/ Games / Pantheon Online

Pantheon Online Original

Pantheon Online

Games 317 Chapters 2.3M Views
Author: Antihero

4.59 (107 ratings)

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Two worlds collide in the new VRMMORPG, 'Pantheon Online', as Colt Anderson desperately joins the game in a bid to save his failing gaming career. At first, he thought it would be like any other game... 

That was until he discovered the players would be the Gods of this world. The goal? To spread their influence among the mortals (NPC's). However, if their Divinity ever reached zero, they would be forcefully ejected from the game forever. 

As Colt is driven forward by his ambition, his beliefs as a gamer are called into question. Tough choices lay ahead, while his feelings for an NPC become complicated as they face the coming storms together.

  1. jakeyoyos
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  2. Murderous_Gaming
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  3. Palana
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    • Writing Quality
    • Stability of Updates
    • Story Development
    • Character Design
    • World Background

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    I love this book so far, I hope the author will keep putting out the high quality stuff he has been doing. Thx .

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    A very early review and my first so apologies if the review is not helpful. The story has alot of potential i have not seen a concept making players gods who interact and fight each other yet making it original and scratching a ich i never knew i had. The writing quality is good and normally we get a chapter a day or the equivalent of though the background seems similar to The Kings Avatar its nice to have a fresh take of a former kiked out pro going into a new game. The main character appears to be smart and powerful and is the first level 3 player in within his subrace making him very powerful amongst his peers this is fine however novels with just a overpowered main character beating everyone from my experience gets boring quickly. introducing rivels who can fight with him on similar levels would be nice like in The Kings Avatar. Warning beneath has major spoilers for The Kings Avatar which is used as a example to make a point. No matter how good Ye Xiu is in The Kings Avatar he cannot easily face guilds alone and his team does have their own setbacks with losses and with pro players the very top of the game can still fight him on similar levels and every victory is hard fought and we even see his slight decline due to age as his physical body cannot keep up with the hand speed of his youth as at the end his hands carnt even hold up the trophy due to the exhaustion from playing flat out. The novel is excellent and please continue writing as i cannot get enough of this novel just a slight warning that powerful characters are fine and a ex pro playing a game should have a edge but he needs a rival who can make him take some sort of loss this could come from other races gods in the novel or even other subraces gods making him lose followers or a few stats. It is just a friendly reminder that overpowered characters who always win lower the tension in a novel just look at the books for Game of Thrones people are always afraid of the next people to die. Also i dont want another novel especially one as good as this in its early stages to suffer from decline due to this. Of course the game in the novel is currently in Beta and i dont know if a reset will happen once the beta test is finished or if they will just keep the game rolling and i am excited to read more. please continue writing this great novel it has great potential.

    Reveal Spoiler
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    I like this story so far it's unique and gives off another experience in reading novels about VR I look forward to more updates. For new people who have doubts just read a couple of chapters and I bet you will be hooked

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    The author is a native English speaker based on his profile. So, my review of this webnovel is going to be more in line with that expectation and not the typical translation trash that litters this website. Writing Quality- There's a few grammar mistakes but nothing too serious. Story Development- For a while there the MC has some cultivation level dialogue going on and some typical thot in distress. But, the biggest issue this webnovel has is the set up itself. Presently the MC is playing a beta test version of the game and it's been 70+ chapters. Like a normal person would think, once the beta ends all the data is going to be wiped. So that means almost the entirety of the story written until then is going to be a waste unless some BS story development occurs to change common sense. Then we either have to deal with watching the MC rebuild his religion as some Nordic god again or deciding to be something else. Character Design- There's some cultivation type characters which is pretty low brow everything considered. Updating Stability- Consistent or maybe not? As a guy who's written 400+ chapters he spends an inordinate amount of time DCMA-ING bots that copy and paste his chapters onto other websites. Even threatens us the readers and not the bots he'll stop writing if the pirating doesn't stop. World Background- It's fine, but the author wastes too much time having the MC go on adventures and fighting in dungeons. The guy is a god, not some two bit adventurer. He should be out spreading his faith, doing miracles, or god forbid fathering kids in the mortal realm like a typical god. Just seriously, this beta test smorgasbord is do or die for this webnovel. If I was the author, I'd just wrap this up within ten chapters and than choose one of the typical demi-human races like the elves, dwarves, or the beastmen. Humans are overdone, especially since you've already chose them during the beta test, you've done orcs in your other webnovel, and the probably villainous race "primal whatever" just seems a bit lazy since you get to make up everything about a made up race.

