warrior DNA and instincts but I'm not retarded.

A week of waiting bore fruit as Turles and his crusher corps showed up with the seed from the tree of might. I killed his comrades and took his space ship before forcing him to sign a servitude contract in blood. He joined Nappa as the second Saiyan under my command.

I took them and the seed to an abandoned forest planet and made the tree grow before enjoying a fruit of might. I allowed them both a fruit apiece before sending them via teleportation to meet up with Goku and the rest with bags of senzu beans and instructions to nearly kill each other before abusing the Zenkai boost.

I spent the rest of the time waiting for Lord Slug to arrive inside my time capsule while I trained my base form to its limits and beyond, abusing the broken power of the senzu beans as my base strength skyrocketed even without solar radiation.

By the time Lord Slug arrived, I was working at six hundred and seventy times earth's gravity. I melted his mind with a thought and sent him to Namek as a return to sender type deal. I put away my own chambers and handed the blood covered ships over to Dr.Briefs who didn't even pay attention to the alien goop.

I then teleported to Namek just as Goku and the rest arrived. Freeza and his men weren't even here yet so they started gathering the dragon balls while I continued my training with the saiyans. Krillin, Gohan and Bulma went after the dragon balls more relaxed now that we were all here to fight.

They had yet to bring Piccolo and the rest back because it'd be a waste really but their excuse was that they were training with King Kai.

I nearly killed Goku a few times to help him boost his own strength before warning him I'd only interfere if he fell in battle as I could bring him back with my dragon balls later or the Namekian ones. The rest was up to him as it would be great to actually pressure himself to grow stronger.

Four days of training, twelve in my chamber, later and I sensed Vegeta and another arrive on the planet. I sent Nappa and Turles to kill the other and beat Vegeta down before bringing him to me. Both were much stronger then the prince even now thanks to my tutelage and cheats.

I even gave Goku a fruit of might for funzies. Bulma and the rest already brought back the dragon balls and a little green kid named Dende who seemed to lust after Gohan.

Vegeta was brought back before me on his knees and I held out a contract before forcing him to sign it in blood with the imperious curse. When he was now my servant, I fed him a Senzu bean and a fruit of the tree of might before handing him a bag of Senzu beans and telling him how to abuse them to get stronger as well as giving him and the other two saiyans instructions to continue their training in the time chamber.

A day later I sensed Frieza and the Ginyu force arriving. I nodded to Goku and his team and they all set out except Bulma who stayed close to me and the ship. I watched and read their minds for techniques including freezing time, body switching and the whole Frieza death ball and beam package.

I snapped my fingers and the three Saiyans appeared all on the precipice of achieving super Saiyan. Either by hard work or emotional strain, each had their own ways. I told them. "Retrieve Frieza's tail and body parts he looses during the fight. Don't interfere otherwise."

Vegeta looked about to argue but one glance from me and he gritted his teeth and went with them. None of them could disobey me now so it hardly mattered. A few hours later and they came back as the planet started vibrating.

Gohan, Piccolo whom they'd brought back, and Tanks, all running behind them. I put away the training room and told them to get on the ship as Bulma took off in it. I took Frieza's body parts which was nearly all of him funny enough.

They made it passed the explosion range while I made sure Goku made it off planet and headed to planet Yardrat. I sent them back to earth with the training room and skipped around the galaxy taking techniques from everyone's minds.

I even managed to learn the fusion dance and how to build the healing tanks as well as a great many other things. I learned how to sense out specific ki and teleport to it just like Goku was learning when he wasn't eating their sick and elderly for some odd worshipping reason.

All in under two weeks I returned to earth with tons of knowledge I gave to the Briefs in exchange for twenty percent of the profit, not that I actually used the money but it'd make a great gift to Goku some day. I had Gohan, Vegeta, Turles, Nappa and myself do the super Saiyan god ascending ritual and only told them how to do it and not what it did.

When it worked and my hair, and eyes turned red, I erased their memories and sent them to train elsewhere while I worked to master the feeling of it. It reminded me of nearly pure primordial essence.

next chapter
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