Sie verliebte sich trotz seiner üblichen Kälte in seine warmen Berührungen und liebte ihn, nur um am Ende enttäuscht und betrogen zu werden. Wenn sich die Liebe in Dunkelheit verwandelt, wird sie giftig und verzehrt die Seele. Die naive Arabella hat sich entwickelt. *** "Danke, dass du meine Frau geworden bist", waren die letzten Worte ihres kalten Mannes vor seinem Tod, gepaart mit einem Lächeln, das nie zuvor seine Lippen zierte. Nicht an ihrem Hochzeitstag. Und nicht einmal bei der Geburt ihres einzigen Kindes. Kaiser Ferdinand, den Arabella so sehr liebte, tötete ihren Sohn. Sie wurde eine Schurkin und schwor Rache für ihr geliebtes Kind. Ein Jahrzehnt lang setzte sie alles daran, Ferdinand dafür bezahlen zu lassen. Bis er schließlich... ins Verderben stürzte! Als ihre Rache vollendet war, endete Arabellas Leben bald mit ihrem toten Ehemann in ihren Armen. Aber das Schicksal war noch nicht fertig mit ihr. Plötzlich war sie zwei Jahrzehnte nach ihrer Hochzeit wieder da. War es ein Fluch oder ein Segen? Es spielte keine Rolle. Denn es gab nur eine Sache, die sie tun musste. "Ich werde dich auch in diesem Leben ruinieren!" Das war ihr hasserfülltes Versprechen an sich selbst, als sie merkte, dass sie wiedergeboren war. Doch in ihrem zweiten Leben wurde Arabella unerwartet die Gabe zuteil, die Wahrheit zu enthüllen. Wer hatte Unrecht und wer hatte Recht? Nur die Zeit wird es zeigen.
[Status: Completed /02/14/24] Synopsis: When Monarki found herself tied inside a dark castle dungeon, she merely thought that it was all just a product of her dream. But when knights appeared in front of her and ordered her to be dragged to the guillotine, she realized how intense and terrifying her dream was. Determined to go on and witness where her silly dream will take her, she obediently puts her neck under the blade that screams her death. “Death to the sloth! Execute the lazy bitch!” She was convinced that it wasn’t real, but when the coldness of the blade touched her skin, the heart-wrenching cries and tear-stained faces of her loved ones filled her vision. She finally realized that her lethargic and boring life as Monarki had ended, and her new identity in that unfamiliar world where magic and monsters exist began. However, the lingering soul of the body’s owner, Luna, seemed to have wanted her body back. Will Mona allow her to reclaim her life once more? Or will she fight for her own life, despite the truth that nothing belonged to her in that world? “What can I offer for you to feel belong in this world?” Asked by the Grand Duke who wanted her to stay. The man gave his heart instead, now owned by Monarki. Join Monarki to unravel the mysteries revolving around her transmigration, and find out why her soul, of all people, was the one who got summoned. *** This is my first story so I can assure you that I'll finish it no matter what^^ The novel will focus on Mona's adventure as she unravels the mysteries revolving around her and Luna's identity. Romance is quite slow, but it will gradually focus on that, so please keep reading^^ Thank you! - Cover is mine^^4.78
Esmeray Reis, once a princess, now lives her life like a bespectacled wallflower to stay far away from people's attention until one day she is compelled to enter the Royal Castle disguised as a maid. Aleister Daven, a mysterious Prince. Dark, devious, and sinful. The mention of his name is enough to make people tremble. Uninterested in most things until he comes across the stubborn woman who won't spare a glance his way. And unknowingly he grows fond of stalking her, teasing her, cornering her, despite her obvious disgust in him. She is his, and he would spare no efforts in making her realize that. When strange incidents happen around Esme, she finds herself waking up in the