An excellent twist on the classic cultivation story. Well written and thought out. The only way this story could be better is a lot more Zombies.
very bakugan style
And so, that is exactly what I will do.
Games · Cyclxne
hey biako is blood creed on permanent hiatus, just curious I like the protagonist.
either tear down the base and use it for you're own or use it for an alliance of some kind, a gift maybe
that's 5
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Games · Sky_Flower922
maybe something with a berserker dealing as that's my style in most game usually blunt weapons
This has been one of the best kingdom building novels I've read so far and I've read quite a few. This story takes into consideration a lot of ideas that I haven't seen in other stories. It is unique and well written.
So modern day got it.
Today is November, 20 of the year 2096, fifty years after the end of the chaotic days. This period was named as such because the world, as a whole, was passing for a very difficult period on what pandemics became recurrent, the hate for others or things for no reason became common, and the lack of empathy for the suffering of others took another level, making the world almost unfeeling. People didn't want to change their habits even knowing that it could hurt others or themselves and their family members. The intolerance got strength making many conflicts surge around the world like civil wars or between countries. This chaotic scenery culminated in the Third World War, on which the advanced weapons and means of transportation played an important role in the genocide that occurred in many countries.
Games · Daydream_Wanderer
something definitely feels wrong about this but whatever
Judging by their herbivore diet, the Cerotidae were not predatory beasts and hence they had to be on the look for other beasts who could really harm them. Thus they had both sets of eyes on the sides of their faces. Which meant, they had side vision only and could not see straight ahead of them. That was the reason the beast kept charging even though Kaira had already dodged its attack simply because the beast was not aware of it.
The Rise Of A Tribal Deadbeat
Fantasy · AkshatArpit