SEQUEL OF "WAKE UP AS GAY WEREWOLF PRINCE" UPDATE TWICE A DAY! MATURE CONTENTS! --- Synopsis: One day, Yu Ming suddenly woke up in Wu Jingguo's arms, and a single question popped into his mind: "Did I just wake up as the Prince's wife?" Yu Ming had no purpose in life after killing his father, and since Wu Jinhai, the one he had been following for years, had reached his goal, Yu Ming felt that his life no longer had any use. But then he received a new job as Wu Jingguo's attendant, and the two of them also received a mission in the demon realm from the Emperor. Their relationship started with complications and also developed with complications. They hated each other, but after discovering the truth about each other, the hatred lessened. They had slept together a few times, but having sex didn't mean there was love between them, did it? Their adventures continued to uncover one truth after another related to them. Meeting new people day after day, would their relationship also meet a new chapter? --- IMPORTANT NOTE: This novel is a sequel to "Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince" but with Yu Ming and Wu Jingguo as the main characters. However, Bai Chen and Wu Jinhai's story will also continue in this novel, so please read "Wake Up As Gay Werewolf Prince" first to understand this novel better ^^ Main pairing: Yu Ming (bottom) x Wu Jingguo (top) Side pairing: Bai Chen (bottom) x Wu Jinhai (top) ---- HAPPY READING!
【Volume 1 - Mariée au fils du Diable】 Un prince, dont la rumeur dit qu'il est le fils du Diable. Il est la définition du Danger. Il est l'incarnation même des Ténèbres. Une princesse. Emprisonnée dans sa propre maison, elle ne doit en sortir que lorsqu'elle se marie. Mais avec qui doit-elle se marier ? *** Il était une fois, le Diable tomba amoureux de l'une des nombreuses épouses du Roi. Une nuit, il se rendit dans sa chambre déguisé en son mari et fit l'amour avec elle. Elle tomba enceinte de son enfant. Connaissant cela, le Roi ordonna son exécution croyant que sa femme l'avait trompé, mais alors le Diable apparut au roi lui proposant un marché. En échange d'un grand pouvoir pour son Royaume, le Roi laisserait sa femme concevoir l'enfant du Diable. Le Roi, avide de pouvoir, accepta l'accord et son Royaume devint l'un des Royaumes les plus puissants et l'enfant du Diable, le septième Prince du Royaume. Être une princesse a probablement l'air agréable. Une vie pleine de luxe, de belles robes et de jolies chaussures, mais pour Hazel, il n'y a rien d'agréable à être une princesse. Elle ne peut jamais sortir du palais, elle ne peut jamais se faire des amis, elle ne peut jamais manger ou dire ou porter ce qu'elle veut et elle ne peut jamais choisir la personne qu'elle va épouser. Bientôt, elle va se marier avec un homme qu'elle n'a jamais rencontré, un prince qui est réputé être le fils du Diable. 【Volume 2 - Retour du fils du Diable】 **Suite de Mariée au fils du Diable** Il est de retour ! Cette fois, plus féroce, plus rapide et plus fort, avec une seule chose en tête. La Revanche ! Prince des Ténèbres, Fils du Diable, Lucian est de retour, et il n'a qu'une chose en tête. La Revanche ! C'est jusqu'à ce qu'il la rencontre. Une femme qui l'attire au-delà de la raison, mais qui prétend également être sa femme. Entouré de secrets sombres et d'ennemis puissants, Lucian doit décider à qui faire confiance et qui détruire. Après avoir eu le cœur brisé une fois, Klara a juré de ne plus jamais tomber amoureuse. Mais lorsque son frère essaie de la forcer à se marier et que l'agaçant mais terriblement séduisant Roshan la sauve, les choses se compliquent. Peut-elle protéger son cœur de l'homme dont le toucher fait prendre feu à son corps ? Ou va-t-elle se rendre à son désir et risquer son cœur une fois de plus ? —————————————————————————————————— 【Volume 3 - Le Diable dans ses Rêves】 LA BÊTE PARMI NOUS Imaginez vivre dans un monde plein d'êtres enflammés