I think the only way is it create a new story under fanfic section and then copy and paste your story over.
liking the story so far its got lots of potential. Though you should more it from novel to fanfiction section so more people will see it.
Other than the room of requirement I dont see many other reasons to go. But if he still has his incubis abilities then going to beauxbatons where some veela attend could be amusing.
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I like the story so far but why are you following cannon so much?
I,m really enjoying this story so far and cant wait to see where it goes. Thanks author
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Thanks for the chapter.
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That size is just stupid, not only will it hurt the girl you would be lucky to ever fit it all in her let alone ever receiving a decent bj. There is no logical reason to go over 11 inchs and even that is pushing it for alot of girls to enjoy.
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Movies · Frozen_Diablo
This just seems to be the authors way of dragging out the story, because no sain person reincarnated in a world they know is dangerous would screw around so much, and using a mothers love as an excuse is total bs because if he wants to keep her safe he needs to be op.
The method he knew that could increase his strength included the use of weight which his mother definition wouldn't even think of allowing him to touch.
Anime & Comics · Arokey
I dont know what this says and not sure why people keep using it, all i see are squares
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The mcu has enough threats and drama without needing to add dc characters, I've enjoyed the story so far but this twist has soured it a bit for me. In saying that it's your story to write how you want and not how others want.
Marvel: Rise of Superman
Book&Literature · The_Phantom_Writer