who wouldnt't want to watch a free show? specially with how many seals around fujin's house! i can see whole konoha enjoying the scene 😂
He glanced towards the village and thought, 'Of the 8 groups that attacked, only this one made it through. Hmph, this is undoubtedly Shikaku's doing. That lazyass definitely took it easy because my house is in this direction.'
Fantasy · Devil_Hex
spoiler below...read at your own risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . foltest king of vizima send Geralt to forest of brookilon to negotiate with druids and that's where ciri meets Geralt for the first time and ciri was 9 at that time ciri was 11 by the time cintra got invaded and 11 and half or 12 when she goes to kaen morhen... and blah blah
This book has been deleted.
This book has been deleted.
ah want spoilers? I can spoil it for you 😁
This book has been deleted.
author Kun what happened to rest of the previous chapters? they aren't available anymore!
another headache for shikaku incoming!
Even though I can kill more Kumo ninjas, there isn't any gain for me. By comparison, raiding Kumo could provide me with several benefits. I'll head towards it. Sigh…'
Fantasy · Devil_Hex
bro wants to destroy the whole training ground 😂
Naruto nodded. Fujin continued, "In order to supercharge, you should hold the jutsu for a few moments longer and infuse more chakra into it. Try to pour as much of your chakra as you can while still holding the jutsu's form. When you feel like you can't hold it anymore, exhale it out."
Fantasy · Devil_Hex
bro! seriously? Nara and yamanaka are hands down best ones in intelligence and interrogation... akamichi does have a good ninjas who can research and create meds and ninja related stuff while Uchiha's can be good in interrogation too but they have some flaws which are emotion control
The rewards for their allegiance to the Sarutobi clan were substantial. Positions such as Jonin commander, head of interrogation and intelligence, and position in the administrative department were just a few examples. Were they qualified for those roles? They might be. But are they the best candidates for those roles? That remains to be seen, and from the gossip of the Uchiha clan, they were not. Kagami Uchiha, who was one of the best shinobi in the village just after the Hokage, was overlooked for a lot of positions. In the end, he was only able to become the clan head. That's it.
Anime & Comics · NoviceAuthor
stop giving us cliffhangers and we will stop reading the titles! not our fault you know ;p
[A/N: Avoid reading chapter names on pat reon (unless I deem them safe to put out here as a teaser). Some major spoilers there.]
Fantasy · Devil_Hex
30 chapter well written and worth reading give it a shot guys!@
Naruto- God of Shinobi
Action · StoryTeller_314