et sauvages, se cachant dans l'ombre, errant dans nos rêves, se glissant sous notre peau. Écoutant, manipulant nos esprits et explorant nos corps. Ce sont des sauvages, des bêtes mais certains sont des compagnons et des amis d'enfance. Certains sont dangereux, d'autres le sont encore plus. Ils vivent parmi nous. Certains d'entre nous les appellent des Démons, d'autres des Djinn. Mais certains d'entre eux ne devraient jamais être appelés. LA BEAUTÉ À LA RECHERCHE DE L'AMOUR Heaven, la petite-fille du diable et princesse de Decresh a tout dans la vie. Des parents aimants, la beauté, la richesse et le statut. Mais une chose manque. Et c'est l'amour. Heaven rêve du genre d'amour que ses parents ont et maintenant qu'elle est en âge de se marier, elle doit trouver l'homme de ses rêves et le futur roi de Decresh. Et elle doit le trouver rapidement. Il y a un homme. Un mystérieux étranger aux yeux d'argent qui apparaît constamment dans ses rêves. Qui est il et que veut-il ? Alors que la file des prétendants s'allonge, les rêves de Heaven deviennent plus vifs la forçant à partir en voyage pour trouver l'homme de ses rêves. Pourrait-il aussi être l'homme de ses rêves ? Ou se révélera-t-il être un cauchemar ?
Xu Xiang é uma sobrevivente do juízo final que viveu por quarenta anos. Antes que pudesse realizar seu sonho de se tornar a soberana, ela morreu. Ao abrir os olhos, ela retornou aos quinze anos antes do início do juízo final. Com a ajuda da relíquia de família, o anel de dragão e fênix, ela acumula provisões e prepara-se para receber o juízo final. Infelizmente, ela foi traída pela própria família e morreu na noite anterior ao início do juízo final. Com ódio no coração, ela engoliu o anel de dragão e fênix e pulou do penhasco. Quando ela abriu os olhos novamente, ainda estava viva, mas chegou a um mundo assolado por guerras intermináveis e desastres naturais constantes. Embora tenha sorte o suficiente para ter outra chance, ela é inadvertidamente arrastada para turbulências políticas onde alguém pode ser morto sem saber quem é o assassino. Ela conseguirá sobreviver neste mundo antigo que é mais perigoso e cheio de perigos ocultos do que o seu próprio? Ela conseguirá encontrar a coragem para confiar em alguém novamente? Após duas vidas, ela conseguirá encontrar sua própria felicidade?
|STATUS: COMPLETED| Once upon a time... Rumour has it that a certain king became so desperate that he blindly made a dangerous pact with a seductive demon goddess who ruled the realm of 'Yonder'. She bore him a son who would, in time, fulfil the 'Dark Prophecy'. But... What if falling in love with a maiden of pure heart and clear conscience could free him from the overwhelming darkness buried deep within? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> 'My god! What happened just now?' she asked herself while pressing her fabric rigidly against her breast cage. She retreated two steps away from him as she reminisced about the event of barely a few seconds earlier. 'It—he almost had me? The devil himself? I—I would have easily given myself to him?' Observing her confusion, Briceus gave off a curt smirk before standing up. "I wouldn't have guessed that you'll be a woman of low esteem and easy to use, Elizabeth. Perhaps I was wrong in thinking you were different" "Your Majesty, I —" "I'll have you know that I have no interest in your lowly unattractive body, Elizabeth so you don't have to attempt to hide so much and appear so startled" 'Lowly body? He said this to me?' ". . . If those are the foolish thoughts flying around your tiny skull, you would be damned to imagine such because I have met far more beautiful maidens but you are most certainly the one who has impressed me the least in character" Elizabeth felt spited even though she hated herself for weakly yielding to his charms just now. "If I were so lowly to the king and if I am everything you've described me to be so far, then I will advise that His Majesty should quickly demand a refund from my family and hand me back to them!" Briceus was unmoved by her bold utterances. All the while she had spoken, he had his eyes glued to her lush pale strawberry lips which for some reason had begun to lure him in. