43.39% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 23: Undercover

บท 23: Undercover

"I already said I didn't find shit in Boston Ivy!" Mark shouted at Ivy as he was grabbing clothes from his room in Gotham and shoved them into a bag.

"Well, maybe you didn't look enough, you dumbass!" Ivy shouted back from the kitchen.

Mark groaned as he hit his head against the wall wishing he could feel the pain of it as it might overcome the headache Ivy was giving him. He'd spent a week with her and he was already considering going back to his Dad and letting him take over the planet. He was just glad that his Mom wasn't home at the moment as he didn't want to have to deal with her questions about why a notorious villain was in her apartment. Mark's new phone buzzed and he grabbed it out of his pocket.

Kara: Hey I haven't seen you today is everything okay, btw I enjoyed dinner with your Mom yesterday.

Mark: Hey Kara! It's good to hear from you and yeah I'm fine just a bit busy running errands for Batman

He sent a message back before putting his phone back into his pocket, he didn't like lying to Kara but he can't imagine much of the Justice League would approve of him trying to save Harley. "Did she have any safe houses that you knew about?!" Mark asked as he walked out of his bedroom with a bad slung over his shoulder.

As he walked into the kitchen he saw Ivy in there rooting around his fridge "Sure help yourself no need to ask." He said as he watched her peek her head over the side with an expression of annoyance on her face.

"I'm hungry!" She shouted in an annoyed voice

"Yeah well don't eat all my food I'm hungry too you know," Mark said as he walked over to the fridge to see what Ivy was taking. In her arms was a whole chicken she had taken out "You can't be serious..." he said as he looked down at Ivy.

She looked up at him incredulously "What! I burn through more calories than the average human." She stated.

"I sincerely doubt that," Mark replied as he grabbed the chicken from her.

"Hey! I was going to eat that." She shouted as she tried grabbing it back but Mark held out his hand and pushed him away "I'm the one that's been flying around to all these different places, eat something else." He said as he walked over to the oven.

"But there's no other meat in there it's only vegetables!" She whined.

"Why don't you just eat the vegetables then," Mark said as he turned the oven on.

"Why don't you just eat other humans then." She said mockingly as she crossed her arms.

"It is not the same thing! You're a human you're just... green." Mark said slightly unsure of his own words.

"So if that chicken could talk to you would you still eat it?" She asked him.

Mark looked at her with a raised eyebrow then looked down at the chicken in his hand and sighed "I get your point." He said in a defeated voice. 

Poison Ivy smiled victoriously as she walked forward to claim her prize only to be stopped by Mark again "The suns out... enjoy your meal." He said with a smirk before pushing her back.

"You're such an asshole!" Ivy shouted before walking out of the kitchen to sit by the window. Mark just chuckled as he put the chicken in the oven "Is there anywhere else Harley might go if she was trying to avoid the Joker." He asked from the kitchen.

"No, if she needed a safe place she'd just call me," Ivy replied.

"At this point, I suppose we have to accept she's been taken," Mark said as he walked out of the kitchen and sat on the sofa.

"Which wouldn't have happened if you hadn't left her sleeping on a bus station bench!" Ivy said chidingly.

"Give me a break my Dad who I hadn't seen for over ten years was on TV fighting the Justice League who then fought me by the way, also you're welcome for saving the planet from a potential alien occupation," Mark said in a slight pout.

"Ooooh you're a regular old Superhero, let me just try and forget the first time we met Superman tackled you and beat your ass." Poison Ivy said with a laugh at the end.

Mark sighed "That was a misunderstanding... listen we are getting distracted we need to find out who took Harley."

"Could it have been the League of Assassins? You mentioned they attacked you earlier in the day." Ivy asked.

Mark thought for a moment before shaking his head "No they wanted whatever Harley had on her they didn't care much for taking her anywhere." He said.

"Had on her?" Ivy said with slight confusion.

"She had a shiny stone that she'd been keeping, she said that it was one of the last jobs she and the Joker did," Mark explained.

"You could've mentioned that before!" Ivy said as she pulled out her phone from between her cleavage.

"Why do you even have that?" Mark asked

"Shut up." She said as she started looking through her phone she then got up from her seat on the windowsill and sat next to Mark.

"Around four years ago I was invited to this event, it was called the Underground Auction they had a bunch of cool stuff there though nothing that could interest me," Ivy mentioned as she showed Mark her invitation that she'd received a few months prior.

"What makes you think they'd take her?" Mark asked.

"Well if the League of Assassins were after whatever that rock was then it's likely the people who run the Auction would be too, they also like to traffic people which would explain why they took her," Ivy explained.

