Webnovel Author: only_rubis_please - Novel Collection


male LV 5

Just simple.

2018-03-05 Joined Brazil

Badges 5

Moments 4


Altiors = Altiorens

On the way they found a lot of birds and even a dwarf tiger. It is a tiger half the normal size, like a jaguar, but identical to a tiger. They are bird predators in general. The squad didn't mess with the monster, just watched and continued the journey. When they are an hour away from the goal, Marc decides to take a rest. The soldiers are fine, but Robert is a little tired. Even though altiors have a much better physical body and metabolism than humans, they still need constant training to maintain good performance.

The Immortal Kingdom [Total system control]

The Immortal Kingdom [Total system control]

Fantasy · only_rubis_please


monastery = monster

They go up the mountain, it is rocky but still has a good amount of vegetation, eventually the boys saw a glow, fire, in the same direction as the monastery. They sneak up, choosing a longer route to have the advantage of being taller.

The Immortal Kingdom [Total system control]

The Immortal Kingdom [Total system control]

Fantasy · only_rubis_please

Replied to Forgettable_Author

Maybe? Ho knows. ;)

"hohohoho, you heard me right!... every ten billion deaths I give a prize for the fortunate soul, and the soul of this time is you! hohohoho, I am god, so don't need to be humble, just say what is your desires!" the little fat man says, while his belly bounce with his lough.

The Immortal Kingdom [Total system control]

The Immortal Kingdom [Total system control]

Fantasy · only_rubis_please

Replied to LawWillOblivionK

u right, bilingual poop. Still not used to muted M's

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