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> BOOK STATUS VOLUME 1 (SOLD OUT) - COMPLETED VOLUME 2 (BRICEUS AND ELIZABETH) - COMPLETED VOLUME 3 (BOOK OF SIDE STORIES) - COMPLETED VOLUME 4 (THE PRINCESS AND HER BEAST)- COMPLETED [This book will have several volumes. Earlier chapters will be re-edited with time.] ADD UP THE SEQUEL: THE MERCHANT'S BRIDE Cover photo belongs to me! Do not steal! IG handle: nancyjimofficial fαcєвσσk @ Nαncєє JímíUne scientifique, Duan Yixin, a été transmigrée dans un autre monde. Elle avait pris possession du corps d'une fille de seize ans, mais n'avait hérité d'aucun de ses souvenirs. Avec un mariage rompu et sans argent en main, elle ne souhaite que gagner de l'argent paisiblement. C'est dommage que le destin joue toujours des tours aux gens. Quand elle pensait pouvoir enfin vivre paisiblement, elle découvrit que ce monde n'était pas aussi simple qu'elle le pensait. L'homme qu'elle avait sauvé était le général impitoyable et notoire, et la femme qui lui avait volé son ex-fiancé était la protagoniste féminine de ce monde. Elle leva les yeux au ciel et demanda, "Dieu, vous plaisantez ?" Quelques années plus tard, lors de leur nuit de noces, elle le regarda fixement et dit sérieusement, "Général, je ne suis pas votre clair de lune blanc." L'homme baissa la tête et murmura à son oreille, "Mhm, tu n'es pas mon clair de lune blanc, tu es ma vie."
Hüte dich vor dem Zorn der betrogenen Frau! .... Im Angesicht eines vernichtenden Verrats versucht Evelynn Rosetta verzweifelt, die Zeit zurückzudrehen. Doch ihre Bemühungen erweisen sich als mehr als aussichtslos, da sie im Körper einer Frau gefangen ist, die kurz davor steht, sich der Night's Courtship anzuschließen, einem gefährlichen Spiel mit tödlichen Einsätzen und einem unwiderstehlichen Preis - der Braut des berüchtigten Vampirs Maximilian Knight. Von bitterem Hass getrieben, schwört Eve, alles zu tun, was nötig ist, um die Macht zu erlangen, die sie für ihre Rache braucht, selbst wenn das bedeutet, dieses törichte Spiel zu gewinnen und einen völlig Fremden zu heiraten. Nur scheint dieser "Fremde" zu wissen, wer sie wirklich ist. ... Von den Geistern der Vergangenheit heimgesucht, hat Maximilian Knight sein wahres Ich vor der Welt verborgen und Jahrhunderte in stiller Verzweiflung ertragen. Doch gerade als er am Rande der Hoffnungslosigkeit steht, taucht eine Frau mit einem bekannten Gesicht auf. Maximilian schwört, dass er alles tun wird, um sie zu retten. Selbst wenn dies bedeutet, eine trotzige Zauberin zu heiraten, die wild entschlossen ist, diejenigen zu vernichten, die sie verraten haben. Das Spiel ist eröffnet. Eve wagt einen Schachzug. Für ihre Rache wird sie alles riskieren. ...... Tags: #slowburnromance #strongfemalelead #strongmalelead #norapeorabuse #r18 Andere Romane: The Lycan's Sin: COMPLETED Rosie's Games: IN BETRIEB Das Cover ist von mir. Instagram: @b.mitchylle Discord: MitchyMitch#3750
``` [Aviso: conteúdo adulto r18+/forte] “Tenho certeza de que você vai achar meus braços mais confortáveis do que qualquer outra coisa neste mundo...” Rei Darius Grant - o poderoso governante do Reino de Cordon. Ele era implacável e impetuoso contra seus inimigos. Sua mera presença gritava com autoridade rústica; sua aura sozinha já era mais do que suficiente para alguns de seus inimigos admitirem derrota e fugirem apenas ao vê-lo. Mas, apesar de tudo isso, ele estava impotente e sem-vergonha por uma mulher… sua companheira - a Princesa de Ebodia que ele se recusava a deixar ir. Descubra como as coisas irão se desenrolar para o nosso Rei possessivo que está totalmente decidido a usar o Entrapment da Coroa para