depths of the ageless sea. Mysterious powers awakening inside her body threaten to shred away her existence and rationality. The involvement of merfolk makes everything more complicated. Staying far away from him was all she ever wished but what was she going to do when he becomes the sole ray of light in the darkness surrounding her? Will she take his hand? Will she ever tell him that it was not him who disgusted her but instead it was her growing obsession for him that she despised?Excerpt Aristia could not help but stare at the platinum blonde a few steps in front of her. She seemed to sparkle with a glow that drew people in around her. Something that only happened to the main character of a novel. [Is that stupid book sure I'm the female lead?] She thought, her jaws almost going slack. At this point, she was sure she was deluding herself— or the book was deluding her. She didn't know why, but she already disliked the girl. [This is definitely not jealousy.] She rubbed her brows, watching how the innocent, naive looking girl exuding female lead aura was being flocked around already by others. "Fuck, I'm in deep shit!" — Excerpt Two "What do you mean this is where I belong?!!!" She asked incredulously. "It is the truth. It might sound extremely absurd and unbelievable, but it is the truth." He said, his voice tinged with helplessness. "Hell, it is absurd." She threw her hands up in the air exasperatedly. The seriousness in his eyes told her he wasn't at all joking or messing with her. He was damn serious. "Ugh. What shit am I involved in?" She asked frustratingly to no one in particular at the news she was still trying to wrap her head around. *** Aristia Andrews had just come back home from work and prepared to go to sleep, when she was given a novel. Nothing strange about that though, huh? But just after she had completed the novel, she woke up to find herself tossed into a whole new world. Taken from her world and the life she deemed perfect, and tossed into a not-so-ideal world. Now part of royalty, she has to get accustomed to living in a backward world of Kings and Queens, Dukes, Marquises, Earls, Viscounts and Barons. Just the titles and hierarchy were enough to make her smart head spin. With beautiful and loving parents and relatives, a cute younger brother, loyal servants and a smart brain, join Aristia as she enjoys eating and making new and delicious cuisines, forms unique friendships, and creates successful businesses. However, she finds all is not as she thought it was; there just might be something bigger than she expected, that the book did not reveal. Now... she has a lot of mysteries surrounding her to unfold, and secrets to uncover, and perhaps she'll find a dash of love along the way.
Sie sollte eigentlich eine Dame aus dem Haus des Marquis sein, wurde aber durch eine Verwechslung bei der Geburt zur Tochter eines Bauern. Nachdem sie mühsam zu einer schönen und anmutigen Dame herangewachsen war, kam niemand, um ihr einen Antrag zu machen. Viele sagten, sie sei hässlich und geistig behindert oder ein verfluchtes Kind, das ihren Eltern Unglück brachte. Doch ihr Ehemann, den sie unterwegs auflas, war tatsächlich der zukünftige Premierminister. Der kleine Mönch, den sie auf dem Berg adoptierte, war einer der sechs göttlichen Generäle. Sogar die alte Dame, die sie ohne viel nachzudenken gerettet hatte, entpuppte sich als die aktuelle Kaiserin. Ein gewisser Mann sagte grimmig: "Meine Liebe, ich werde mich mit jedem anlegen, der es wagt, dich zu schikanieren!" Der göttliche General sagte: "Schwester, sag mir einfach, welches Gebiet der sechs Königreiche du willst. Ich werde es für dich erobern!" Die Kaiserin sagte: "Der Kaiser schikaniert meinen Liebling? Wartet nur! Ich werde ihn auf der Stelle absetzen!"
