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CHAPTER 73 Desperate Defense

A/N: If you want to donate or read up to 35 chapters ahead, you can visit my p-a-t-r-e-on/kurowashi 

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CHAPTER 73 Desperate Defense

Behind a tree, Elmi cast a spell, "Umbram Fuscum." A big orb of purple-edged darkness materialized, hovering menacingly in the air right next to the man. The sphere rolled closer to him. As it moved, it emitted amethyst rays that drained the man's life force. Right after that, Elmi cast another curse as the man was busy trying to get out of the effect range of his spell.

"Aqua Deductio!"

Elmi's curses were not that strong, but all of them were undodgeable, except teleportation, which manifested at the target rather than from his wand. This curse caused the man to sweat profusely and weaken him more. The man erected another shield defending against the effects of the purple sphere. He was panicking since he didn't know any of these spells and had no idea how to counter them. 

Seeing that he was panicking, Elmi tried his most powerful spell again, "Tenebrae Trepidatio." Black and amethyst ghostly apparitions appear around the man and pass through his body. His eyes lost focus only for a second, but he came to himself immediately. Then the man screamed, "Maldição!" (Damn it!)

Then he apparates out of the range right behind Elmi, which causes him to get spliced a bit since the sphere is pulling on him. His left arm had a big laceration, but he started to rain down spells on Elmi. He tried to counter as he ran, but the man was casting faster than him, and his spells were more powerful.

Elmi tried going invisible again to create some distance between them. "Invisibilis Fumus," but the man cast his detection magic again, and a swarm of ashes came baring down on Elmi. As they touched him, his silhouette revealed. Even though the man was stumbling and spraining his ankle because of all the weakening curses Elmi put on him, his eyes were still full of hate and focused on Elmi. 

Elmi realized he stood no chance now; he was going to be overpowered. The man had closed up the wound on his arm already, so he couldn't wait for him to bleed out either. The man started to send killing curses toward Elmi. He used the trees or other things to dodge and provide physical barriers between them. If he couldn't dodge, he would summon an eagle to take the hit for him.

Elmi was able to run faster than him to open the distance between them, but when the distance was opened, the man would apparate and close it down. It was evident his curses were wearing the man down, but Elmi didn't have enough stamina to win a war of attrition either. His invisibility spells were useless, and as he ran, he summoned an eagle to distract the man, but The man sent a Fiendfyre to the eagle without even looking, and then he controlled it to attack Elmi.

He knew there was no way in hell he could take a Fiendfyre without getting hurt, but as the snake-shaped fire closed in on him. He knew he had no other chance than to take it head-on. First, he created a shield and cast another Umbram Fuscum right in front of the flames. The black and purple sphere clashed with the flames and exploded, causing screaming apparitions to be released from it. 

The force of the explosion pushed Elmi and caused him to fly back. The flames were still coming towards him. With a last flick of his hand, he cast "Obscurum Turbinis," conjuring a swirling and putrid whirlwind of shadowy magical energy right in front of himself, pulling all the flames into a pillar of flames, changing its direction. But the Fiendfrye was still too much for him, and he still got burned a bit.

Using that as an excuse, he flung his wand towards the man like he had lost his grip because he burned his hand. He crushed into a tree, and the wind knocked out of him. He was having a really hard time breathing, and now the only thing he could hope was that the man would gloat and explain who he was. The man couldn't be an assassin. His eyes had too much hatred for Elmi, which is why Elmi decided to do this desperate act.

The man slowly walked up to him, his wand glowing menacingly. To make it look less suspicious. Elmi tried to crawl toward his wand. "Accio wand." Elmi's wand flew to the man's hand. He smiled sinisterly, "I vould love nozzing mure for yur mudder to vitness your death, but I vill settle for mailing yur head to her." 

It was evident his English wasn't very good, but Elmi realized where he had heard this accent. He was Brazilian. Elmi acted scared: " W—Who are you? Why are you doing this to me? I don't even know you. Ahh! It hurts." Tears started to stream from Elmi's eyes.

The man enjoyed the sight in front of it, "I haff to admit, yu are reelly talented for an 11 years old. Yu are mure like a monztar, and I am almost reluctant to keel such a veezard vith great potentshal. It eez going to be such a looz for ze veezarding vorld." 

He stopped talking for a moment and, with hatred in his eyes, continued, "But she had too much potentshal, too. It took monthz to learn wat had happened that day. She waz woking to make the Brazilian magic zociety great again, but she was keeled by a bunch of tuurizts. Why? Juzt because they want to progtect some mangily one-horned horzez.I would keel ten thousand unicorns if eet would bring one of those great veezards and vitches your mudder keeled that day."

He kicked Elmi, and he almost puked, "Yur mudder keeled my seester to progtect magical ingredients! I am going to send yur head to her. Tzen, when she comes after me, I am going to make sure she loses her mind first before keeling her vith torture."

As the physical pain gnawed at Elminster's senses, mingling with the fury kindled by the threat against his mother, something within him stirred. In a flash of insight, Elminster realized that the lore of beasts wasn't just about spells and buffs. It was about tapping into the primal essence that connected all living beings.

Just as the man was getting ready to kill Elmi, he heard Harry's voice,

"Expelliarmus." The spell was sloppy and slow. 

The man had no problem deflecting it with a flick of his wand, but that was enough for Elmi. His attention was turned towards Harry, who had already hidden under his cloak and started running in a different direction. They could hear his footsteps, and the man got ready to release a spell toward his general location.

Right at that moment, all Elmi wanted to do was rip that man into pieces. This rage was not a burning one, it was more primal. A feeling of violation caused it; his possesions, his terretory and his pack was being violated. He had to destroy whoever was attempting this. So, he manifested that desire. He let go of his control over the winds of magic and let it direct his tongue, "Ferae Ambrae Venite!" (Amber Beasts of the hunt, Come forth!)

Four amber wolves manifested around the man and pounced on him. The man was assailed by the wolves' relentless attacks. He was attacking them with spells, but all of them were attacking him at the same time, taking out bigchucks of bites with every attack. The man tried to put up shields, but they were passing through it like it was not even there. He managed to destroy two of them, but not before they took big chunk of pieces from both of his legs. 

There were still two more, and the man had panicked. He was in incredible pain, and they didn't go down easily. He was not able to stand up by himself and have to lean into a tree. The bite wounds bleed profusely and he was getting light headed. 

Even if he exploded half of their body, if the wolves were able to move since they were not living creatures they continued to attack him. Elmi realized the man had entirely forgotten about him, so he tried his luck again. He could at most cast one or two more spells before he was exhausted. 

He overcast another "Glaesum Lancia," and a big amber spear flew toward the man. He sensed this and erected a shield. The spell managed to penetrate the shield since it was erected in a hurry, but as he blasted an amber wolf back, he used his wand to deflect the spear, too. But it was not enough; the spear spell blasted his left arm off. 

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