Mark snickered "Not really who would want to buy Harley." He said almost automatically.

Poison Ivy sighed "She can be a bit of a handful but she does have a way of growing on you."

A small smile made its way onto Mark's face "She does..." he managed to catch Ivy wiping her eyes so he put his hand on her knee.

"Don't worry we will get her back, do you know where the Underground Auction is going to be held?" Mark asked. Poison Ivy nodded "It's included in the invitation." She replied.

Mark nodded though before he could say anything else his phone beeped again, so he took it out of his pocket and saw that he'd received another message from Kara.

Kara: Heyyyy come backkkkk already, I've got a surprise for you...

Mark started to laugh nervously 'Maybe Harley can wait a bit longer.' He thought to himself with a lecherous smile on his face.

"Please stop smiling like that you're making me feel unsafe," Ivy said with a disturbed look on her face.

Mark rolled his eyes as he stood up "We will sneak into the Underground Auction tomorrow... I just remembered I have some stuff to do." Mark said a little suspiciously.

Poison Ivy narrowed her eyes at him "Why don't we leave now, surely you don't have something more important to do." She said slowly as she stood up.


"I guess you're right... well, the chicken is ready, why don't you go get it while I set the table." Mark said with an apologetic smile.

Ivy looked at him with even more suspicion, this whole week all he had done was steal food and laugh in her face and now he was offering to share. However, the chicken smelled too good for her to care and so she walked past Mark into the kitchen.


Ivy heard the sound of wind moving really quickly and she stopped moving "Mark if I turn around and look in the living room and you're not there then I swear to the green you're dead." She said before turning around and looking back inside.




"You know this really wasn't the surprise I had in mind when you texted me," Mark said with apparent disappointment.

Kara just gave him an apologetic smile "That surprise is still gonna happen don't worry, just a tiny little meeting beforehand." She said holding her finger and thumb up together.

Mark sighed before looking at the other people there. The meeting room he'd been led to had Superboy, Wonder Woman, Wonder Girl, Nightwing, Starfire and Batman. There were a few others that Mark didn't recognise but he didn't care much and sat down wanting to get this over with.

"We appreciate you coming Mark," Diana said with a kind smile.

"I didn't really have much choice since I was tricked but we can ignore that for now," Mark replied before looking toward Batman who sat opposite him.

"What do you want, though just to let you know I'll probably decline, I'm quite busy at the moment," Mark said casually.

"Looking for Harley Quinn," Batman said bluntly shocking those at the table apart from Kara and Kori as Mark had already told them what had happened after Superman punched a hole in his stomach. 

"Why would you be looking for that Maniac!" Dick shouted, out of all the people here the Bat-family knew just how dangerous Harley was, especially when paired with the Joker.

"That maniac took care of me after Boy in Blue punched a hole in my stomach and threw me into the sea," Mark said bluntly silencing Nightwing.

Mark then looked back towards Batman "You have an issue with me looking for her?" He asked though he didn't much care about the answer.

"I don't, in fact, the job I have for you will benefit you in this regard," Batman stated.

Mark raised his eyebrows in surprise but quickly schooled his expression "I'm listening." He simply said.

Batman stood up and slid a metal disc into the centre of the table, a holographic image then appeared of a large palace in the desert. However calling it a palace would be a disservice the entire compound was more the size of a large town "This is the palace of Rumaan Harjavti, the dictator of the nation of Bialya." Batman stated.

"These past few weeks I've been researching the disappearance of villains across various cities, at first I wasn't sure why they all seemed to leave but I managed to discover the reason why." He continued.

The image on the screen switched to a picture of a large man with a receding hairline in a suit "This is Bruno Mannheim he's the leader of Intergang, a number of years ago he started the Underground Auction where they'd sell the alien technology they acquired, however in recent years the scale of the Auction has only increased." He explained.

"This year the Auction has promised to be the biggest it ever," Batman said as he sat back down in his seat.

Mark leaned back in his seat "So... go take your little club and bust the place up." Mark suggested but Batman simply shook his head.

"Intergang and the Auction are currently protected by the Bialyan government, any overt movement against them could cause an international incident." He explained.

"So what do you want from me?" Mark asked.

"Nightwing, Superboy and Wonder Girl will be disguising themselves as criminals and infiltrating the Auction, I'd like for you to join them." He replied.

Mark raised an eyebrow "Only four of us? Against thousands of criminals?" Mark said with a snicker.

