DarkNacho - Profile



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2021-04-11 Joined Chile

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Technically there should not be other Futanari and Even if they were should be rare so this is usless

[Comfrimed Bacherlor] In combat, you do +10% damage against male opponents. Outside of combat, you'll sometimes have access to unique dialogue options when dealing with the same sex.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151


And You ruin this ....

I wasn't going to put up with this anymore. I left the dining area fowling my map to my room. I locked the door behind me. I found myself looking at my face in the mirror. I had freckles on my cheeks below my steel gray eyes, my black hair was down to my shoulder. I looked to be at least half Asian descent. Well I know Asians are not like due to the Great War. I stripped out of my jumpsuit. My breasts were small. What are you going to expect of a 10-year-old. I miss being 22. I looked down and found a dick… I have a DICK?!?! I inspected under my balls to find a clit and vag… Well fuck I'm a futanari. Okay, that's why I'm considered a freak. Know what it's fine. Fuck, I need to fix the UI on my Pip-Boy. I am not dealing with green text for the rest of my life.

In Fallout with a Chat Group

In Fallout with a Chat Group

Video Games · Jett_Gray_8151


Considering You had something Light manipulation as Magic it could have got You an aprentiship with the local Magic user and also Protection and be see as usefull

In general, in the tribe I was expendable, my life here meant nothing, from the pluses of staying in the tribe, only access to meat in exchange for the collected fruit, and protection from monsters, if I grow up and can kill monsters, then to stay in the tribe I have no sense. I have almost the same chance to die myself or on a hunt in the tribe, only in the first case I will not obey the chief, who lives in a huge wooden house, and only does that with concubines entertains. In the village there was also a shaman, who made all sorts of magic potions from animals, so that the chief could continuously entertain himself with his concubines, he himself also drank these potions, and also rested quietly in a safe hut with his harem.... these guys I didn't want to serve or obey in any way.

I am reborn in Akame ga KILL

I am reborn in Akame ga KILL

Anime & Comics · FanFictionForge


And if not feed Dumbledor información that You control and when You want it strike with it.

The most obvious option would be to show him Lily. But that's foolish: I don't know if he's loyal to me. He could take the reward and continue working for Albus. There was the option of roughly gutting his brain looking for a second bottom, but that's almost guaranteed to drive him insane. And if he's loyal to me, I'll lose a spy in Albus's camp... So now would be the final test of his loyalty. It's time to combine the two - to test Snape's loyalty and to retrieve the Slytherin amulet.

The protagonist is the Dark Lord

The protagonist is the Dark Lord

Book&Literature · FanFictionForge

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