Dynasties rise and dynasties fall, like the tide washing the sand. On one side, he suffers from intrigue and hides his great ambition; on the other, the mysterious girl hides her anger behind her gentle smile. Who toppled the country, establishing their dynasty? Who built the Yellow Springs and set it over Imperial Power, inciting strife and conquering the earth? Who exchanged gazes at the Nine Palaces to the sound of halberd and blood, watching the falling flowers of Acacia? Who drank the poisoned wine and smiled, trading it for a cinnabar dot to the chest? Tribulation and strife has destroyed past prosperity; he would not retreat, and she has not finished singing. .... Is she disturbing the earth world, or is the world disturbing her? This is a seemingly simple story about an era of recovering the old country and the fight for the throne, and the men and women on both sides. To conquer or resist; To push away or fight for chance. To provoke or to still; To love, or to refuse love.[Conteúdo Maduro] O corpo de uma sereia é um cofre de tesouros. Suas lágrimas formavam as pérolas mais esplêndidas, o seu sangue exótico uma droga eufórica para vampiros, seus cabelos luxuriantes tecidos na mais fina seda e sua carne tenra mais procurada pelos lobisomens do que o ambrosia do Céu. As criaturas da noite mesclavam-se à sociedade humana, disfarçadas na lã da aristocracia, veladas em sua inocência e nobreza retratadas, cuja selvageria continuava a predar sobre os fracos e desamparados. Genevieve Barlow, Eve abreviadamente, era uma jovem extremamente estranha. Possuía uma natureza cativante e enganadora, onde aos seus vinte e quatro anos de idade mal tinha mudado de aparência desde o seu décimo oitavo aniversário. Ela havia enganado a administração e conseguido um diploma para que pudesse ter uma vida melhor. O mais estranho de tudo era que Eve tinha um segredo que não compartilhava com ninguém. Ela entra na casa de Moriarty, não apenas para ganhar dinheiro, mas também para encontrar respostas sobre o que aconteceu com sua mãe quase duas décadas atrás. Infelizmente, as coisas nem sempre acontecem como planejado. Apesar de sua natureza cautelosa e desejo de se manter fora de vista, um par de olhos frios se fixa nela, que logo se recusa a deixá-la fora de vista.
Katie Pullman, a chronically ill girl who spends her life immersed in fiction, suddenly finds herself inside a novel she has read. Thrown right into the thick of things, she desperately tries to keep the plot intact but happy endings aren't always as they seem... *Cover art by polkadottedscrunchie*1. PLATZ / GOLD-GEWINNER DES WERWOLF-SCHREIBWETTBEWERBS 2022 VON WEBNOVEL "Du bist mein Kumpel ..." sagte Leland mit heiserer Stimme. "Weißt du denn nicht, was ich tue?" Er sah sie mit einem Glitzern in den Augen an, und in diesem Moment glaubte Sophie, ihn zu verstehen. Sie konnte seine überschwänglichen Gefühle spüren. War es das, was sie mit dem Partnerschaftsband meinten? Sie spürte, wie Leland von so viel Verlangen übermannt wurde, und sie wusste genau, was er wollte. Er wollte sie. Er wollte ihren Körper verwüsten und sie mit seinen Liebesbissen markieren, er wollte, dass sie seinen Namen schrie, immer und immer wieder. Er wollte sie stoßen und mit ihr Liebe machen, als gäbe es kein Morgen. Der Mann kletterte auf das Bett und küsste sie erneut. Er überhäufte sie mit Küssen auf ihre Wangen, auf ihre Lippen und dann auf ihr Schlüsselbein. Schon bald stöhnte sie leise auf, weil sie so stimuliert wurde. Die Laute, die ihren Lippen entkamen, klangen so sexy in seinen Ohren und machten ihn so sehr an. Hätte er sich nicht besser beherrschen können, hätte Leland schon längst ihre Kleidung zerrissen und wäre sofort in sie eingedrungen. Doch er hielt sich zurück und versuchte, sanft zu bleiben. Dies war erst ihre erste gemeinsame Nacht als echter Ehemann und Ehefrau. Heute Nacht würde er ihr endlich so viel Freude bereiten können, dass sie ihn jede Nacht in ihrem Bett haben wollte. Der Sex, den sie beim letzten Mal gehabt hatten, war eine Verpflichtung. Es war trocken und er tat nur das Nötigste. Doch dieses Mal würde er ihren Körper verwüsten und sie so lieben, wie es nur seine Luna verdiente. Seine Ausdauer war erstklassig und er konnte sie die ganze Nacht lang befriedigen. ___________________ BLURB: Der König oder der Alpha? Als Sophie über die Mauern der Akademie springt, um ihren Tyrannen zu entkommen, fällt sie direkt in die Arme von Nicholas, dem Kronprinzen des Königreichs mit dem süßen und sonnigen Gemüt. Die Funken sprühen und die Liebe zwischen dem armen Waisenkind und dem Prinzen erblüht. Aber... plötzlich verlangt Leland, der gefährliche neue Alpha des mächtigsten Werwolfsrudels im Königreich, dass sie seine Gefährtin wird?! Sophie ist hin- und hergerissen zwischen zwei Männern. Der eine nennt sie seine Frau, der andere beansprucht sie als seine Gefährtin. Der Prinz ist warm und süß, seine Liebe brennt wie die Sonne. Der Alphamann ist kalt und anmaßend, seine Liebe ist so schwer wie ein Berg und so kalt wie der Winter. Bei wem wird Sophie landen, wenn beide Seiten einen Krieg um Blut, Hass und Rache führen? Leland wird das gesamte Königreich niederbrennen, nur um Sophie zu bekommen und seine Rasse zu rächen. Der neu gekrönte König Nicholas hingegen ist bestrebt, die Werwölfe zu vertreiben, die im Königreich als Monster angesehen werden... während er selbst ein dunkles Geheimnis hütet. Er ist auch ein Werwolf. __________________ Hinweis: Bei diesem Buch handelt es sich um einen umgekehrten Harem, d. h. die weibliche Hauptfigur wird mit mehreren männlichen Hauptfiguren zusammenkommen. Das Cover ist von mir, von Arkans MEINE ANDEREN BÜCHER LESEN? * Die Alchemisten - VOLLSTÄNDIG * Der Prinz, der sich nicht verlieben kann - VOLLSTÄNDIG * Bis dass der Tod uns scheidet - VOLLSTÄNDIG * Der verfluchte Prinz - ABGESCHLOSSEN * Der verfluchte König - ABGESCHLOSSEN * Die Suche nach dem Sternenstaub - VOLLSTÄNDIG
