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I thought it was the console from the simpsons 🤣
would you really want to miss this comedy gold 😂🤣
Recalling the anime version of Brock, Dylan's expression turned strange as he left.
Anime & Comics · RockyRoad891
"A conspiracy is brewing? Well, fine. I won't interfere with your secrets."
Anime & Comics · TranslatorS
Time for Hades to get the royal gene
Ultimately, I was very happy with what I learned since anything else would be just silly, and I could not help but order Utopia to immediately start the setup for the Gastly Nurturing Matrix since Utopia had reported that it was capable of setting up that one as well. It had to access my blood reserves but other than that, the Gengar habitat had everything Utopia needed for the setup, so once I gave it the permission to access anything it needed, Utopia began arranging the Gastly Nurturing Matrix. It took a few minutes but Utopia eventually informed me that the setup was successful. When I asked if it had the same nurturing periods as the Sandygast Nurturing Matrix, Utopia told me that that was not the case.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
Thor snickered, happy to have taken his revenge, and Gustaf also broke out into laughter after seeing my hair. He tried to apologize for laughing but I waved him off knowing full well that I looked funny right now. Gustaf thanked Thor for making him laugh before he left quite cheerily despite having lost our battle. Once he was gone Mothra flew down to Thor's side and stared at him with narrowed eyes, which had Thor breaking out in a cold sweat.
Anime & Comics · Azrail93
I wouldn't call a plane crash followed by an explosion lucky
"I don't know how lucky you are, kid."
Anime & Comics · TranslatorS
damn, dude railed his daughter and now wants to talk to him about it
"Let's meet with Father and talk with him about it." Zadkiel said to her with a smile.
Anime & Comics · Lust_Demon_Samael
Vex, rubbing his chin, let his gaze fall on the operations commander, Maria Hill.
Anime & Comics · Moziel
After a brief moment of hesitation, the creature, like a puff of smoke, effortlessly slipped out through the door to follow Johan.
Pokemon: Spiritual Master
Video Games · michaeI