I'm Just Like You, You're Just Like Me
Sports · SandKastle
Gifts? What gifts would you expect to receive besides your prayers for more luck?
The beasts and demons of the Sacred Mountain were so well-behaved in front of the shrine priestess. However, the priestess didn't know their true intentions were something profound. They would look for every opportunity to expect some gifts.
Fantasy · YuuZu
A new set of characters!
Five is the Magic Number
Fantasy · SandKastle
Y’all… it’s a practice match… it’s not that serious to start playing dirty…
The player with the surname 'Ling' forcefully pushed Yuze's chest, disrupting his shot and sending him hurtling to the ground with a thunderous crash.
Sports · SandKastle
I mean, it’s nice and all… but now she’s gonna become a target! (´Д` )
"Look at that! It's Rising Stars!"
Fantasy · SandKastle
I guess they really are eager to come forward and immediately suck her ba—
All of it thanks to one simple interview.
Fantasy · Entrail_JI
He’s definitely gonna develop many mental illnesses by then.
"Where is she?" Bo Wen desperately asked.
Fantasy · SandKastle
It was none other than Julien.
Fantasy · Entrail_JI
And if possible, get a dog. Will be worth it for life.
I Was Hoping She Would Notice but again Now When She Did... Im Tired
Urban · LazyDiablo