
youtube Novel

  • To Find Edward Youtube Novel

    To Find Edward

    by Burlesque_Dancer
    4.89 (13 ratings)

    How YouTube changed the world In late 2005, when YouTube was just a few months old, one of its co-founders announced that the site's users were consuming the equivalent of an entire Blockbuster stor

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  • Pet King Youtube Novel

    Pet King

    by Jie Po
    4.52 (441 ratings)

    Ending a day’s work, Song Bai dragged his fatigued body and returned home. Strangely enough, sitting a whole day in the office was even more exhausting than wandering around on the streets at weekends

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  • Wizardry System Youtube Novel

    Wizardry System

    by JeffreyDO
    4.09 (53 ratings)

    The next day, the two videos that Madeline made was posted onto Youtube while they were at school. "Oh, I'm kinda nervous about this," Kristine said when she looked at Youtube through her flip pho

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  • 大艺术家 Youtube Novel


    by 七七家d猫猫
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      今天第一更,求推荐,求订阅!   所谓网站,吸引人们的焦点有很多,但无非就是网站功能、页面设计、浏览速度等等几个方面,其中功能无疑是占据首位的。人们浏览每一个网站,总是有目的——即使是无聊消遣也算是目的之一,所以功能才是大家最关注的焦点。   而同类型网站,功能的齐全占据着决定性的作用,细分化到视频网站之后,浏览速度、页面设计、浏览习惯等因素才会浮出水面,成为影响用户选择的因素。   截

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  • Everything about business related topics Youtube Novel

    Everything about business related topics

    by INDIAN_JAIN82
    (Not enough ratings)

    youtube . So let's start . Youtube is watched by over 2 billion people [ according to google ] so , it's very huge number this mean youtube earned very high amount of money. So, let's discuss busines

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  • 1. Nara Aprilia Youtube: Nara Aprilia Channel 2. Athaya Mansion Youtube: Athaya Mansion Ch. 3. Erina Kari Youtube: Erina Kari - Vtuber Indonesia 4. Hikari Akira Youtube: Hi

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  • Youtube Youtube Novel


    by Daoist153900
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  • YouTube Youtube Novel


    by Rofikulislam
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  • 重生网络大佬 Youtube Novel


    by 与谁坐轩
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    谷歌特意召开这次董事会,倒不是讨论是否还要继续收购YouTube的事,而且讨论如何能快速有效地把YouTube拿下来,因为收购YouTube本身就是谷歌制定好的计划!   对此,在董事会上,谷歌的CEO埃里克.施密特一上来就对“收购YouTube这件事”订好了基调,他再次强调道:“我们谷歌宗旨就是要整合全球的信息,而现在互联网已经开始从web1.0向web2.0过渡,从简单的文本到图片、

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  • King of the owl Youtube Novel

    King of the owl

    by M2skMan
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    Fong was born on 31 May 1992 and raised in Toronto, Ontario. Fong is of Asian descent, his mother being Korean, and father Chinese. Fong graduated from Richmond Hill High School and studied economics

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  • 时代巨子 Youtube Novel


    by 狂花非叶
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    正如林风所预料的,不久陈士骏就发来邮件,与他商议关于Youtube接到了多家巨头公司收购报价的事宜。   Youtube现在太火了!   今年二月,与Google的视频网站相比,YouTube访问量还微不足道,但是YouTube七月的访问量已经达到3050万,而Google的视频网站只有930万,雅虎的视频网站只有530万。YouTube的每月视频观看量已经超过了1亿次,每月活跃用户数

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  • Harem authors post chapters Youtube Novel

    Harem authors post chapters

    by CliffkunLolRekt
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    Sub to pewdiepie or be stuck with a corporation as the number one YouTube channel and haveing YouTube bieng dominated by corporation will ruin YouTube Also pewds has not changed much he stayed a dec

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  • 从负二代到华娱大佬 Youtube Novel


    by 藤椒冰淇淋
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    沈宇跟着马锐菈走进一个工作间,比以前的小了些,主要是做网页的小组跟任鹏飞的小组分隔了开来,因为两拨人的作息时间有些差异,这样分开工作比较好。   马锐菈坐到自己的电脑前,打开一个网页,迅速的点击跳转,当出现他想要的画面之后才停下,一边用鼠标在网页上画着圈,一边指着屏幕对身边的沈宇说道:“沈导你看,这是YouTube,我们拍的那些小视频这里全都有,还有不少跟风的作品。”   沈宇闻言,立

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  • My Instagram Is IMT Carfree Go Follow I Back Link Is Also On My YouTube https://www.instagram.com/imtcarefree/ My Instagram Is IMT Carfree Go Follow I Back Link Is Also On My YouTube https://www.inst

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  • Adonis's Journey Youtube Novel

    Adonis's Journey

    by Mr_Zzack
    (Not enough ratings)

    Chapter 3 - Evening Another day wasted Now that his work is finished for the day, Adonis can finally unwind and relax. His brain feels fried but he doesn't feel the slightest bit of accompli

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