fazer de sua companheira sua por quaisquer meios necessários. Será que ele conseguirá obter sucesso e conquistá-la por completo - corpo, coração e alma? * Nota: Volume 1 e 2: História Principal Status: Completo (Capítulos 1 a 555) Volume 3: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 556 a 641) “Só posso me declarar vencedor uma vez que eu conseguir conquistar o seu coração...” Volume 4: História Paralela Status: Completo (Capítulos 642 a 701) “O amor nunca esteve em meu vocabulário quando se tratava de mulheres até você chegar...” Volume 5: Status: Completo (Capítulos 702 a 805) “Eu escolho você… você que ocupa avidamente todo o espaço do meu coração…” Capítulos Especiais a partir daí - completo **** PS: Capa do Livro Encomendada de propriedade do Autor! Não a use! ```
Walking the earth with a sword in hand Love and hate freely without a plan Stray into the red dust and grievances rise Emotions become the hero’s demise A bloodstained dress is the emperor’s dream The battlefield is not what it seems One sword may bind or break the heart Next life we’ll stay forever apart ----- When a twist of fate causes high school junior Wang Jingyuan to transmigrate into an alternate universe—one where Wuxia and palace struggles play out in real life—she promptly finds herself deeply entangled in power schemes, war, and heartbreak. Left with only her wits, modern knowledge, and all the dramas she’s ever watched, she must navigate this new world and become the smart and strong protagonist of her own story—without losing herself. As the worlds collide and fates intertwine, will Wang Jingyuan find her happily ever after, or will reality shatter every beautiful daydream? ----- Note: This is an ORIGINAL story, not a translation! All rights reserved. Warning: There will be minor cursing in the story.4.21
***Together, they were like fire and ice.*** Damon pursued, ready to conquer while Alexander ran, trying so hard to remain cold and guarded. Alexander had thought guarding the sick crown prince was something so easy until he found himself cruelly yet so innocently tempted. ***excerpt*** "You will stay the hell away from me." Alexander threatened, his voice hard and tortured as he tried to recover from his emotional rollercoaster. "Oh really?" Damon drawled as he held up a wine glass to his lips, taking a sip as his eyes looked at the man that was standing quite a distance from him, ready to bolt. "Yes and I mean it your highness." Alexander replied and he watched the mischievous gleam that entered the prince's clear blue eyes that were quite a welcome compliment to his thick silver hair. "Alright." he relented and Alexander blinked, surprised but his relief lasted for seconds. "We will see how far you can run my honorable knight. Oh and just so you know, I love a good chase." Damon assured and it didn't take Alexander ages to know that he had close to no winning chance when it came to this one man. Oh yes, he was sweetly doomed.... ... Hey guys, I have decided to try writing something new, a genre I haven't tried before but one that I find interesting enough to explore. This book is a romance BL novel and if you are one that likes the genre or loves to try new things, please don't hesitate to try out my new book. Also, feel free to check out my other novel... The heiress's revenge: A rise from the ashes. Thank you!4.81
Why choose the prince when you can have the devilishly handsome villain instead? The Saintess from another world dies after protecting the kingdom. Mia thought it was just a tragic reincarnation novel . . . until one day she wakes up to suddenly find that she's become the Saintess of that tragic novel! Mia will do everything different so she can avoid her doomed fate. First, she will not choose the male lead, the crown prince. She'll choose the villain duke as her fiancé instead! A contract engagement? Check! A headstrong female lead that will take the reigns to