SilentNight23 - Profile



male LV 14
2023-03-11 เข้าร่วมแล้ว Global

ป้าย 11

Moments 1506


I’m guessing Rognars


(AN: So the Auction is happening, players are all set and stuff is beginning. Can anyone guess what the creature in the box will be? Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Mannakin

That sounds like a nightmare. Definitely a world threat easily

Nolan was wearing a dark hood as he watched the items being brought up to the stage, he had to admit some of them were indeed interesting. Especially the doomsday virus, he remembers fighting that creature with Superman, it had almost killed him and had it not been for Superman he might have died.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to TheManUnderTheBed


Lex found his blood boiling at the disrespect he was being shown "You'll regret crossing me..." he said before turning on his heels and walking out of the warehouse leaving Bruno alone with a wide grin on his face.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Hopefully all rooms are soundproof… who am I kidding. This is literal two of the most super powered heroes out there lol

Mark groaned as he felt Kara's tight pussy contract around his shaft even after fucking her so much he still struggled to even move when he was inside of her. However, it didn't stop him from grabbing the edge of the bed and thrusting hard into her making her scream as the bed started shaking.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Demonic_Dragon_01

Git. They just survive a one of the strongest Viltrumite. That threat will just annihilate them on this weaken state

He looked up at his own reflection, the most prominent feature were the bags around his bloodshot eyes "AGHHHH" He shouted as he threw his fist through the mirror again and again until his knuckles were bloody, he then put his cowl back on and left the bathroom.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Why limit yourself in this situation Wheres thousands are dying around you from you guy’s fighting!! This doesn’t make sense!!


Before he can transform again Nolan punches him full force in the throat rendering him unable to speak as he spits out blood and his muscles spasm "Now what will you do Mark?" Nolan said as he floated in front of him, he then sped forward and booted him through multiple buildings and into Wayne Tower. Mark who still couldn't speak stood up and found himself in some sort of lab. The people working in there started to panic as they saw Mark crash in through the window and they all started to run out 'I meant what I said Dad, I will beat you without my Viltrumite powers' he said telepathically to Nolan who was floating in through the hole Mark had made.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed



Mark zoomed ahead of Nolan and clotheslined him before pulling him back with his power and throwing a rapid combo of punches and elbows that Nolan was too stunned to react to fast enough. Nolan eventually regained control and sent even stronger punches back at Mark who attempted to go blow for blow with him. The shockwaves from their punches were shattering the ground around them and making the buildings rumble and glass shatter, Mark avoided a punch and slipped inside Nolan's guard before getting him with a vicious elbow, he then pivoted around him and kicked his knees out from him while grabbing his neck and holding him up.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to ArkNova

Teh thing is what he is saying is true. The more Viltrumite’s grow old their strength grows. But since he is fighting a Viltrumite that has hybrid with unique abilities and now having Shazam’s power it even the odds quickly. Battle also helps both of them greatly

They both crash through the building and into the streets once more where they both stand side by side "You look like you're slowing down there Dad" Mark said as he turned his head to look at him, Nolan chuckles slightly "You must be imagining it" he replied. They both swung at each other and their fists clashed shattering the glass around them and cracking the ground beneath their feet "You won't win Mark! Viltrumites get stronger as they age and I am thousands of years older than you!" He said as he gritted his teeth.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Tragic. Another key League member died


He heard the boy whisper out, Mark obliged and grabbed his hand as he assumed he didn't want to die alone or something similar but he then felt his hand start to tingle as electricity started to run all over it, he tried to move his hand away but it felt stuck in place, he looked down at the boy who was still smiling, the last thing Mark heard was

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Nolan forcing his son to not hold back and show his true potential

Nolan smirked as he wiped a small bit of blood off his mouth "Mark you will never be satisfied among these people, they will never understand you, and when the weak can't understand something they fear it" he stated in a serious tone before rushing forward and punching him through the sky "You are wasting your life on this backwater planet!!!" He said as he grabbed him by the throat and flew straight down. Mark struggled as he tried to get out of his father's grasp, but he couldn't and in a matter of seconds he was slammed into a skyscraper and through every single floor before Nolan threw him into the lobby of the building "You want to live your life in the slaughterhouse with the rest of the animals, fine!" He said as he landed in front of Mark and kicked him in the stomach sending him sliding across the lobby and through one of the supporting pillars "I don't need you, I can just wait for that baby of yours to grow up and-"

