Webnovel Author: MyKataren - Novel Collection



female LV 13

Kataren, born 12/15/94. An English writer, lover of Chinese Light Novels. After reading till there wasn't anymore to read, decided to write her own. I'm a lazy perfectionist who talks too much. (꒪Д꒪)ノ

2019-04-10 Joined United States

Badges 18

Moments 338



ch 0 1 Test for privilege

Webnovel Test Test

Webnovel Test Test

Urban · Sunnnyy


Shishi-odoshi aka the bamboo water fountain. This is what it looks like.



On the way back, Murong Yu couldn't help but ponder, 'Why is Gu Zhihan, the eldest son of the Gu family, in the capital? And how had he suffered such grievous injuries while here?'

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts



"He might have taken me hostage, but he did no harm. Even before fainting, he removed the dagger from my neck," Murong Yu said, disregarding their concerns as she stepped into the room.

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


The more I read, the more I feel this is just a self insert novel.


Murong Yu grinned, a bit embarrassed. She thought, 'Aman's tone when she curses was uncannily similar to mine. In my past life, even when Ji Chengxuan forced me into humiliating positions, I would call him shameless. Ji Chengxuan would laugh it off and say my cursing sounded like coquettishness. It irritates me even more, but he'd just laugh and roll around on the bed with me.'

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


I'm pretty sure indecisive and lacks decisiveness are the same thing.


"Xu Chang'an is a good person, and he does like you; I won't deny either of these facts," Murong Yu looked at Princess Anyang and continued, "But he is indecisive and lacks decisiveness. Do you think he can handle the conflicts between a mother-in-law and a daughter-in-law? He can't. He would only urge you to be magnanimous and to be filial to his mother. You might be willing to do so, but that doesn't change the fact that his mother has a twisted mentality."

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


Note to self, bullying = bedroom activies.


When Murong Yu was sent to become Ji Chengxuan's concubine, she was petrified. Yet, he bullied her behind closed doors to the point where she often wept. No one dared to even give her a sideways glance in public.

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts



Later, Murong Yu applied the same method to treat several children who had high fevers while she was accumulating good deeds in the charity hall. So, she was very familiar with how to lower a fever.

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't fevers better sweated out? Perhaps the problem was the breathability of the blanket?


"No, you can't cover up someone who's running a fever," Murong Yu stated, changing the cold compress on Ji Chengxuan's forehead.

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


This relationship stinks of miscommunication.


Murong Yu didn't dare to talk back and allowed Ji Chengxuan to scold her. But in her heart, she grumbled; no matter how well she took care of herself, she wouldn't be able to conceive. If she dared voice even a hint of this, he would ensure she'd never accomplish anything, so she just put up with his reprimands. 

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


At this point, he just sounds like a tsundere who doesn't know how to express himself or was never taught the proper way to me.


Once, Murong Yu had worked herself sick. Ji Chengxuan had become furiously enraged, accusing her of not taking care of herself, which was why they had no children. 

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts


Or a coin toss that decides violence is the only option. (*´▽`*)

It was due to the rain festival being delayed and pushed back into next month. After all, one can not go against mother nature when she wishes to change your plans.

Blood Emperor's Lazy Doctor

Blood Emperor's Lazy Doctor

Fantasy · MyKataren


Man, I need his point of view, not hers. I feel hers is untrustworthy. But the reincarnated probably fudged that all up. Not unless the author cuts corners puts it in dreams. Which I would happily accept! Give me those juicy details!


But only Murong Yu knew how desperately Ji Chengxuan wanted her to bear a child, so much so that it drove him insane. Even if her menstrual cycle was delayed by a day, he would joyfully reward the servants. If she had a poor appetite or nausea, he would also be elated and reward the cooks. But the disappointment afterward would bring storms, making everyone too afraid to even breathe...

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts




"There's no need for me anymore," Dr. Wang said, packing away his medicine. "This man may look as skinny as a bamboo pole, but his constitution is remarkably strong. Most would have died instantly from such injuries. These are wound dressings; change them every three days. However, keep an eye out for a fever." 

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

After My Rebirth, I Pampered the Villain Lord

History · Brazilian Pine Nuts

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