Webnovel Author: KuroWashi1903 - Fanfic Collection



male LV 13
2020-02-18 Unido Global

Emblemas 8

Moments 1336

Replied to TwinHeart

If you have a better one, I can change it.

He kicked Elmi, and he almost puked, "Yur mudder keeled my seester to progtect magical ingredients! I am going to send yur head to her. Tzen, when she comes after me, I am going to make sure she loses her mind first before keeling her vith torture."

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

Replied to TwinHeart

Outside the hall, at the entrance of the great hall, he fell in because the doors were not locked.

Elmi exchanged a curious look with Draco. Was this about the punch he landed earlier, or was it the later incident? The two of them followed the prefect until they reached a room where four professors awaited. They were the heads of the four houses. It became apparent to Elmi that the meeting was indeed about the punch. Someone like Snape would never allow an incident that happened inside his common room to be carried to the outside so easily.

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Druken_Slayer

Potions are a subcategory of Alchemy, so Mc wants to read about both potions and alchemy.

However, upon closer inspection, Elmi noted the imperfections – a slight discoloration and a muted fragrance, and there were tiny bits of sediments in the potion; all the alchemical books he read stated that the potion needed to have a clear and sediment-free appearance. At that moment, he realized that even a little faster stirring speed could ruin a potion. 

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

Replied to viloh

Didn't I state somewhere it was in a wildling ambush?

"My lord, if he works like this, in 10 years, The North will have an Arthur Dayne of its own." I started smiling.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Cyber_Tom67

nop, I knew that. I watched a video about this long ago. I agree, just because some writing about Elves and Orcs doesn't mean they are ripping off LOTR. Also, it is a decent comic. I recommend it.

The bus ride was long, but Fred didn't mind. It was his escape from the harsh realities of life. He'd managed to finish the entire book in just one day, a testament to his love for the series. As he flipped the pages, he couldn't help but marvel at J.K. Rowling's storytelling, which had a way of making him forget about his own struggles.

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Tyler_rigby

I am a language teacher, obviously not english. Basic things such as imitation and insult words are the same in every language. as for the source of yapping, it is not that hard to find a words origin.

After that, she told me what other things the septa said about the Northern people and the Old Gods. I was baffled. It looks like this old spinster bitch thought herself untouchable because she is a septa and endlessly yapped about the North and how we sucked compared to the South.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Storm_Killer

did he start working as a blacksmith without me knowing? I am talking about future.

They were usually 2-3 years older. I won some and lost some, but I was getting better. Now I have managed to beat one of the guys I lost before. I don't think I can keep working like this. It is not because it is hard, but it is not that useful to me. I need time to train in magic, and I want to learn blacksmithing.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Storm_Killer

you are forgetting people talk and we know from the books one of the things Cat hates is people praising Jon. they are too young for a pro to realize he is hiding his talent

The young lord is really working hard. He is the most talented among the lord's sons. Jon is working hard, too, but he is not as gifted as him. It has been three months since the lord ordered me to see them trained, but the one I'm most astonished about is Aermir. I knew his father; he was like a beast when fighting, but I didn't mean he was so powerful.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Gahardt

They do not; they just do not refuse their roots to first men and see themselves as such. They still believe in the Seven

"My lord, with all due respect, I am not a follower of the Seven, and I don't care what the Southern code of knighthood demands even if it was true. How did House Drumm get to have such a sword? Did they buy it? Did they win it as a stake?"

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903

Replied to Quincy_Nelber

I would like to talk to you in a different manner, but whatever. He doesn't know white walkers are real, and you can't kill a white walker with flame; it works for wights. They are not idiots who would stand there and allow you to hit them with a flaming weapon. Their ice swords would destroy the fire and the weapon long before it could touch them. Think about it for a tiny bit: if it was so easy to kill them, how is it possible in the age of Heroes when the magic was so strong they were only able to seal them beyond the wall? Did they not have Fire Magic, Dragon Glass, and Valyrian Steel? They had more of everything they had now. Even with all the weaknesses, it is not that easy to kill them off.

Perzys egros (Flame Blade), the name of the spell, was self-explanatory, but why would I want to blaze my sword that would be a debuff and not a buff? If the sword is on fire, it means that every cut I make will be cauterized, which means that there will be no bleeding. On the other hand, if the fire is strong enough and the cut is deep and big enough, it might not cauterize the wound. It could be two times painful; it would need more testing. It may come in handy in dark places too. The cost and duration were the same as in the first spell; 10 mana and 20 minutes.

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

A Druid In Game Of Thrones

TV · KuroWashi1903

Replied to The_Heaven

Yes, it looks really similar to this, but there are no clouds or mountains in the distance.

As Fred stood in the middle of this mysterious ocean, he couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in such a fantastical place. The absence of any discernible landmarks or clues only deepened the sense of awe and uncertainty. It was clear that he had entered a realm where the laws of physics and nature operated differently from the world he had known.

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

Replied to BlkRabbit

SPOİLER ALERT:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I have the same opinion as you, but right now, he has a job to do, and after his job is done, he is going to face the consequences of his actions, and out of guilt, he will surrender to the authorities. As for the Mc, he is getting biased because Snape is basically becoming his mentor.

Elmi wasn't a fan of Snape or anything, but he got angry when there were people who wouldn't give someone the respect they deserved. Snape was no saint, and Elmi was sure he had killed or tortured people for Voldemort. He was a sinner in his eyes, but he was trying everything in his power to redeem himself, and it was a fact he was a really talented wizard who invented many spells. "He is the head of Slytherin, and he isn't someone like you who could badmouth."

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Winds Of Magic In Hogwarts

Book&Literature · KuroWashi1903

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