30.18% Life Can Change || DC x Invincible Fic / Chapter 16: Disappointment

บท 16: Disappointment

(AN: So I've managed to get a bit ahead with the chapters so I'll go back to posting every Monday on here, i also hope you like the fight scene 😁)

Mark and Nolan stood facing each other on the building in utter silence after Mark had uttered those words. The only sounds were those from the streets below as people still screamed and cars honked their horns trying to get away from the epicentre of the fight.



Mark flew at Nolan and hugged him tightly which Nolan accepted with open arms and even laughed a bit. Diana who was breathing heavily on the floor watched as father and son embraced each other and any hope she felt before Mark's arrival was quickly shattered. Nothing was stopping them now from calling down a full viltrumite invasion.

Nolan pulled away from the hug and smiled at his son "It truly makes me happy that rumours of your death were exaggerated" he said as he had his arms on Mark's shoulders.

Mark smiled back and nodded "It was a close thing but I managed to survive, Dad where have you been all this time" Mark asked as he lost the smile on his face. Nolan sighed "Ten years ago the Justice League managed to get the drop on me, I underestimated them and it cost me years of freedom, but that doesn't matter, I am free now and you are alive and your powers have come in," he said as he clapped him on the back.

Mark nodded as they walked to the edge of the building overlooking the city "What are your plans now that you've escaped" he then looked at the broken and bruised bodies of the league on the roof "I don't think the Justice League will be much of a problem anymore" he commented.

Nolan nodded "Mark how much do you know about yourself... and your powers" he asked.

Mark shrugged "Not much, I know I'm an alien, and something called a Viltrumite" he responded getting a nod from Nolan "The reason I came to this planet was to prepare it to join the empire, I was going to wait until you'd reached adulthood and your powers had come in so that the transition would be easier but the league caught me digging around and you know what happened after that"

Diana tried to push herself up to her feet as she listened to Mark and Nolan talk. They lost against Nolan, they wouldn't stand a chance against both of them, she didn't know what she was going to do but she knew she needed to do something. She looked across the roof and saw Billy who was still limp on the roof with only his eyes and mouth moving, Diana reached for her communicator which was on her waist but as she did Nolan was already in front of her and he grabbed her wrist tightly squeezing which made her scream "They'll thank us Mark, everything new is tough at first but when they see how we transform this shit stain planet into something great they'll thank us" he said as he kept squeezing.

Diana looked at Mark who had an emotionless look on his face as he looked at her bruised form "Was this always the plan Dad? To take control" Mark asked in a calm tone.

"Of course..." he said before looking up at Mark's face, he dropped Diana roughly on the ground "Mark don't feel sorry for these people, didn't they hunt you down like a dog just for being my son, they aren't worth your sympathy" Nolan stated firmly.

Mark looked down at Diana "You're right... they aren't, none of what they've done over the past few months is what I grew up believing heroes should do" he simply said making Nolan smile and nod his head.

Mark then turned to his dad and smiled "But there are a lot of people who are worth it" Mark said as he thought about everyone in Gotham who had helped him get to this point 'If it wasn't for them I might not even be here' he thought to himself.

Nolan's smile faded "So it's like that then..." he simply said as he stood there and Mark nodded resolutely "You never had any intention of joining me... why even let me talk" he asked.

Mark smiled at him "I've missed you so much Dad, these years without you were hard on me and Mom, so I just wanted to talk to you even if it was just one last time" he replied, he then approached the shocked Nolan and embraced him once again before letting him go. Nolan's shock quickly vanished from his face and he frowned "Is that the way it is..." he said to Mark.

Mark nodded before clenching his fists and holding them out in from of him "Yeah that's the way it is" he said. Nolan shook his head in disappointment "Very well then" he said before blitzing toward Mark drawing his fist back which connected with his face launching Mark off the building and through multiple skyscrapers. Mark heard the screaming of people as he smashed into the ground creating a massive grove in the ground as he rolled across the road. He flipped around and dug his hands into the ground to stop his momentum, once he stopped moving across the ground he touched his hand to his face and winced slightly "I'm so fucked" he said to himself before he pushed back on his feet and flew backwards narrowly avoiding Nolan slamming down on the road feet first creating a massive shockwave that shattered all the glass in the area and flipped over the cars.

