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Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve SteveSteve Steve Steve Steve

2019-02-05 Joined United States
Badges 7

Moments 8
1 years ago

So many death flags have been raised, does she not want to live.

'That's right. Marriage isn't forever. It's just until one of us dies. Let's face it, what danger will I ever be in? This village is in the middle of nowhere. The scariest thing around here is the wildlife.' She was silently elated at the secure thought of definitely being able to outlive Harald. She could always find a more appropriate partner after his funeral.

Pantheon Online

Pantheon Online

Games · Antihero

1 years ago

Just so you folks who haven't read many Chinese translated novels, insects, and worms are interchangeable in word terms.

Dinner was fresh worm meat and fish soup. After adding appropriate spices, the original freshness of high-quality ingredients was completely stimulated.

The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

The Ocean Lord Is Unusually Powerful

Games · Chenyu The Herder

4 years ago
Replied to BLUETOWER85

Nah man, just Nanomancer Reborn; nice story, by the way, you should read it.

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Supremacy Games

Supremacy Games

Sci-fi · MidGard

4 years ago


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Supremacy Games

Supremacy Games

Sci-fi · MidGard

4 years ago
Replied to PBOM2004

Wait I meant that the story is going by too fast and that she's revealing a bit too much of her OP abilities at an early state.

4 years ago
Replied to PBOM2004

While I agree with your space adventure, the story kinda dies... and it becomes more of a joke(satire maybe but I don't agree with that word specifically) genre.

4 years ago

So, I've read it all, pretty good story overall but has a few mistakes with the words used; the most prominent mistake is the words were and we're, you used the latter word when the former was needed. I'm not bored enough to go throughout your story again to pick out the rest, otherwise everything is fine. The description of the story was great and pulled me in, and I thought it would be an apocalyptic type world with a survivor's group, with races slowly filling up the gaps through the world barrier-breaking and inviting monsters, rifts to monster-filled planes and otherwise. Although it wasn't my expectations, it was nonetheless an excellent brew of elements so far. A little rant though about a plot-hole. The emperor himself coming to greet this new existence rather than monitoring from afar is a bad plot. Very bad, because it means he pays attention to minor things than the whole picture, he should have had an agent contact her first like a social worker to gain trust and then give her cash not too much to buy real estate-its expensive no matter where you're at-and keep a tighter leash with regulations to control the damage around this unknown entity. Yeah, sorry about the rant, but as it was said an empire lasting this long needs smart leadership, not a field agent emperor; because even if he/she's the strongest, that doesn't mean they need to visit every unknown variable. This means that this emperor is manipulating the girl very badly, and has almost zero control over his people and country besides a personal team.

4 years ago

My deity on high, I'm on 108.33%!???