her fate? Check! A handsome Duke that will do anything to protect the girl he loves? Check! Excerpt: "Why do you even want to sleep with me again? It's so strange of you!" Euphemia said. Lucien took her hand and pressed his lips on the back of her hand. "It felt very nice. I liked feeling your body against mine. I liked seeing you wake up. I would like to see your face when I sleep and when I wake up." Euphemia was shocked. She had not expected Lucien to be this affectionate. She had only prepared herself for an engagement that was like a business transaction. She had not prepared herself for something like this. What did he even mean by that? *Please also check out my other webnovels: I'm Lying to the Handsome Devil The Demon Prince wants to be my Shop Assistant *You can buy me coffee at: *Cover: Original is not mine. This was edited to resemble the characters more. If the artist wants this to be taken down, please send me a message and I'll remove this cover. Thank you.Liam, a disabled adult on earth, dies and reincarnates into the world of a novel he read as a talentless prince of the greatest clan. But he was also reincarnated with a book which contains all the information about the world and the future. A grimoire which could let him 'read' the future, and at some point, alter it. Reincarnated as a prince who was on the verge of death, he uses his quick thinking and calm mind to remove himself from harms way. But of course he can't have a peaceful life... [You have received an attribute. You are bound to interfere with the story whether you like it or not.] Armed with knowledge of this ruined world, he decides to get stronger as there was still hope to survive the 'Ending'. ______ Discord Server:
Wen Qinxi, un técnico de IT en una prestigiosa compañía de videojuegos, vive una vida repetitiva, trabajando en un sistema de juegos innovador que se dice cambiará el mundo. Durante una revisión de diagnóstico rutinaria, descubre un defecto importante que podría ser perjudicial pero, bajo presión de los jefes, el departamento de investigación y desarrollo entrega el proyecto revolucionario a pesar de que Wen Qinxi señaló fallas en el diseño. El CEO, sin saber de tal defecto, entra al juego como una prueba antes del lanzamiento del producto provocando una cadena de eventos inesperados. —Wen Qinxi, tienes que ir a salvar al CEO. Eres nuestra última esperanza. —¡Mierda! Quiero un aumento de sueldo después de esto. Así comenzó el viaje de salvar al tiránico CEO Síganme en @Andru75868404 en Twitter para actualizaciones POR FAVOR, MIREN MIS OTROS TRABAJOS: Saving the hearthrob frenemy (la historia de Lin Lin) Viaje con el rey pirata (COMPLETADO) El amante enemigo de la asesina (COMPLETADO) El príncipe y su bufón (COMPLETADO)
"Hnnng." A woman's first moan was always a good sign. Even if she tries to suppress it, it can't be suppressed, so she lets out a breath. As she moaned, his wife's head fell back. The yukatas were randomly strewn above the sheets. A wisteria petal was stuck to the back of her neck. He stretched down and bit the flower petal. The petal and skin both crumbled between his teeth. The sweet taste spread in his mouth like an aphrodisiac. "Haa..." Xiao's hand gripped her abandoned yukata. He had already teased her nipples, and they glistened as they perked up. With another surge of desire, Jun Shang cupped her breast once again. His wife's body was beautiful. It was as smooth as a painting. Her perfectly supple breasts, her long and slender hands and feet. More than that, the most captivating features were her fragrance and her pale, soft skin that seemed to melt underneath her hands. 'You're beautiful.' She didn't seem to be touched by his words. There was no reason for her to respond with 'You too' just to be polite. But none of that mattered. Her proud face and her cold eyes. All of it. He liked all of it. And starting today, all of it would be his. "Ahh."