Mark silently cursed as he looked around, he wasn't a hero and he never would be but it didn't mean he was heartless enough to let thousands die in their fight. He flew towards Nolan swinging his arm low and going for an uppercut, Nolan easily leaned away from the hit but was caught when Mark brought his arm back down hitting Nolan in the face with his elbow, unfortunately it only made him budge slightly "Is that it?" He asked as he stood there unamused. Mark smirked however and increased the weight of his arm to its max, the force combined with the weight was able to slam Nolan down to the ground. Mark then grabbed Nolan by the ankle and spun him around several times before flinging him up into the air.

Mark flew up into the air after him slamming his fist into his stomach and sending him up further. However when Mark tried to do it again Nolan caught his fist and sent a powerful right hook aimed at his face, Mark leaned back horizontally avoiding the hook before bringing his feet up and slamming them into Nolan's stomach sending him back slightly, however, he still had Marks fist in his grip so he was dragged with him, it gave Nolan the opportunity to draw his fist back and slam it into Mark's stomach sending blood spurting from his mouth, Nolan went to do it again but Mark kicked out and sent his fist careening upwards. He then slammed his elbow down on Nolan's arm which managed to loosen his grip before doing a spinning punch which caught Nolan in the face.

Nolan smirked as he wiped a small bit of blood off his mouth "Mark you will never be satisfied among these people, they will never understand you, and when the weak can't understand something they fear it" he stated in a serious tone before rushing forward and punching him through the sky "You are wasting your life on this backwater planet!!!" He said as he grabbed him by the throat and flew straight down. Mark struggled as he tried to get out of his father's grasp, but he couldn't and in a matter of seconds he was slammed into a skyscraper and through every single floor before Nolan threw him into the lobby of the building "You want to live your life in the slaughterhouse with the rest of the animals, fine!" He said as he landed in front of Mark and kicked him in the stomach sending him sliding across the lobby and through one of the supporting pillars "I don't need you, I can just wait for that baby of yours to grow up and-"


Nolan was sent up through multiple floors before he felt himself get grabbed and then slammed back down to the lobby. He looked up and saw Mark with a pissed-off look on his face as he floated down and landed in front of him "I couldn't bring myself to give it my all, I suppose I'm still somewhat in disbelief at what's happening... but that won't be a problem anymore" he said ominously as he looked towards Nolan with his fist outstretched.

Nolan stood up and scowled "You're such a disappointment, all of that power and you're wasting it protecting ants!" He spat as he sped towards him throwing a punch, Mark narrowly avoided the punch by sidestepping it and then throwing one of his own which connected with Nolan's chin snapping his head back. Mark then sent a powerful punch into Nolan's stomach the collision of which managed to cause a shockwave, he followed up with a spinning elbow to the face and then flew up and brought both hands together and sledge hammered him to the ground.

Mark then went to grab him but his wrist was caught by Nolan "If that's all you have then maybe you deserve to die along with these creatures" he growled out as he floated up and lifted Mark before smashing him into the ground multiple times, he then threw him into the air up multiple floors and followed with a series of rapid punches that were aimed at his recently healed stomach. Mark eventually hit the ground in what looked like an office floor and he threw up a good amount of blood as he grasped his stomach in pain.

Though he didn't have much time to recover as Nolan was already before him with his foot drawn back, Mark crossed his arms to protect himself and grunted as the kick sent him sailing through the office cubicles and the wall of the building outside. Mark floated outside the building as he looked inside to where Nolan was, he saw Nolan start to fly towards him and he got ready, when Nolan launched a punch his way he shifted his body and caught the arm before throwing him upwards 'Let's see how you deal with this' Mark thought to himself as he lifted his hand in the direction of the of Nolan who had stopped his momentum and was now heading back towards Mark.

Sparks flew as a sphere of red came into existence in his palm and just before Nolan got close enough he launched the ball that was the size of an apple, it caused a huge shock wave which shattered the glass of the surrounding building, Mark managed to hear Nolan sputter as the wind was knocked out of him and he was sent back upwards with the sphere of pure repel. Mark flew up and followed him into the sky and just before the ball winked out of existence Mark connected a spinning kick which he weighted to Nolan's jaw which sent him across the sky.

Nolan eventually stopped himself and was in pure shock as he looked at his son who was approaching him "How did you do that..." he growled out as his expression turned severe. Mark raised an eyebrow at him "I've had those powers since before my viltrumite powers kicked in, it's something some humans are born with, but you know this so why bother asking" Mark asked with some confusion.

Nolan looked thoughtful for a moment before looking at his son "It seems plans have changed, you may be content to waste your life on this planet but I won't allow one of the only true Viltrumite Hybrids in existence to do so, I'll be taking you back to the empire... your compliance isn't necessary" Nolan growled out as he got ready to attack once more.