This is the story of a modern man who transmigrates to 16th-century India in a parallel world after dying to save his first crush on a date. He regresses as a lowly-ranked soldier in the camp of Hemu, the last northern Hindu king, who is fated to lose and die at the hands of the Mughals. With his modern knowledge and past experiences, the protagonist alters the course of history, forcing the Mughals to surrender and retreat beyond the Ravi River, which is in modern-day Pakistan. As a reward, he is granted trading rights and becomes the emperor’s personal attendant. Using this opportunity, he sets out to reshape the empire. By promoting private enterprise, establishing trading company, and creating opportunities for the lower communities, he begins to shift India’s economy away from the feudal system toward modern capitalism. And all this began with the advent of his mercenary army, which excelled in firearms far ahead of its time. His journey is filled with trials, including internal turmoil, political strife, and the looming threat of invasion from the Mughals in the west, Tibet from the north and the Dutch and Portuguese in the south. As the emperor’s trusted aide, the protagonist not only rescues the crumbling empire but also forges his own path, eventually claiming the title of emperor himself. Join him on this incredible journey of empire's ascension, as he explores how India could have been in the 16th century if history had taken a different course. With just one battle's result, the fate of the entire world is transformed. Discord : Discord id: jeet_author_1993 (for direct contact) Notes: Don't forget to check sample work and maps in aux as glimpse of this novel Disclaimer: This is a fictional story based on history in alternate universe. It doesn't claims to be always historically correct. Reader's discretion is advised. All images used are AI based. Feel free to contact me in case you have any dispute.Touching the tender skin of her thighs thus making her squirm, Arthur lifted his eyes up to her and suddenly asked, “Are you a virgin?” Winifred's thighs shook at the intimacy of his question, she was so shocked to be asked such a thing right in the middle of such intimacy going on between them. At the expanse of his broad chest that was filling up her entire vision, she said “What?” “Your virginity. Do you still have it?” Arthur asked again without a hitch in his breath. Winifred felt she should push him away. She felt like she had to put an end the confusing situation. She needed to set the boundaries between them and not give in to whatever game it was that he was playing. It wasn't supposed to be that hard, all she wanted was to be away from him, his kingdom, the so called beasts, this world. All she wanted was to be away from the 1700s she was in and back in the 2022 she was supposed to be in. She didn't want to feel this way; heavy, panting and all that, so lazy yet so awake and throbbing. But her mouth opened up and she found herself answering his question instead. “No," she said, without missing a beat even though it was a lie. She was lying because she didn't want to make him think he had something to take from her, if what they were thought in history classes was true then it meant that these people prioritized virginity in girls and women. So maybe, saying she was not one would make Arthur reduce whatever hold he had on her, maybe he would start to see her in a different light and just decide to let her go. But then, his thumb moved in circles, hot and rough against her soft skin, as he says, “You’re lying.” _______________ Meet Winifred. A spoilt brat whose life has always been full of ease until things suddenly changed in a span of hours, she found out that she wasn't her father's daughter, fainted and then woke up only to find out that she wasn’t in the time zone she knew anymore, worst was she went way back in time when things were done in the traditional way and the law was especially unfavorable to women. A time when superstitions as she called them was the height of the day and the people believed in some beasts. And even before she could settle or understand what was happening to her, things she never imagined started to happen to her. Meet Arthur. He's known as the icy prince. He hates humans, he hates slave auctions but then he found himself buying one to please his father. What he didn't know was that he had bought one that had come from the future, one that didn't understand what submission or obedience was. And in the course of their back and forth, things started to happen. Things that are forbidden and would never be accepted in their world.
