Webnovel Author: EvilBlueCrystal - Fanfic Collection



LV 1

I've been crushed, broken, shattered. That's why my soul has turned to cold, to ice.

2023-04-02 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 3

Moments 63


The novel begins with an extensive first-person monologue by the main character, boasting about his accomplishments and greatness. There are too many unnecessary references and irrelevant details, that drag on for far too long and add nothing to the overall plot. The protagonist's lifes and abilities are supposedly impressive, but they are handed to him through a Lottery System, with no growth through cultivation and martial arts training. The mc then regresses into a powerless shotacn child that relies on a woman to nurse him, "God of Tyranny" is a shallow display of fanservice, devoid of substance and development.


Outdated review. Mc is an ordinary novel reader reborn into a world where a person's ability is based on experience and understanding, paired with a shallow personality, beliefs and lack of background from his previous life make him an uninteresting character to follow. Mc no previous experience and time to train. As it stands now, the story falls flat it's following the original with an unremarkable protagonist. The first chapters are a complete waste since they don't introduce anything new or refreshing. Mc has future knowledge, but is unable to remember crucial details, seems forced, unrealistic, and frustrating that continually emphasizes his forgotten memories. Mc reveals his foreknowledge to his grandpa, when he should expect no reasonable outcome from it. His grandpa knowing about the concept of extreme physique is hard to believe, something that is known by clan leaders or those who have ancient knowledge. If someone wanted to create an overpowered main character, why not just make Bai Ning Ning the protagonist right from the beginning? At least she would have a more intriguing perspective, background, and two personalities one from previous world and one is future self. She would be forced to follow the original mc while making use of him, and after that she would do things her own way. The protagonist's presence undermines the plot's concept of survival, because so much of the original mc success is due to his carefully balanced strength, resources, luck, and timing. With this protagonist thrown into the mix, it disrupts the story's established flow, one change would mess up everything, and there's doesn't seem a place for the mc in the future plot, since the original protagonist dies at the start, and it becomes impossible to follow the original timeline. The current protagonist kinda lacks the capability to carry the narrative forward. If the mc isn't smart he should be following original mc like the northern dark ice girl did, while building alliances, planning for future events, and gathering resources.


The opening phrase is generic, failing to provide any insight into the theme, plot, or protagonist. Unfortunately, the rest of the chapter is the same, so it's skipped entirely as it seems irrelevant. The protagonist, who lacks any discernible personality, exhibits a disappointingly casual and ordinary attitude throughout the narrative. Then it's followed by abrupt time skips in the early stages of the story, leaving the reader disoriented and disconnected from the plot. The storytelling style is not engaging, that leans heavily on telling you the events but never shows you anything. Furthermore, the protagonist's ability to acquire private information with mere inquiries seems implausible and unrealistic. It's baffling why we should care about a character who possesses no battle power, strength, abilities, or unique qualities. The dialogues between the protagonist and his so-called "friend" lacks depth, it's not at all interesting. The protagonist's family adds nothing of value to the plot, making their existence feel entirely unnecessary. The story should have started at chapter 3 when the protagonist uses the teleporter explaining his reincarnation, sparing readers from the tedious and uneventful beginning. By this point, all interest was lost. The importance of finding information and journeying to another shelter at the other side of the continent, arriving at the right time period without much explanation seemed contrived and unrealistic. The dealing with the merchant don't make sense. System messages are not in brackets. The lack of logical thinking and planning by the protagonist, combined with his inexplicable confidence, made him an unconvincing character. The absence of detailed environmental descriptions and scene transitions further hindered any immersion. In summary, this novel is a casual read, while the writing itself is decent, the story's flat and unimpactful.