Mark held his hand out and sent a wave of repel aimed at Nolan before following up with a sledgehammer straight to his chest, he then reached out to his other hand and pulled him back towards him with his power and sent a weighted punch straight to his face. Nolan was sent hurtling to the ground as the punch had dazed him slightly, but as he started to slow himself down another red sphere was sent hurtling at him which caught him in the chest again "AGH" he grunted as he tried to grasp the ball and move it out of the way but his hand couldn't fully grasp it as if it pushed him away the closer he tried to get.


Nolan slammed into the ground creating a massive crater, he growled as the ball hadn't disappeared and was still pushing him deeper into the ground. Eventually, it dissipated and Nolan shot out of the hole floating above the large crater only to be drop-kicked by Mark sending him back to the ground, they were outside the city now so Mark didn't have to worry about destroying it.

Mark landed on the ground just as Nolan stood up, it was pretty disheartening to see how uninjured he looked with only a few bruises on his face but Mark wouldn't give up so easily. Mark shot a blue sphere at Nolan but this time his dad zoomed out of the way avoiding it and then towards Mark, but Mark smirked as Nolan drew his fist back only for it to be halted by the blue sphere that was behind him. Mark took advantage and slammed his fist into Nolan multiple times mirroring a Wing Chun combination that he'd seen Ted practice a few times, he ended by kicking Nolan in the stomach towards the Blue sphere that ground against his back and caused him to scowl, with a bit of effort he shook himself free and away from its attraction only to be grabbed by Mark and slammed into the ground. Mark punched him multiple times in the face before charging up a red sphere in his hand and slamming it down in Nolan's face point blank.


Mark was forced back from the explosion of his red sphere and hit the ground just outside the crater that they'd formed. For a moment everything was silent and Mark breathed a sigh of relief as he thought it might be over but his hopes were immediately dashed as he saw his father floating out of the hole in the ground his face was red and some of the skin had managed to tear off, needless to say, he was not happy "Enough..." he said and the next second he was in front of Mark who tried to throw a punch at him but it was brushed aside before Nolan returned one of his own that hit him in the face hard enough to break his nose and send him careening across the ground.

Nolan sped off ahead of Mark and caught him by the back of his neck he then flew with him in hand and slammed his head into the ground dragging him across it. Mark tried to loosen his grip but it was all in vain, Nolan then lifted him before bringing his face to his knee multiple times and throwing him gently in the air before launching a powerful kick at his body which made his body break the sound barrier as it was launched across the sky and back into the city. Mark tried to slow himself down but by the time he did he had slammed through multiple buildings before rolling into the street, he was dazed and his vision was blurred, his nose was broken and his orbital socket felt like it had been fractured, however, he wasn't given any reprieve as Nolan was already there lifting him from the ground "You have no clue how special you are and yet you'd rather waste away on this planet" Nolan growled out as he lifted him by the back of his neck.

"Tell me!!! What has you so enamoured with these humans!!!" He shouted as he slammed his head down to the ground again, he then floated over to one of the people who were watching the fight and grabbed him by the throat "Look at them Mark, you may think they look like us" he said as he looked at him, he then clenched his fist and crushed the man's throat immediately ending his life "But they aren't like us..." he continued.

Mark breathed heavily as he stood up "Stop it..." he breathed out as he flew towards Nolan and sent a few punches at him, Nolan just avoided them with a speed much faster than he used before. He then sent a punch into Mark's stomach which sent him to the ground as he threw up once again, Nolan grabbed one of the people who tried to run away and lifted them up by the leg, with a grin on his face he used her as a makeshift weapon and slammed her into Mark.

Mark just kneeled there in disbelief as he felt her warm blood splatter all over him as her body was torn in half after making contact with his own. Nolan then grabbed Mark by the hair and dragged him onto the pavement before throwing him through the crowd of people who were running away. His invulnerable body tore through the people splattering their blood and body parts across the pavement, nearly the entire street was covered in people's blood, if Mark had anything left he might've thrown up again but all he could do was look on in sheer horror as he saw over a hundred people dead in an instant.

Mark was on his knees when Nolan approached him and kicked him in the face sending him through the air and into an apartment building, he struggled up and pushed himself up against the wall seeing he was in one of the low-income houses, a woman came running into the room and screaming as she saw the bloody and battered form of Mark she immediately ran to a crib and grabbed her baby but before she could run out of the room Nolan had floated in through the hole he drew his arm back and slapped her which sent her brains splattering across the wall. Her baby started crying as it was dropped to the floor, Mark tried to rush and catch it but he was roughly shoved back by Nolan.