“Next, we have the most noble recipient of the Order of the Garter, the Grand Cross of Saint Michael and Saint George, the Grand Cross of the Bath, the Victoria Cross and the lower grades of Knighthood, the leader of the anti-colonial movement, the bell-ringer of the East India Company, the hero of the Crimean War, a Fellow of the Royal Society, a lifelong dear friend of literary giants such as Dickens and Great Dumas, a steadfast supporter of scientific luminaries like Faraday and Darwin, having served as assistant under-secretary, deputy under-secretary, and permanent under-secretary in departments of the Home Office and the Navy Department of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the inaugural Cabinet Secretary and head of the civil service, the first graduate and most distinguished alumnus of our school. Please welcome Sir Arthur Hastings to deliver a speech on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the founding of the University of London.” Arthur's gaze swept across the crowd before him, looking at the young faces and murmured, “Agares, what do you think I should say?” The Red Devil's wraith hovered behind him, saliva almost dribbling from the corner of his mouth, “Look at these ignorant souls; they still worship you as a hero. Why not say something they'd like to hear?” Arthur took a deep breath and let out a deafening roar, “Oxford is a bunch of whores' bastards!” “Oh!!!!” The audience erupted into thunderous applause. “Cambridge is the same!” he added immediately. The applause grew even more fervent... (The protagonist, possessed by a devil, travels through 19th-century Britain in a world without magic)
Gifted a candle that was said to make wishes come true, Alice Clemente burned it to find herself awake in a different world. She had wished for a life of adventure away from the city and its routine. With her wish granted, she was no longer in the 21st century and was instead lost in the middle of the Kingdom of Gladiolum, a place reminiscent of the 1800s. With luck, she soon gained connections to the rich and powerful of this new world— the nobility. However, how much of it was good and how much of it would eventually be detrimental? After all, mingling with royals not only meant extravagance and daily parties. It also meant warfare and death. Caught in the middle of the two princes and other nobles, Alice would soon have to face the battle between those two royal brothers― a fight for the throne. She had wished for adventure, after all, and she received just as such. Kept in the center of all this, would Alice be able to emerge from the rabbit hole unscathed? Or will the overwhelming troubles of love and war be too much for her to bear? *** “And what if you, too, are unable to help?” Alice threw the question back. “What if helping would risk everything?” Spade didn’t miss a beat. “You are everything.” “Don’t say things that you don’t mean,” Alice chided. “You’ll leave a trail of broken hearts.” “And would you believe me if I say that I have no intention of breaking yours?” Spade countered. “However, mine is yours to play with. Shatter it, fix it, do anything you desire. As long as it feels the warmth of your hand, I am content.” *** Image used in cover not mine.