
LV 13
2019-09-12 Joined Global
Badges 8

Moments 35
4 months ago

This story seems to be pretty hollow, outside of the flirting that it's a bit funny, there's no more to the story. Mc doesn't have a single redeemable trait, there's no mentality, no intelligence, no effort, no goals or objectives, maybe his numbness to embarrassment is one and his feelings for his mother and friend, but no more. In these kinds of novels is obvious that you won't get a proper world building so I won't go there. Typical exaggerations and misconceptions are present for every little thing to justify favorable impressions and later establish a genius persona(mc's) in the background characters. I think that his love story in his past life would have been a lot more interesting to read, but obviously with a good ending. Finally, translation is good, it isn't five stars but it's okay.

4 months ago

It was too much, just stating them as a passing thought would have been much better than all this embellishment.

4 months ago

I would like to see how he will be different from the protagonists or villains, cause he seems to be the same, I'm not seeing anything unique in his character and approach. He has a system, he won't let anyone step over him, it seems that he will kill them due to the stealing life essence and to get rid of future hindrances. Pretty normal...

5 months ago

Something that I like about this novel is how it skips useless fights and continues the story, it gives a bigger impression to what is done in a few lines instead of some dragged out chapters about some random characters.

7 months ago
Replied to LordInsanity

Excellent review

7 months ago

Man, you can't tell me that you are some god in this game and now say how careless were you, more so with something pertaining your skills. You were one of the only eight people to attain that level out of I don't know millions? (don't know how popular it was). It would have been better to just say that he didn't care cause he is confident that no one can do anything to him or some bs like that.

7 months ago
Replied to mephisto818

Reading that don't make it any more coherent

After seeing these Acheron Gang members, Marvin was shocked and doubtful, but never lost his calm. That would be a joke. As a former Ruler of the Night, his battle experience was extremely rich. These pieces of trash were barely good enough to be considered adventurers. Although the Thief's strength was higher than Marvin's own value, sometimes experience was much more important.

Night Ranger

Night Ranger

Games · Dark Blue Coconut Milk

7 months ago

This looks dangerous

8 months ago

Good info dump, neat and short

8 months ago

This novel has a lot of things that I didn't like: - Poor grammar in the initial chapters that improves after the first volume. - There's no consistency in the power levels, Mc is losing a fight that he should be winning for the sake of some bad drama and suspense that culminates with a power up, or Mc loses against someone in one chapter and the next one wins against a stronger character than the last one. - The romance is poorly set up, there isn't a look in depth or some previous interactions, the story just jumps at their entrance to the harem, but to be fair this is the less annoying thing overall. - There's no consistency in the Mc's thoughts, words and actions.