You'd expect an epic plot, akin to "One Shall Fall, One Shall Stand" but all you get is a Clash of Clans building journey. There's no grasp of the concept of dialogue constantly resorting to wrong formatting and misuse of first person viewpoint instead of third person for his initial state. For the characters there's not enough background about them and as for the plot the protagonist backstory was that he attempted to a traverse different universe and failed, but it would have made more sense if they'd crashed on an unknown planet after the Unicorn battle, explored the planet, scavenged parts, and healed his injuries while upgrading, they even have a "system" that could have allowed for skill and information creation, tech creation and building skills. But no, the environment is left undescribed, and they dive headfirst into picking up parts with no context or details. The pacing is all over the place, missing crucial in-between moments, a disconnected series of events [Who, How, What, When, Where, Why]. The state of the planet, the protagonist's abilities, the scrap bots, the tech, and how it works – none of this is said. The sentences are either fragmented or excessively lengthy, feel out of place or not related to each other, making it hard to follow the narrative, a chaotic mess of, [In my spare time, i spent on my new decepticon army it's only a prototype at the moment it is going to replace the vehicon troopers as the main battle force of the new decepticon army if it goes to plan.] Interactions and dialogues are devoid of meaning, characters simply exchange empty words like, "Where are you?", "Send me your location", "Come to my location". The protagonist reveals unreasonable information without thinking, and everyone blindly follows him. Character descriptions are casually thrown in without any real detail "It looks like... ", "Imagine that...", no way anyone knows how they look without saying anything about their parts, body, accessories, weapons, shape. As for subsequent chapters, they're just as aimless as the first but become worse thanks to the misuse ofAI. The story lacks purpose and progression, gathering items lacks context and buildup, rendering it uninteresting. Pacing shifts abruptly from fast to a crawl with one chapter that consists of nothing but the protagonist talking to themselves and the next is slightly better but fails to give any importance to the good guys point of view and their sudden raid, and they also speak in the first person.


Started off good, but quickly become a tedious and lackluster story. The initial interest surrounding the characters dissappeared as they lost any semblance of meaning and personality, making it hard to even recognize them among the multitude of randomly appearing individuals. The protagonist, who was previously rank 8, literally does nothing of interest after being reincarnated. The lack of new Gu worms in a supposedly big city, coupled with the protagonist's many inheritances that only end up being sold into auction, but only few Gu worms are shown, that either fade into obscurity or have no impact on the plot whatsoever. Despite having good opportunities to advance, he continually chooses the most mundane and illogical ways, devoid of any planning or strategy. For countless chapters, he struggles to make any progress in adjusting his Dao marks or awakening his aperture, and not refining anything, resorting to a risky and seemingly pointless methods. However, conveniently, when the plot demands it, he suddenly becomes capable of doing the impossible. The absence of descriptions of the locations, environment, and people, as a result the world-building suffers. Each passing chapter is more boring, further into aimlessness, devoid of any structure. The protagonist's limited schemes, his strategies lack depth and planning, from basic backstabbing or risky and unsatisfying decisions that result in his death. The initially slow pacing, becomes inconsistent, dragging the narrative into a tiresome monotonous cultivation and drawn-out explanations about the Gu system, where he sits as a tree all day helping some traitor who killed his brother.


The interactions, dialogue, and pace are perfect. Maybe include descriptions about the surroundings when there's a change from one place to another to make it natural. The plot can focus on events the original skipped and different outcomes or missed opportunities where the character takes a different approach for gaining resources. Avoid introducing and abruptly changing locations without purpose, they should serve a purpose, such as setting the tone, advancing the plot, or revealing important information. Don't skip the growth and progression, like cultivation, training, sects, and learning, include new abilities. It's better to include the summary of current skills and resources at the end of a chapter. Include memorable character quotes. You can also change the pov to other relevant character of the current plot. If the protagonist forms a team or recruits important members, dedicate chapters to explore their backgrounds, plans, thoughts, and significance to the protagonist's organization, don't immediately abandon them. Plot idea template for creating smart characters: Character A thinks he is the strongest and plans for the treasure but his pawns escaped his control, Character B ignores the original plan and plans to take everything for himself and others who he created an alliance, Character C is actually a spy that ruins their plans without knowing of their rebellion, Character D has a scheme in place and takes advantage of their fight to reap the benefits but is stopped by Character E during his escape.
