"Mistress, your tea."
"Mmm… Thank you, Katsuki."
"May I ask what you are reading, Mistress?"
I looked up to see my Inugami maid standing beside me at attention with a slight tilt of her head.
Right now I was in the gardens enjoying my afternoon tea while reading the Eromancy book that I obtained from the Dungeon.
"It's a book about Eromancy. Have you heard of it before?"
She shook her head, "I'm afraid I have not, Mistress. Is it a new kind of magic?"
"I'm not sure… This was the reward I received from Hiandoca after helping her with one of her tasks."
Katsuki paused for a moment, "If this was given to Mistress by Goddess Hiandoca herself, then it could very well be a unique magic that is given only to you, Mistress."
I tilted my head at her, "That can't be right… I mean… Can't I just let you read this book as well and you'll also learn it?"
To prove my point, I pushed the book over towards her to let her read it.
Journal Entry:
Err... You girls realise that this magic could be dangerous, right?
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