Mark heard the baby abruptly stop crying but he didn't dare look down, he just looked up at Nolan with anger on his face. Nolan looked back at him with a small grin "What did I step in something?" He asked, he quickly avoided a punch by Mark before grabbing his arm and punching him in the face multiple times before sending him flying out the wall into the streets below. He follows suit and lands on the ground below watching Mark crawling out of the small crater he'd formed "I'm doing this for your own good Mark, you'll thank me for it one day whether in 100 or 1000 years from now when everyone you know has turned to dust and I'm the only one you have left" he said as he approached Mark who struggled to his feet.

Mark didn't know what to do nothing he did worked, it felt like he was fighting Superman after he stopped holding back and he remembered well enough how that ended. However he still stood up and held his fists out 'What else can I do' he thought to himself, his dad was capable of destroying everything and he would before turning everyone on the planet into slaves. But as Nolan edged closer to him in the corner of his eye Mark saw a grate to the sewers start to shift, and abruptly it burst open along with a large amount of the concrete surrounding it. Nolan felt surprised as he felt large scaled arms wrap tightly around him as well as a large tail "Run Mark" the creature said in a rumbling snakelike voice.

Mark's eyes widened as he saw Waylon wrap himself around Nolan to stop him from taking him, but he knew Waylon didn't stand a chance against his dad "Waylon no stop!!!" He shouted as he rushed towards them. Nolan looked annoyed as he slammed his head back and into the chest of Waylon who grunted as he felt his bones snap, Nolan then opened his arms out forcing Waylon off of him and turned around to end the man's life. However, before he could Mark managed to halt him by grabbing his arm and stopping it but Nolan pulled Mark closer before headbutting him and then slamming his fist into his face launching him away further into the city.

He then looked back to Waylon who snarled at him, Waylon charged at him slashing at him with his slaws but then quickly grunted in pain as he felt them snap on his skin. Nolan grabbed the offending hand and snapped his wrist before pulling him closer and grabbing his jaws with his hands. Waylon struggled against Nolan to get free but failed and his lower jaw was ripped off. Nolan then kicked him in the chest sending him through multiple buildings, before turning around and trying to find Mark.

Mark woke up with a gasp as he realised he must've passed for a second, he looked around and helplessly laughed discovering he was on the same building they had originally met on. He looked and saw Wonder Woman had passed out again, he didn't blame her as he very much felt like passing out right now as well. His guilt grew as he saw a boy on the roof as well, the boy was looking at him and mouthing something but his mouth seemed to be filled with blood. Mark crawled over to him and tipped the boy on his side, blood poured out of his mouth and Mark could see how his spine looked crunched.

Mark felt guilt overwhelm him "I'm sorry..." was all he could think to say, and it only got worse when the boy smiled at him he tried to speak but struggled to "Stop... just rest and we'll get you some help soon" Mark lied, there was no help coming, not for him, not for Wonder Woman, not for Mark.


He heard the boy whisper out, Mark obliged and grabbed his hand as he assumed he didn't want to die alone or something similar but he then felt his hand start to tingle as electricity started to run all over it, he tried to move his hand away but it felt stuck in place, he looked down at the boy who was still smiling, the last thing Mark heard was



As Nolan flew across the skyline of the city, suddenly a large lightning bolt struck one of the buildings which caused him to frown. He zoomed across until he arrived at the roof to see it was covered in smoke, all of a sudden a lightning bolt emerged from the smoke and struck him in the chest sending him back into the building behind him.

As he stood up he saw Mark who looked to have recovered from his beating fly in through the hole, though he was currently wearing the outfit Shazam had and blue electricity dancing across his body.

Mark felt good, he felt even better than he did when he first got his powers though he didn't much like the outfit. As soon as he said that lightning washed across his body and the costume changed, he was wearing his regular clothes again but they were all patched up and not bloodstained. He looked at Nolan who had a shocked and slightly enraged expression on his face. Mark looked back with an equally angry expression

"Bell hasn't Rung yet..."

(AN: So yeah I wanted the fight to go on for longer so I'll just do another chapter and make that the ending to the arc. Hope you enjoyed it, I try and make the fights interesting first and logical second, hopefully, I at least got one of those 😂. Also a lot of you were like I hope he eat the Platinum Kryptonite but I thought this would be cooler and give him more ways to experiment with his powers. And the Platinum Kryptonite is central to the next arc)

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Stone -- หินพลัง



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