Bad novel. Feels soulless. MC continuously saved by chance encounters.
Yeah, I'm currently busy with life, so on hiatus. I expect to be back on track next week after I get on my winter break, where I'll have plenty of time to revise my current material and get releases pumping back out again.
That's a phrase that I did not need to hear, ever.
"Previously, I mentioned that my master provided me with everything I needed, to the point where I did not even bother with learning alchemy or forging."
Fantasy · YinLongshan
Good catch. I was a bit lax in proofing during the earlier chapters!
This paragraph has been deleted.
Fantasy · YinLongshan
His first fight against an actual soldier. Also his first fight that you get to read.
Wuxian's self-confidence was shaken and he was being controlled by his opponent.
Fantasy · YinLongshan
LOL, enjoy :)
No. I do not have the energy to properly develop more than one romantic partner, nor do I wish to.
Enjoy the book!
Oh dear...
Gender confirmed.
"In that case, let us pray for long life and good health for that ridiculous ant. May the Dungeon be kind to him and his people. I need it to be, since I will accrue tremendous wealth the more time passes!"
Fantasy · RinoZ