
usa today nascar

  • usa today nascar


    by thedayyouwentaway
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  • usa today nascar

    Dynasty (Shifter Royal Dynasty Prequel)

    by Becca_F
    4.49 (15 ratings)

    Korrin Gitan was happy for his brother as the man was about to be coronated as the new ruler of the Shifter Kingdom. One last night of revelry would cause Korrin to come to grips with a destiny he did

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  • usa today nascar

    CEO of my Heart

    by lilseasalt
    4.62 (191 ratings)

    today. No one is more deserving than anyone else to come in first. I have no qualms about losing patients today and I doubt the surgeon will either." The patients waiting all looked thoroughly quiet.

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  • usa today nascar

    Treasure Hunt Tycoon

    by Full-Metal Bullet
    4.36 (336 ratings)

    Goatee Garter browsed for some time. He too had his eyes on the crystal chandelier. He walked back to them and asked, "What’s the value of the chandeliers?" Li Du said, "We’re not planning to sell t

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  • usa today nascar

    Anonymous love

    by pervyplagarist
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    today. Kinda feels weird to declare that one in the open. I would have been the girl Adam Ant wrote that song. "Don't drink, don't smoke..." I do enjoy sparkling apple cider and was much bummed wh

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  • usa today nascar

    Anime World Traveler System

    by WannabeAuthor634
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    today. I finished working out and collected the 5 stat points and hopped in the shower to wipe the sweat of of me. When I finished showering I dress up in my darkness outfit (A/N: Dont think I put

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  • usa today nascar


    by 伯爵的眼泪
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      “斯科特先生,真是非常抱歉!我哥哥临时出了点事情不能到场!希望这不会影响我们今天的交流!”寒暄完毕,顾琳一上来就朝斯科特紧张地说道,着急的女孩甚至没有让张薇帮忙翻译,而是直接说起了英文,只是在叶枫听来还有些生涩。   “哦!当然不会!今天能见到你们这些漂亮的女孩子,就是我和曼里埃尼先生最大的收获了!张,你可以继续表达你的建议!”   “关于建议,我在之前的电邮中也基本提到了!我的一个朋友,

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  • usa today nascar

    Virtual World The Creator

    by bikram_jeet_singh
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    today?"Said Ameer trying to change the topic. "WHAT DID YOU FORGET"Trying not to shout whispers Adi."It's 1st Feb bro we were going to buy the new game today." 'Wait 1st February the day the game 'A

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  • usa today nascar

    Cyber World Alpha

    by Indiboy
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    today..." "Haha , Sure dad...." Vikas went to Kitchen and made a sumptuous dinner for both. The lights were on till 1AM and laughs could be heard even outside the home. ..... Few days had pa

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  • usa today nascar

    Unexpected Encounter in the life

    by Tasusid
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    today" ""Feng release her hand quickly " Grandma Ning said to his grandson Ning Feng. "Go die !" [The man released the girl's hand and she fell down ! ] [The moment her body hit the rood , blood s

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