The boy who lived, meet The Harbinger of The End...
A Land of Wizards and Magic
Anime & Comics · LordDylz
There's some where the POV changes from third person to first
If you see any mistakes, I would be grateful if you would point them out to me, so that I can correct them when I have some spare time, and make the story as complete as possible for myself and especially for you.
Anime & Comics · Demon_King22
Super late but that creature is not one but two beings. The head shoots out like a missile. Said head is a young, like a baby, version of the body which is the parent. Head = Baby, Body = Parent. Once the head is old enough, it’ll leave to find a mate, leaving the parent no way to hunt food for its own. After that, the cycle continues. (Source: A video in YT about the creatures in Pandora)
"Should have aimed for the head.", he added as the empty shotgun was stored to be replaced by another fully charged one, and he shot again and again, the first blowing more of the main body chest, and the last ending all of its screech once and for all.
Movies · The_Bip_Boop2003
Bruh, I was reading chapter 90!
..... that's in NY
All the stations were in a flurry of activity tracking what was apparently a small but very well equipped army coming to Manhattan.
Movies · IdleMuse0307
So... Transmutation then? If it changed.
This book has been deleted.
That's 2 words
"Adaptive Evolution."
Anime & Comics · Demon_King22
I doubt Ned would've told Ashara about Aegon's true parentage but I guess she's family now.
Ned gaped at her revelation and looked back and forth at the mother and the child. Ashara smiled sadly and told Ned how Brandon had secretly married her in front of Weirwood tree after the tourney of Harrenhal. They had then parted with Bran promising to return to her to take her to Winterfell. Ned also told her quietly about Lyanna and Aegon. Ashara promised to take the secret to her grave. Ned then introduced himself to Aryan and told him about Benjen, Catelyn etc. He observed that the child had keen and intelligent eyes like he was looking into Ned's soul. Ashara told Ned that Aryan was very bright and inlelligent for his age. They parted for the night and Ned thought to discuss Aryan and Ashara's future in the morning and fell asleep.
Book&Literature · ElderKwon
BROOOOO, With a cracked body due to Shimmer and this, you can be an Assassin! Those jumps and landing on hay will be possible!
The second gave me Feather falling basically, I will be able to jump off things or trip without dying randomly.
Book&Literature · Pretending_Author
It’s right. He’s saying that David WAS smart until he chipped in with the Sandy