Plot- a boy who was no older the 7 always had a smile since young who was caring and careful with others he made anyone who talked to him feel happy and positive. So when he was told he did not have a quirk he had a bitter feeling he like to help others. But who could’ve thought because of such thing he would have became a target for All for one. After surviving waking in hospital discover he got a quirk
(A/N For starters this is my first fanfic-but somethings about our MC I don’t want him to be OP or have a harem also might be a bit more gore)
Quirk-it was created by Dr. Kyudai Garaki (the crazy doctor the works for All for one) a white flame that that heal surface injuries of the ones and allies or burn the object or enemy the CONS-are that when he use the flame to heal the the owner of the quirk will feel as if the were set on fire and when he use his flame to attack it uses the oxygen in his body(like fire force)
Ch 81?
Modern Family: New Life
TV · Nathe07