``` Este livro é sobre fazer bebês. [COMPLETO no capítulo 715] O príncipe herdeiro foi amaldiçoado no dia em que nasceu, prevendo que jamais seria feliz. Pior ainda, nenhuma mulher poderia tocá-lo sem morrer. Assim, encontrar uma esposa para gerar um herdeiro tornou-se o maior desafio da família real, já que o príncipe é filho único. Até que um dia.. uma servo que tentou matá-lo não morreu após tocá-lo. Emmelyn era uma princesa de uma de suas colônias que jurou vingar a morte de sua família matando o príncipe herdeiro. E foi assim que ela acabou no seu castelo. Percebendo que ela era a única mulher com quem ele poderia ter um relacionamento sexual, sem matá-la, o príncipe fez um acordo para deixá-la ir e libertar seu reino de sua opressão se ela lhe desse três herdeiros. Emmelyn disse sim, mas todos os dias que estavam juntos, ela fazia planos para matá-lo e obter sua vingança. Emmelyn conseguirá o que deseja, ou acabará cada vez mais envolvida com o inimigo que era considerado o próprio diabo encarnado pelos seus adversários? EXCERTO: "Você será a mãe dos meus filhos," disse o homem com um tom autoritário. Suas palavras descaradas deixaram Emmelyn sem palavras e chocada, ainda mais do que o beijo que ele havia dado em seus lábios antes. "Eu preciso de três filhos de você." "Eh... espera.. o quê? Espere um minuto," Emmelyn, que saiu de seu choque, esfregou os lábios apressadamente como se tentasse remover as marcas do diabo deles. "Eu não quero ser sua esposa! Não quero me casar com você, seu diabo!!" O homem franziu a testa e estreitou os olhos ameaçadoramente. "Quem falou alguma coisa sobre casamento?" NO DIA SEGUINTE "Vamos," disse o príncipe. "Vamos pra onde?" perguntou Emmelyn, sem entender. "Vamos fazer bebês." *** CONFIRA MEUS OUTROS LIVROS com todos os maridos devotados: - A Esposa do Rei é a Companheira do Alfa - EM ANDAMENTO - O Rei Amaldiçoado - COMPLETO - Em Busca do Pó de Estrela - COMPLETO - Os Alquimistas - COMPLETO - O Príncipe Que Não Pode Se Apaixonar - COMPLETO - Até Que A Morte Nos Separe - COMPLETO EU NÃO FAÇO HISTÓRIAS DE ROMANCE LENTO. Este livro é MUITO ENGRAÇADO e MUITO PICANTE. Apenas para ADULTOS e pessoas de mente aberta. ME COMPRE UM CAFÉ? Assista ao trailer do livro no TikTok/Instagram: @missrealitybites Servidor do Discord: ```
Als die machtlose, ungeliebte Prinzessin Soleia mit dem neu ernannten Herzog Orion Elsher verheiratet werden sollte, ging sie davon aus, dass sie schließlich die Liebe finden würden. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ihr Vater ihren Ehemann nur wenige Stunden später in den Krieg schicken würde? Soleia blieb allein zurück, um mit einem verarmten Lehen, einem zerfallenden Anwesen und gehässigen, rachsüchtigen Verwandten des Herzogs fertig zu werden, die alle wollten, dass sie verschwindet. Sie konnte nicht gehen - es gab nirgendwo anders hin. Soleia wünschte sich verzweifelt, dass ihr Ehemann zurückkehren würde, um ihr zu helfen. Als er jedoch zurückkam, brachte er Elowyn mit, eine Frau, die er als seine wahre Liebe bezeichnete. Eine Frau, die fest entschlossen war, ihren Platz als rechtmäßige Herzogin einzunehmen, egal was sie tun musste, um Soleia aus dem Weg zu räumen. Misshandelt, missverstanden und unglücklich wurde Soleia schließlich aus dem Anwesen geworfen, das sie mit aufgebaut hatte. Glücklicherweise öffnet sich eine neue Tür, wenn sich eine andere schließt. Ohne Soleias Wissen hatte ein Mann, der mächtiger war als ihr Ehemann, sie beobachtet und auf den richtigen Moment gewartet, um sie in seinen vergoldeten Käfig zu locken. Herzog Elsher war töricht gewesen, sie gehen zu lassen - aber der Kronprinz von Raxuvia würde nicht denselben Fehler machen. *** Vorgeschichte zu "Gestohlen vom Rebellenkönig".
