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A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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Fred woke up early in the morning, just as the first rays of sunlight crept through his small, rented apartment. He stretched and yawned, feeling a sense of exhaustion already weighing him down. Today, like every other day, he knew he had a long day ahead.

As he got ready for work, he glanced at the bookshelf by the window, where the latest addition to his cherished book series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," sat prominently. He couldn't resist picking it up again and flipping through its pages, relishing the magical world within.

In a few minutes, he was out the door, locking it behind him, and making his way to the bus stop. The daily commute to work was a necessary part of his routine, and he'd turned it into a precious opportunity to immerse himself in the adventures of Harry, Ron, Hermione, and the wizarding world.

The bus ride was long, but Fred didn't mind. It was his escape from the harsh realities of life. He'd managed to finish the entire book in just one day, a testament to his love for the series. As he flipped the pages, he couldn't help but marvel at J.K. Rowling's storytelling, which had a way of making him forget about his own struggles.

Despite being a college student and working two part-time jobs, he knew the importance of finding solace in the things he loved. The books were his refuge, his way of momentarily leaving behind the challenges he faced as an orphan trying to make ends meet.

Throughout the day, during breaks and lulls in his tasks, he'd sneak in a few pages, getting lost in the world of wizards and witches, battles against dark forces, and the enduring bonds of friendship.

When one of his part-time jobs finally ended, Fred headed back home to change and head back out for his second job for the afternoon. As he rode the bus, he was eager to continue his journey alongside Harry Potter and his friends. Despite the difficulties of his life, he knew that these books were the magic that kept him going, providing hope, adventure, and a sense of belonging to a world where anything was possible.

Fred stepped off the bus, his thoughts lingering on the final battle between Harry Potter and Voldemort. While he cherished the entire series and considered the first six books masterpieces, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of disappointment about how the epic showdown had unfolded in "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows."

As he walked through the familiar streets towards his apartment, his mind replayed the scenes from the book. He had been eagerly awaiting an epic, magical duel between the Boy Who Lived and the Dark Lord, a confrontation that would surpass all others in the series. Instead, what he found was a battle that felt somewhat anticlimactic, with an unblockable curse being blocked repeatedly.

Fred couldn't help but think about the plot armor that seemed to protect the characters during that final battle. It felt like the tension and danger had been somewhat deflated by the ease with which the curse was repelled. He longed for a more intense and dramatic showdown, something that would truly test the limits of Harry's abilities and determination. He definitely wanted to see something more than an Expeliarmus blocking the "unblockable" deadly curse.

Despite his disappointment with the conclusion of the series, Fred knew that it wouldn't diminish his love for the books that came before it. The adventures, the characters, and the magical world created by J.K. Rowling were still very dear to him. He was certain that he would revisit those first six books many times in the future, finding comfort and joy in their pages.

His mind was still occupied with thoughts of the Harry Potter series and the anticlimactic final battle. As he made his way through the bustling street toward his one-room apartment, his thoughts were suddenly interrupted by a strange and unexpected sight.

Before him, a weakly glowing crack began to form on the ground, right under the feet of a young teenager who looked to be around 12 to 14 years old. Since it was still daytime, people didn't realize it yet. The light emitted from the crack was really weak.

Without thinking, a surge of instinct and bravery washed over Fred; even to this day, he still doesn't know why it happened, but his body moved on its own. He rushed forward and pushed the startled teenager out of harm's way just as the crack reached its full intensity. A blinding light enveloped him, and for a moment, he felt weightless and disoriented.

When the light finally subsided, Fred found himself in an entirely different place. It was a world unlike anything he had ever seen before.

Fred blinked in astonishment as he took in the surreal surroundings that greeted him in this new world. He found himself standing in the middle of a vast, mirror-like ocean, unlike any body of water he had ever encountered before. The surface of the ocean was perfectly smooth, with no ripples or waves to disturb its serene reflection.

The sky above was a brilliant, crystal-clear expanse devoid of clouds or any discernible celestial bodies. It bathed the surreal landscape in an ethereal, almost otherworldly light.

Fred cautiously took a step forward, and as his foot touched the surface of the water, he watched in fascination as it caused a ripple to spread out from his point of contact. When he stood still, the water looked like a glass, but when he moved, he could see it was liquid.

As Fred stood in the middle of this mysterious ocean, he couldn't help but wonder how he had ended up in such a fantastical place. The absence of any discernible landmarks or clues only deepened the sense of awe and uncertainty. It was clear that he had entered a realm where the laws of physics and nature operated differently from the world he had known.

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