Seven years have passed since Emma last saw the man who once held her heart. Bright Alejandro Anderson—her first love—was a prince, a symbol of everything she once believed in. But the moment he walked away, leaving her broken and betrayed, she swore she’d never let love consume her again. Now, Prince Anderson is back. As a key figure in royal affairs, he forces Emma to confront a past she’d buried deep. With every word he speaks, with every glance he gives, Emma is pulled back into a world she tried to escape. The man who broke her heart is now begging for forgiveness, claiming he would kill for her, that he would never leave again. But can Emma ever trust him again? Can love truly be resurrected from the ashes of betrayal, or will it burn them both alive? #secondchance #getingbacktogether #slowburn #diplomacy #kingdombuilding #enemytolover --- (Setting: 19th Century) Seven years had passed since Emma last saw Bright Alejandro Anderson—her first love. Emma had almost succeeded in living her life normally. She was doing fine. But that man resurfaced in Emma's life as Prince Anderson, who led the royal legal affairs team. He not only appeared in Emma's life but also forced her to look back. To revisit memories she desperately wanted to forget. For Emma, Bright, aka Prince Anderson, was the most bitter lesson in her life. From him, Emma learned never to trust anyone. Not even God. ~~~ Emma's tears flowed, voice cracked and pained, "Even if I were to die," her despair remained, "I'll hate you forever, it's only fair. Don't come to my funeral, don't you dare, set foot at my graveside, expect no embrace, Don't ever anticipate my heart's forgiving grace. I'll spend my days, my bones, in hatred's grip. A love once cherished, now a sinking ship. ~~~ "I've just killed someone with my own hands. Ah, this is how deep my love for you is, Emma. I would kill for you, and you've just witnessed it with your own eyes." ... "I'm here... don't be scared... this time I'm not leaving you, unlike before when I left you." ... "I was stupid. I am sorry. I regret it with every breath I take. I wish there was a way to turn back time to fix the past. But despite everything I can do, I can't. So, I sincerely apologize, even though I know I don't have the right to do so." !!!Explicit adult content above chapter 100 and will be informed at the beginning of the chapter. Please refrain from accessing the chapter if you are underage. Thank you.!!! another works: - Undressed by The Half-beast Prince - Wolfdale: Blood of the Moon - Mafia Princess: Raised by Wolves - Slayer Knight: Survive The Undead[Warnung: r18+/starker reifer Inhalt] Er ist ihre Rettung. Sie, sein Untergang. Dennoch weigert er sich, sie gehen zu lassen... Mineah, die jüngste Prinzessin von Ebodia, wurde bei ihrer Geburt verflucht, unbefleckt zu bleiben und Unglück über die Menschen um sie herum zu bringen. Diese Prophezeiung schwebt wie eine dunkle Wolke über ihr und wird mit jedem Jahr, in dem sie nicht eintrifft, größer. In der Gerüchteküche wird sie als bemitleidenswerte Figur dargestellt - zerbrechlich, sanftmütig, unerwünscht. Unter dieser Maske verbirgt sich eine starke und kämpferische Füchsin, die einer Königin würdig ist. Und diese Möchtegern-Königin hat es sich zum Ziel gesetzt, ihren Fluch zu brechen, selbst wenn das bedeutet, den gerissensten Vampir aller Zeiten auszutricksen. Nikolai, obwohl zurückgezogen und rätselhaft, wird vom Königreich Valcrez als weiser und mächtiger Herrscher verehrt. Was seine treuen Untertanen nicht wissen, ist, dass sein Bild von Perfektion ein Netz von Lügen ist, das, wenn es aufgedeckt wird, ihr Königreich und alles, was ihnen lieb und teuer ist, zum Einsturz bringen kann. Als sich die Wege der beiden in einem Heiratsbündnis kreuzen, beginnt das Spiel um die Verführung der Krone. Aber wer ist eigentlich der Jäger und wer die Beute? ******** Excerpt: "Warum ziehst du dich vor mir nackt aus?", fragte sie stirnrunzelnd und tat wenig, um die Irritation in ihrer Stimme zu verbergen. Ihr Ziel war es, nur sein Herz zu erobern, nicht seinen ganzen Körper! "Darf ich nicht mit meiner Frau baden?", bemerkte er mit kaltem Ton. "Ich habe absichtlich um eine große Wanne gebeten, nur um sicherzugehen, dass wir beide zusammen hineinpassen." Sie seufzte und riss ihren Blick nicht von ihm los, als sie ihre Fassung wiedergewann. Als sie sein Grinsen sah, zwang sie sich, es sich bequem zu machen, während er sprach. "So ist es schon besser. Du hast selbst gesagt, dass dich niemand gezwungen hat, mich zu heiraten. Stattdessen hast du dich freiwillig dazu bereit erklärt, also erwarte ich, dass du selbstbewusst genug bist, um ein Bad mit deinem Mann zu teilen", erklärte Nikolai zuversichtlich. "Schließlich werden wir bald mehr als das tun. Schamlos... Sie verhinderte, mit den Augen zu rollen, und schaffte es, ihm ein Lächeln zu schenken, als sie sagte: "Geben Sie mir nicht die Schuld, wenn Sie mir dann sterben." **** Anmerkung: Band 1: Hauptgeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 1 bis 403) Band 2: Nebengeschichte Status - Abgeschlossen (Kapitel 404 bis 472) Band 3: Nebengeschichte Status - abgeschlossen **** PS: Das in Auftrag gegebene Buchcover ist Eigentum des Autors! Bitte nicht verwenden!