A phoenix's blood is priceless. One taste transforms into a drug, a cure, and, unfortunately, an addiction that can unleash the ferocious and wild sides of even the purest being. The creatures of the night decimated half of the population of the phoenixes until the strongest declared war on them, which eventually led to a compromise and a sacrifice. In a secluded life, Eleanor Dankworth grew up with a rebellious spirit. However, her peaceful existence ended when her entire family was brutally massacred in front of her on her eighteenth birthday. Just as she thought things couldn't get worse, her betrothed, arrived to claim her. Ares Mazitzis. His very presence could lead one to believe he was the devil. And despite his title as the emperor's illegitimate son, deceitful, malicious, and apathetic entities bow to him. Feared by his people and his family because of the darkness within him, Ares main goal is to find and claim his betrothed, as she was nothing more than a sacrificial lamb. What happens he finds warmth and love from the lamb? What happens when all he wants to do is protect her from the looming darkness and himself? A creature of the night and a phoenix of light... It is a love that shocked and perilously struck the world.
Senyum puas muncul di bibir saudara tirinya ketika ia akhirnya mengungkapkan bahwa ia sebenarnya sedang hamil anak pasangannya. Upaya ayahnya yang sia-sia untuk meminta maaf karena mengabaikannya selama ini, dengan alasan dia memiliki alasan tersendiri dan memintanya untuk mengerti. Permohonan maaf dari pasangannya saat ia memohon padanya agar tidak menolaknya, dengan klaim bahwa itu hanyalah kesalahan bodoh yang seharusnya tidak dilakukannya. Dan untuk memperburuk keadaan, seorang alpha terkutuk dari utara, yang sebenarnya telah dijanjikan kepada saudara tirinya, kini datang untuk menagih hutangnya, sehingga dia harus menggantikan tempat saudara tirinya sebagai korban sekarang. Sialan!
``` El mayor error de la vida de Alicia fue intentar suicidarse. Se encontró en el cuerpo de una princesa de 19 años exiliada, en la Edad Media. ¿Y qué más? Fue forzada a casarse con el príncipe Harold; el infame príncipe de cabello blanco y de mal genio que no dudaría en matar a alguien por la razón más irrelevante. Ahora, su boda es en solo unas horas y la "princesa", que resulta ser Alicia, se supone que debe mostrar algunas habilidades "principescas" a los invitados. Pregunta rápida: ¿Está permitido el twerking en la Edad Media? Una cosa sabía con certeza, la boda iba a ser un desastre y el príncipe de mal genio la iba a matar antes de que encontrara el camino de vuelta a casa. ¡Dios la ayude! ThatAmazingGirl en colaboración con Miss_Behaviour (las escritoras de "Enamorado/a de un/a Cleptómano/a") te traen otro libro. "LA EXTRAÑA NOVIA DEL PRÍNCIPE MALDITO" ¿Qué harías si de repente te encontraras en el cuerpo de una princesa en la antigüedad? Además, él no es solo un hombre lobo, también está maldito por la diosa lunar. EXTRACTO: ¿Qué debería hacer? Estaba confundida y no tenía idea de lo que estaba pasando. ¡Las bodas en la Edad Media eran extrañas! ¿Qué diablos es "Recitación de virtudes"? ¿Debería fingir desmayarse? Ese era el único pensamiento que tenía sentido. Así que eso fue lo que hizo. Se desplomó lentamente en el suelo y escuchó cómo todos comenzaron a jadear y exclamar. Alicia quería que la sacaran de allí y luego encontraría una manera de escapar. Pero tal vez después de todo era desafortunada, porque cuando miró por debajo de sus pestañas, preguntándose por qué nadie venía a cargarla, vio una túnica dorada, antes de que la persona se agachara frente a ella. Cerró los ojos fuertemente y contuvo la respiración. Después de todo, era actriz. Podría hacerlo a la perfección. "Esa fue una mala actuación, mi señora", la voz profunda habló, causando escalofríos en su piel. Aterrador. "Solo te daré tres segundos para levantarte". Su voz no era realmente amenazadora, pero de alguna manera imponía miedo, especialmente por la manera lenta y cuidadosa con la que hablaba. Había oído que era de mal genio. ¿Qué haría después de que pasaran los tres segundos? ¿La mataría? Entonces, ¿moriría aquí? ¿Cómo sabía él que estaba fingiendo? ¿Era la gente de la Edad Media normalmente inteligente? Abrió un ojo para echarle un vistazo y lo vio mirándola fijamente con una sonrisa burlona. ¡No había manera de que la boda no ocurriera! ¡Iba a morir sin duda! ******* Hombre lobo (Comprobado) Príncipe maldito (Comprobado) Transmigración (Comprobado) Comedia (Comprobado) Romance (Doble comprobado) ¡Añádela a tu biblioteca! ```
