
superhero comics for kids

  • superhero comics for kids

    The Journey of a Marvel Superhero

    by Totally_Confused
    (Not enough ratings)

    comics dies taking in a failed version of his own Super Soldier Serum. He is reborn as a young child in the Marvel Universe. His life is terrible, enslaved by a secret organization with a serum that

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  • superhero comics for kids

    Superman System (Stopped Currently...)

    by JakeWJElliott
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    comics get's his wish of being an overpowered superhero, only the world changes with him, but the world doesn't change for the better... Superman won't be a pussy - He isn't afraid of killing.

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  • superhero comics for kids

    DC Fun

    by greentree
    (Not enough ratings)

    for short was the masterpiece from his self funded project. it can teach various martial arts from parkour (according to mother is an escape based urban martial art) to varma adi that focuses on vital

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  • superhero comics for kids

    NEW LEGENDS: the End is the Start

    by lifeBElike
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    comics, posters, action figures and movies on every shelf. But I looked to the counter and saw a box of rings. There was this one ring that look like a panda and it was on the floor so I picked it up

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  • superhero comics for kids

    The road to success from a familiar past

    by felmend
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    for it to work out. "Take a sit please" He said after a while, with a never ending smile on his face. His office was a mess. I could tell that he worked hard, if the multiple papers all over h

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  • superhero comics for kids

    Vampire in the Harry Potter World

    by dragonfang1917
    3.78 (76 ratings)

    for asking, right I was waiting for you do you want to go eat breakfast?" "Yeah, sure," He said in a bad attempt to hide the fact that he was actually craving non-liquid food. But unfortunately, An

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  • superhero comics for kids

    The Sound of Silence

    by Mcllorycat
    4.72 (41 ratings)

    superhero comics lately so maybe she doesn't mind supernatural things…' Nobody outside of her parents had ever put this much thought into something she might like. Ivy was flattered. It's true that

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  • superhero comics for kids

    The Crystals

    by PrinceofLightning
    4.93 (11 ratings)

    comics is so awesome where so many people have such diversity of powers. The heroes of those worlds are so cool." "Zohaifa!" scolded his father, "Why are you reading comics? If you have to read somet

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  • superhero comics for kids

    Fan-Fiction Ideas For The Masses

    by SuperNova681
    (Not enough ratings)

    for error. Firstly, I know it's kind of overdone but BHNA. Yeah, yeah I can hear you typing furiously say it's cliche and there are too many already. But I'll say this, when was the last time you s

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  • superhero comics for kids

    Tenchi Nura Guardian of the Multiverse...The prince of darkness

    by DemonKingVan
    4.64 (14 ratings)

    superhero franchise or what she said...I didn't get it until the fifth or six one...because I never watched it before I'm not really into superhero movies to be honest. I read comics so I know how

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