In a tragic accident, mechanical engineer Poul Nielsen and his best friend, civil engineer Jonathan Axelsen, are killed when a truck crashes into the coffee shop where they were hanging out. Suddenly, they find themselves transmigrated to a parallel world in the late 19th-century country of Avalonia. In this world, they'll need to work tirelessly to earn enough pennies to survive. But they won't settle for just getting by - they want to become the Edison, the Chrysler, the Rockefeller, the Carnegie, the Ford, and the Westinghouse of this new world. In a world without electricity, Poul and Jonathan decide to start an electric power distribution company. But that's not enough - they also want to build appliances and motors to make their business profitable. They see the opportunity to revolutionize ground transportation, and they start an automotive manufacturing company. They tackle huge infrastructure projects such as metro stations, skyscrapers, bridges, tunnels, and dams by starting their own civil engineering firm. They even invest in the arms manufacturing industry. But the road to success won't be easy. Fierce competition awaits them, as robber barons are willing to do everything to crush their competitors. Predator against predator, and government intervention. Poul and Jonathan must use all their engineering expertise and business acumen to navigate this treacherous landscape. Join Poul and Jonathan on their journey to become the wealthiest men in the world in a parallel universe where anything is possible.``` —Estoy seguro de que encontrarás mis brazos más cómodos que cualquier otra cosa en este mundo... —Rey Darío Grant, el poderoso gobernante del Reino de Cordon. Era despiadado e impetuoso contra sus enemigos. Su mera presencia gritaba con autoridad robusta; su aura sola era más que suficiente para que algunos de sus enemigos admitieran la derrota y huyeran con solo verlo. Pero a pesar de todo esto, era impotente y desvergonzado frente a una mujer… su pareja, la Princesa de Ebodía a quien se negaba a dejar ir. Descubre cómo resultarán las cosas para nuestro Rey posesivo que está decidido a usar el Encantamiento de la Corona para hacer suya a su pareja por cualquier medio necesario. ¿Podrá tener éxito y conquistarla toda, cuerpo, corazón y alma? * Nota: Volumen 1 & 2: Historia Principal Estado: Completado (Capítulos 1 al 555) Volumen 3: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 556 al 641) —Solo puedo declararme ganador una vez que logre conquistar tu corazón... —Volumen 4: Historia Secundaria Estado: Completado (Capítulos 642 al 701) —El amor nunca estuvo en mi vocabulario cuando se trata de mujeres hasta que llegaste tú... —Volumen 5: Estado: Completado (Capítulos 702 al 805) —Te elijo a ti… tú que ocupas codiciosamente todo el espacio en mi corazón... —Capítulos Especiales en adelante, completados **** PD: ¡Portada del libro encargada y propiedad del Autor! ¡No usarla! ```
Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist est la plus jeune fille du Roi Edward d'Alvannie. Elle est une enfant illégitime née d'une femme de chambre dans le château que son père avait affectionné. Après la mort de sa mère alors qu'elle était jeune, son père l'a ramenée chez lui et l'a 'adoptée'. En raison de sa naissance modeste et de son illégitimité, elle a été négligée par son père, le roi, maltraitée par sa belle-mère, la reine et ses demi-frères et sœurs. Quand elle a eu 16 ans, une guerre a éclaté avec le pays voisin de Grandcrest. La guerre a duré deux longues années et les deux pays ont conclu une trêve à la fin. L'empire Grandcest a demandé qu'une princesse soit mariée au jeune roi. On dit que le roi de Grandcrest a spécifiquement demandé la main d'Alicia. Alicia avait 18 ans quand elle a été envoyée à Grandcrest en tant que fiancée du jeune roi qui était réputé être un tyran maléfique au sang froid, le Roi Régaleon de l'empire Grandcrest. Note : Photo de couverture de Pinterest.