[A Regency Era novel, #vengeance #weaktostrong #heiress #loveaftermarriage #noblefamily #dramatic #betrayal] "Lady Blanchard," the Marquess of Canterbury announced, his voice carrying a hint of surprise as he swept off his cocked hat and handed it to the waiting butler. He then stepped into the drawing room, his eyes immediately falling upon her. The cup of tea and a plate of pastries on the coffee table suggested that she had been waiting for his arrival for some time. "What a surprise," he continued, a hint of amusement creeping into his tone. "Do you require anything from me?" "Indeed, Your Grace," Maggie replied, her voice steady despite the weight of her proposition. The Marquess's amusement vanished, replaced by a flicker of suspicion. He crossed his arms in a haughty manner, his posture demanding an explanation. "And what might that be?" he inquired, his voice laced with a cool formality. "I would like to propose," Maggie began, meeting his gaze directly, "a marriage alliance between us." -_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- Upon her father's untimely demise, Lady Marguerite “Maggie” Delaney Antoine Blanchard was betrayed by the man he loved, Nicholas Cunningham, and the only other relative she trusted, Nicholas' father, Lloyd Cunningham. She found much-needed support in the Marquess of Canterbury, Percival Clement Duane Locksworth, whom she did not care for due to the unfortunate nature of their first meeting, but who turned out to be the lifeline she needed to exact his revenge and regain the Countess of Huntington title. When Maggie offered the Marquess a beneficial deal in exchange for his hand in marriage, would the not-so-charming gentleman say yes? And if he did, would Maggie be able to win the claim for the Earldom of Huntington and retain it within the Blanchard family's ownership? Or would she crumble under the storm of the Marquess's gaze, his presence a churning sea threatening to engulf her whole?4.63
When Lei Xing booked a luxurious cruise as a graduation present to herself, she expected to have plenty of well-deserved rest and relaxation with an ocean view before jumpstarting her career. What she did not expect was to be the unlucky person who would fall overboard to a miserable watery death… or so she thought. To her astonishment, she opened her eyes to find herself in an ancient setting, a different body, and a new life as the eldest daughter of a high court official. {...Okay, at least I'm rich...I can still live happily and freely, it's still a golden opportunity at a second life. I can live it well~...maybe go travelling, start a business, or something…It definitely could be worse...} To Lei Xing’s horror, her new host was scheduled to enter the palace to compete in the concubine selection for the new Emperor. {...What?! I am definitely not interested! Of all places, it’s that viper pit! I’m not built for any Royal BS or harem fights. Please keep your scheming lives to yourselves and leave me the hell out of it, NOT INTERESTED!!!... Can I not go, please? T_T)...No? Nevermind then, failure is always an option... Failure is the only possible outcome. Bring it on! Hahahaha…} While Lei Xing was making plans on how to skip out of town, fate was also very busy working out its own plans for her, mapping out its own course for her life behind the scenes... Poking holes in her plans to her confusion and outrage. "...Little chicken, as long as I'm alive you won't die." "Nonsense, if anyone is going to cause my death, it would be you!!" *** "Do you really feel nothing after all this time?" He asked as he looked at her with searching eyes, trying to see into her soul... "...Who...would..." she mumbled under her breath... *** "When things go against nature, there will always be a price that must be paid..." |||~~~~~~~~~~~||| Author's Note~~ Thank you for stopping by and I hope you enjoy the read as you go along! Please VOTE and COMMENT as you read along and I will be sure to respond~~ Thank you again and HAPPY READING! ~~And If you have the wonderful urge to ever buy me a coffee. Here are the gateways and some love ʕづ•ᴥ•ʔづ♡♡♡