The story follows a university student as he heads home for summer vacation after a grueling second year. With dry humor and a cynical outlook on life, he navigates through the everyday chaos of his academic world. The protagonist just wants to enjoy a quiet vacation at home. However, the train ride they’re all set to take the next morning hints that peace is far from what’s awaiting him. As the trio prepares for their journey, it’s clear that chaos follows them everywhere, and their summer is bound to be filled with unexpected twists, hilarious misfortunes, and perhaps, a few revelations about friendship, love, and growing up.
Ghosts and spirits have always been a mystery to people. Some are curious about it and some are scared of it. But what if we give people a fiction which mixes the reality of these things? It is journal of a psychic medium for all those who are curious of the unknown. (please take it as a fiction)