But I was not with them, for instead of further wasting time on walking, Savos, Anondor, Akulakhan, Vayrin, and myself took to the skies atop Scorch and Brightburn, flying straight to Old Ebonheart, even as Scorch mocked his fellow firebird with his ascension the entire way there.
Video Games · Rastislav
The house welcomes Stephen Ruchert to their new (if wisely left vague) position outside the mines! The rest of the wretches should follow their example unto ascension from the pits but we understand that not all are as capable.
Video Games · Rastislav
Video Games · Heartbreak01
The house gives praise to the righteous Anthony Criscione, may their ascent inspire the rest of you plebes!
Video Games · Rastislav
Slim Shady's back and so am I.
Anime & Comics · Hamtaro_
He covered leagues in his mad dash south, the news of enemy reinforcement too important to be lost even if his band fell to buy him time for it. The Hist would honor their sacrifice, this was known.
Video Games · Rastislav
| Junk Rounds | Requirements Level 2: You can craft ammo using junk. It doesn't make any sense, but it works, somehow.
Video Games · PowerArmorGuy
I am back from the Dead! I had posted an announcement on my Patreon and had gone dark. I realise I should have posted one here, too, and for that, I apologise. TLDR: I had some health issues and incoming end sems and thus took a long break, but I am back and am really looking forward to completing this fic. I'll give it 60 to 70 more chapters and shall try my best to squeeze out as much as I can. Most of it is planned out. Chapters shall resume from Dec 12th to hopefully this fics end. Love all you guys for your support that has really helped my depressed ass. P.S : My exams went quite well. Just had to kill myself will all-nighters.
Video Games · Marine0IQ
Your usual serving of soup has been replaced with canned meat for the day, may it make you work ever harder!
Video Games · Rastislav
All according to plan.
Skyrim: A Sorcerer's Tale
Video Games · Rastislav