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to ArkNova


Mark smiled at him "I've missed you so much Dad, these years without you were hard on me and Mom, so I just wanted to talk to you even if it was just one last time" he replied, he then approached the shocked Nolan and embraced him once again before letting him go. Nolan's shock quickly vanished from his face and he frowned "Is that the way it is..." he said to Mark.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Lone_Philosopher

He could have easily sliced his head ngl. There’s a probability he just knock him out but there’s a chance he just went and paralyzed him if he didn’t kill him.

Nolan quickly grabbed Shazam and held him up to the sky to intercept the lightning bolt that had shot his way, it hit Shazam and when the smoke cleared he was no longer there and in Nolan's grasp was Billy Baterson "They get younger every year" Nolan said with a chuckle, he set Billy down in the ground but covered his mouth as soon as he tried to shout. He chopped Billy on the back of his neck with enough power to sever his spinal cord, Billy fell to the ground like a puppet having his strings cut.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Mark coming to the rescue?

Superman sped down drawing his fist down for a bunch but Nolan looked up at him and smirked, palming the tooth he had pulled out using enough strength to cause a sonic boom he launched it at Superman who thought he'd just power through it, however, he found himself growing weak and falling from the sky as he skipped across the ground "Superman!" They all shouted as they rushed towards them only for Nolan to clap his hands together making a shockwave that forced them back. Nolan sped over to Superman and looked down at the man of steel who had a small hole in his chest "I implanted that kryptonite in my mouth as soon as I discovered who you were, you're feeling it how aren't you? The weakness these monkeys feel every day" Nolan said as he kicked Clark in the stomach launching him away and out of the crater. He then turned back around to the rest of the league and smirked at them.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Afadhalimtunyonge

Ehh debatable on which version of Superman but they have the numbers so Nolan definitely will lose this one as he is outnumbered

J'onn quickly led her to a part of the station that looked to be a dead end but he put his hand on the wall and it opened up into another corridor, they went further down the corridor and at the end of it was a door. When they went inside Kara scowled as she considered going back out there to fight Nolan. Inside Batman was currently at the computer, this looked to be what he was using as his workspace/cell "J,onn he's on his way and should be there in a minute, once he's back on earth we need to leave the station and join the rest of the league" Batman said without looking away from the computer. As soon as Nolan escaped he started formulating a plan to take him down, he also contacted the league and had them all gather on Earth, Superman would be the one to lead him to the others as space isn't ideal for most of the members.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Chezebrelephaffe01

True. I Was expecting Flash and Superman to be there in a min after the alarm was sounded. But we don’t really know if it had only been maybe a min.

Kara grits her teeth wanting to wipe the smug smile off of his face "You know there is room in the empire for a Kryptonian, while you are useless under a red star I'm sure we can do something to fix that" Nolan said though before he could say anything else Kara sped forward and punched him in the face sending him down the corridor, she had to be careful not to use too much strength. Her eyes then started to glow red and Kara's heat vision sizzled through the air, but Nolan swiftly dodged each blast. He zoomed towards her and retaliated with a series of rapid punches, the force of which drove Kara back. Their struggle echoed through the metal corridors, the sound of their blows reverberating throughout the station. She was completely on the defensive as she had to protect her stomach in case Nolan decided to take a shot at her there.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed

Replied to Eric8the4lost_

Yeah. Better than him stuttering

"I-I didn't want Mark to be killed, it was a mistake and an oversight," Batman said as he clenched his fists.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed


Nah. Mark getting violated like he is in The Boys series

"This is the fourth time! If you're going to do it can you not do it right next to me" Mark complained but in response Harley just hit him on the head with her vibrator, Mark felt like he was going to cry when he felt a wet patch on his head.

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic

Anime & Comics · TheManUnderTheBed