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    tl;dr I love this novel as evidenced by my consistent position in the top 4 fans, but the author has been updating like 1 chapter a month for a few months now. He caught Covid-19 in November, supposedly recovered at the beginning of December, but as on today, January 5th, he's dropped like 2 chapters since. Will change my review when I see some stability in updates, but I can't recommend in good conscious that anyone invest their time and money reading if it's a dead, unfinished novel. ---------- Full Review Antihero has begun writing an absolute masterpiece of an online game novel. The MC's life inside and outside the game world reveal some excellent character depth and design, providing not just times of triumph and mastery, but also times of vulnerability and loss. This is often overlooked as Webnovel authors seem unable to let their precious MCs taste the pain of defeat, but it's these very moments of vulnerability and imperfection where we, the readers, can begin to relate with and build connections to the MC. And he is far from the only one whose struggles we observe and relate to. Antihero has written an impressive cast of characters into his novel, with my only critique being that I would love to know and learn more about the various members of his pantheon. There are still a number of characters that are barely touched on and I'd love to feel more invested in them and their tales, and see how they weave into the larger narrative. The Cons My biggest complaint is an elephant in the room that many fans have respectfully remained silent about, but I've bit my tongue to bleeding and feel like someone has to say it: The update stability has gone to trash. In November, a fresh chapter was posted with an author's note at the bottom. Inside, we were told that the Author was hospitalized with Covid-19 and not to fret: this friend of the author had a cache of comics to upload daily for us! Well, good! I bought full Privilege with the promise that I would get something at least, even if it wasn't the multiple chapters a day we were used to... but no additional comics were posted that month. "Fine," I thought, "I want to support Antihero during his difficult time anyway." In the beginning of December, Antihero returns! Posting a fresh chapter, his author's note details his return and he promises to get up to 2 chapters a day, maybe even 3 a day come December 20th. Excellent! I wish him well and purchase Privilege again, trusting that more will be released. Again, no chapters are posted through all December... Now it's January, and Antihero has posted one chapter. I have not bothered to look for the author's note. I have not bothered to buy Privilege. It's been a few days and no additional chapters have been posted. Is the novel dead? Is Antihero milking us Privilege cows dry? Am I being too rough on the author by entertaining such a thought? I don't know, but I have resolved to cease paying for Privilege until I see the update stability has recovered. And Antihero, if you read this, I really do hope you're alright. Please make your intentions for this novel clear to us, your supporters.

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    I liked the beginning of this story, but when he teleports to valheim it drops down for me. Why dont he takes care of his believers, but goes down some stupid sidestory that goes on and on, where you may think that the sidystory delevops to the mainstory and his believers to some random talks that pops up sometimes?

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    Shameless author self-review. Lol Anyway, this book is for those who are annoyed by NPC's just accepting random excuses as to why players can revive. At the same time, I've simplified the stats and combat information so you're not overwhelmed by useless numbers that are hard to understand.

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    I'll give it an opportunity because it's about my favorite genre, videogames. At least I expect every god to have a different goodhood or divinity.

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    I really liked the story, a very original idea and very well written, I look forward to reading more, I hope the author continues to write.

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    Basecly, the enviroment in this VRMMO is well made, we know that there is a world with mortal in a culture based on Vikings, and we know for sure that there is a lot of villages and possibly living in different biomes. That, for me, was a interesting idea, because the protagonist in playing a game where he is a god and have to make people follow his religion, praising and praying for him, because he get stronger as he gain more followers. But, the problem is that the author does not focus on this side of the story, the interesting one, he atcually focus on the RPG part of the game with all of the generic things we see in EVERY VRMMO novel, it's kinda desapointing see the author spending more effort in the generic part than in the interesting one where he can work with the mortal's personalitty, culture, world building, other religions, villages, hierarchy in the villages or even in his own religion. When the protagonist leaves the mortal world and go do his RPG stuff (Grinding, Pk, basicly killing people (When one of the most generic little villains like young masters and people with idiotic reason for try PK someone... dude, they still on beta, why someone would possibly try PK other players to get their itens and get stronger when they're gonna lose everything when the game is released?) and monsters, or searching treasures, but i don't know about that part for sure since i didn't even half of the story. I won't stop reading because i am hopeful that the author will make the MC explore further in the mortal world rather than make him interact with a lot of plain and generic characters with 0 importance for the story or the game itself. I think that grinding all the time is stupid since is just a beta, yeah, you will gain more experience fighting the monsters, but wans't the MC a professional player in this kinda of game? Would make more sense see him exploring the world as much as he can so he can find hiding NPC's, treasures, and places and to spread his religion, or even stablish a conexion with the important NPC's from big villages and stuff.

    Reveal Spoiler
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    LV 13 Badge

    This review is written as of chapter 70. I am liking the story so far, especially the idea of players starting as Gods and how NPCs will play a major role in the future, not just being bullied and pushed around by players. I only hope that the author will preserve and continue writing no matter what. Rooting for you Author!!! Note: I like the author's naming sense!!! Not like mine :(

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    One of the best novels, if you like the nordic culture you will love this novel :) The world building and the game element is awelsome, the background of Colt is great to. But the best is the vikings elements, i love this. -sorry for my english, this is not my native lenguage-

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    The novel has good Grammar and only minor mistakes. The idea for it is very unique and interesting. I was instanly hooked and cant wait for more to be released.

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    A great novel so far and a unique concept. I hope in the future he doesn't rely too much on belief and people to power himself.

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    LV 14 Badge

    Giving it 5🌟 because it sounds interesting ... ...

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    Come back to us. This is the greatest book I have read. And I reread it a lot.

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    ok. I was frustrated with you at first. because I have trust issues with update stability. but I will continue reading again. your book is really truly the best on the platform. and I know you had health issues. but didn't tell anyone.

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    can't reccomended. the writing is amazing, the story is exceptional. it has an enormous amount of potential. and i want desperately to read more, and i want desperately to reccomend it. but it's been 5 months now since it was updated. i invested money into coins and read daily to keep up, hanging on to every word, only for the the author to stop posting, at first unstable posting, on and off, and then just permanently off. i can't reccomend because you'll get addicted, and then be left hanging.

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    The story is amazing. please update regularly, I need more chapters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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    I love this book. Easily one of my favorites on the platform. However, for one reason or another, the author seems to keep disappearing. It's been ages since the book has been updated, and since I'm kinda broke right now and can't buy any coins (much less enough to fully catch up) I'm stuck at a gigantic cliffhanger. Antihero, if you see this, I hope you're alright. If it's something with your health, understandable. If you don't have time to write, that's fine. If you're just not interested in completing the story, I'm cool with that. Just let us know. I want to know how things will end, but I I'll never find that out I'd rather be told than waiting around like an idiot for something that will never come.

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    Author Antihero