"Did you think that I would just let you off the hook for hiding my son all these years?" His voice was cold and low, and a sinister darkness danced in the depths of his amber eyes. The presence of a smile on his lips only made him appear more dangerous. Insanely dangerous. The fading sun outside cast dark hues across the sky, which stood in stark contrast to the bright golden orbs of the man. "Do I look like someone forgiving? I suppose not." What was he planning? She could tell. He had wicked plans all over his head. "Don't fret," his voice softened with a cruel sense of delight. "I have no intention of killing you. Death is a lame way of paying what you owe. I prefer something more interesting than that." She was powerless against this devious man, Sienna knew that. He was right. She was here in his territory, unguarded and vulnerable. She had no one to lean on but herself, so she couldn't afford to react hastily. Her son needed her by his side, and she wouldn't let this man tear them apart. She had to stay in this place no matter what. She didn't care what plan this devil had stored for her, but she was willing to pay whatever the price was as long as she could watch over his son. He could enslave her for all she cared. - Escaping her life, Sienna ran away and raised her son on her own. But after six years of hiding, the devil came at her doorstep with one objective: to take his heir. A woman chained by her flaw, that is who Sienna Roselei is. Used as a pawn in her family's schemes, she falls into the mischievous hands of a man whose eyes glow with wickedness beyond what she can comprehend. She runs away and disappears for the next six years, only to fall into his hands again. But this time she is no longer alone. She is with her son. [Warning: Mature Content. No Rape]4.82
Mei Deng has always tried to lead a model life as a doctor, all because he promised his childhood love he would take care of others, as she did him. Sadly, his life ended far too soon at an early age, leaving him unable to keep his promise. The heavens grant him another chance, as the unscrupulous son of a minister, known for inducing turmoil. Now living as Yu Xiaoguang, he wishes to use his modern medical skills to help save lives and keep his promise, all while rebuilding the reputation of the Yu family. *Excerpt* "Father has passed?. Did he leave me a huge inheritance by any chance?." "No. He left behind his debts." "Aish!. Who does he owe?." "Five other ministers in the capital and the great Wang general." "You sly dog!. How shall we pay the great general?." "Yu Daiyu is to be wedded to his son." "My sister is getting married?. At least that fixes that." "Brother Xiaoguang, lady Daiyu was sighted fleeing the capital with her lover!!!." "Whaaat!. Who shall marry the general's son?!." "......" "When is the wedding?." "Tomorrow, the cart shall come fetch her in the morning." It was, till the next morning, that Yu Xiaoguang found himself, wearing the wedding dress, a red veil over his head, in a wedding procession headed staright for the general's residence. "What is the general's son like?." "Unforgiving, intolerant rumours has it, he has a sour face!." Read through the complicated lives of a modern day physician and a sour-faced general. -Exhibition Arc: 46-155 *********** Author: Anyone interested in joining the novel's discord server? there's the link! For every fifty new members I'll release five new chapters the following day!