"You won't be fighting anyone, you'll be finding out where they store the product and recover them or at the very least destroy them, and it's not just four of you, the fifth member will be joining you when you leave," Batman stated. While he didn't want to do it this way as he had no way of knowing what was there, this situation had placed him in a bind. The list of members he could use that were both relatively unknown to the public as well as available to do what could turn out to be a dangerous mission was very short which was why he needed Mark, as at the moment he was one of the strongest beings on the planet.

"I'll provide equipment and anything else that's needed for the mission, and of course, you'll be compensated as per our deal." Batman continued.

Mark didn't see any downside to the mission, he was going to have to do this anyway but at least he now had backup. He wasn't too worried he was sure he could escape if he needed to, though if he had the element of surprise he could carve a large chunk out of them "Fine we have a deal." He said in agreement as he stood up.

"You'll move out in a few days," Batman stated before standing up and leaving the room effectively ending the meeting.

Diana gave Mark a smile as she left the room though the same couldn't be said for his new teammates who either scowled at him or ignored him "Don't worry about them Mark I'm sure they'll come to like you just as much as I do." Kara said as she hugged the side of his body.

Mark laughed nervously as he thought about Superboy and Nightwing liking him as much as Kara "I hope not..." he said quietly enough for Kara not to hear.

"It is good to see you Honoured One, I've been most desperate to see you again," Kori said as she approached Mark with a wide smile on her face.

Mark could see she was breathing heavily and perspiring, a bead of sweat ran down her neck where it ran between her breasts. Kara looked up at Kori as her nose wrinkled, she then looked down towards Kori's groin and her eyes widened 'She's practically gushing.' She thought to herself. She involuntarily hugged Mark even tighter than she was before, while she knew Kori liked Mark this reaction was insane.

Mark laughed nervously again "Please Kori call me Mark, it's good to see you too." He said as he scratched the back of his head.

"Ah yes I forgot that is how you wish to be referred to Honoured Mark, perhaps you'd like to administer the punishment now." She said as she turned around and put both of her hands on the table and bent over slightly.

"Kori!" Kara shouted in surprise as she let go of Mark and walked over to her friend "We need to talk now!" She whispered loudly before dragging her towards the door.

She looked around and smiled apologetically at Mark "Sorry Mark it looks like the surprise will have to wait, see you later." She said before walking through the door and leaving Mark alone.


Harley sighed as she lay on her side, she'd started picking the beads off of her outfit and was trying to throw them into Killer Frost's mouth as she was asleep. She had been slowly going insane with boredom as she had spent most of her time in this cage, well at least more insane than she usually was.

The only people she had for company were a miserable bitch and a girl that didn't say anything, she really hoped that Ivy or Mark would've busted her out by now but it looks like they either couldn't find her or didn't care "I tell ya what Cassy I'm gonna give Mark a helluva beating when I next see him." She said though her voice wasn't very enthusiastic.

She stopped trying to throw beads at Killer Frost and sat up before tucking her legs to her chest "I really miss them..." she said as she let her head fall to her lap. Tears started to fall from her eyes as emotions started to is overwhelm her, she felt a hand touch her and she looked up.

Cassandra had put a reassuring hand on her shoulder which made Harley smile "Hehehe I don't know why I'm so emotional all of a sudden, I hope I'm not pregnant." She said jokingly as she wiped her eyes.


The door to the warehouse slammed open as a large forklift drove inside slowly with a large metal box that kept on rattling, next to it was a whole squad of guards as well as Death Stroke and Ravager, they all had their guns pointed at the crate as it was moved and placed down "SHUT THE HELL UP!" Harley shouted as the cage wouldn't stop rattling.

Deathstroke turned around and saw Harley then laughed "I wouldn't go agitating it girl, from what I've been told inside there is a creature that could rip off Superman's arm with just its teeth."

"Bullshit." Harley spat out before throwing a bead at Deathstroke though the mercenary caught it in his hand before inspecting it and dropping it to the ground.

"Enjoy your relative freedom while you can, a week from now you'll be someone's sex slave or worse." He said with a chuckle before turning around and leaving.

"Asshole!" She shouted before she was distracted by the loud roaring coming from the metal box.

Harley leaned back against her cage, If no one was coming to get him then she'd need to figure out a way to escape herself.

(AN: So the Auction is happening, players are all set and stuff is beginning. Can anyone guess what the creature in the box will be? Anyway I hope you enjoyed the chapter.)

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Rank -- การจัดอันดับด้วยพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง








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โหวตด้วย Power Stone
Rank NO.-- การจัดอันดับพลัง
Stone -- หินพลัง



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