Izumi please
Kyoka Jiro ( -- Rank C -- Seat No. 12)
Anime & Comics · Camellya_Addams
Al fin la mojo el brócoli, ahora será brócoli hervido por el calor.
Oh bro, I don't think that's going to be possible.
There are so many things I want to congratulate but I'm too lazy to do it. In any case, it was truly a pleasure to find this gem of history, its development , its romance, the handling of the characters is also well done and it hooks you in. It's really a shame that it doesn't have more PS for today.
Great chapters, but please give us another one. The current plot warrants it.
God, I really don't know this.
Please don't bring Petra or any other cross-gender variant or possible daughter together, just for the sake of opinion and everything else is fair game. You'll make me uncomfortable reading self-cest (Google Translate)
Jujutsu Kaisen: I am Sasuke Uchiha
Anime & Comics · David_555