
submit ebook

  • submit ebook

    Dear General, You better submit

    by melikachan
    (Not enough ratings)

    "This war is pointless. Neither of us can win it so let's stop it."she said with a sharp glare. "Any suggestions?"he arched his brow, a smirk in his eyes. "let's get married." Ruined Star war started

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    Accidental Submission

    by skmuffinexe
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    I forgot to submit the story to the writing prompt competition, so I'm submitting it again. E-mailing webnovel to remove this submission so I can submit it again properly

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    Ethereal Creator of Realms

    by Ethereal13
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    submit the image through the cover creator by uploading the image and delete all text projected over the illustration by the cover creator and wallah only took a 2nd try to get it done after that. Th

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    HectorLeon's Origins-The Deep Sea Predator (ID)

    by Evelyn_N
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    ebook yang diprediksi akan dirilis tahun ini. Apa bedanya Ebook? Dan apa keuntungannya? : -Bab sudah lengkap -Kesalahan kata/ada yang kurang telah diperbaiki -Ada ilustrasi didalamnya -Ada bebe

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    The Dark Demon Lord

    by SN_Collier
    4.03 (36 ratings)

    ebook or even, the paperback! You heard it (or read it?), the paperback is now released. With 70 chapters edited and properly laid out. You can also find my latest book on Amazon as well, Cloud th

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    by LeoFraust
    4.72 (Not enough ratings)

    ebook on Amazon, and soon to be available for paperback! If you liked this story, and wish to support me so I can continue writing stories like these, then you can search up the book or my author name

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    Data Dragon Danika

    by gusdefrog
    4.75 (40 ratings)

    ebook markets: Some of my stories are listed as: by gusdefrog While others are listed as: by K.A.H.D -------- As always, thanks for reading! ❤️

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    Pernikahan Paksa

    by gita121
    4.66 (1541 ratings)

    ebook yang bisa didownload. Mengapa kita harus buang - buang uang untuk membeli semua ini?" kata Jasmine sambil cemberut. Rendy mengelus tangan Jasmine dengan lembut kemudian menjawabnya, "Buku

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    Removed - Mark of London

    by gusdefrog
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    Free ebook download on Kindle next week! Saturday, the 23rd of November 2019 Title: Mark of London Author: K.A.H. D Author: Gus DeFrog

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    High Alert

    by luke_alan
    3.59 (52 ratings)

    ebook at $0.99 only. http://bit.ly/PaypalHighAlert Please keep up with your love and support. Thanks... ;-)

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