because I wasn't expecting that response
The next day, when Pepper heard Tony's complaints, she would be so pleased that she'd give Lyon a generous amount of pocket money.
Movies · LiveandLove
my jaw absolutely dropped
The next day, when Pepper heard Tony's complaints, she would be so pleased that she'd give Lyon a generous amount of pocket money.
Movies · LiveandLove
let him fly birdie let him flyyyy
Allen was left stunned. He had Lance in his sights, ready to wrap him up, but in the blink of an eye, Lance leaped right out of his grasp.
Celebrities · michaeI
After all, these races are not human.
Movies · Bleam
Should Lagertha be an Original Vampire or should Vidar sire her?
TV · Shane_Town
you said professional not Jesus
Kayn's eyebrow squinted. "I guess I have to look a bit more professional if I want to start a business, huh." Kayn walked back into the alleyway, and used his Creation skill again; this time, he changed his clothes into a pure white suit.
Anime & Comics · Monster_Paradise
he's fraud don't give him your money
This book has been deleted.
imagine they gang changes the bombs for better ones not knowing the ones they just replaced are fakes.
"Alright, this is the last one," Officer Ramirez said with a satisfied sigh as she wiped off her forehead, "Swap the explosives with the fake ones. Make sure to plant it exactly how the old ones were planted... I can't wait to see those bastards' faces..."
Anime & Comics · Xcalibur_Xc
hey when are you updating convict to a king
Luka Zoric
Sports · AmSincere