
standard time calculation

  • standard time calculation

    Not your standard fantasy harem magic novel

    by TryToGetBetter
    (Not enough ratings)

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  • standard time calculation

    How did I become the best slave in the world

    by AlfiD
    (Not enough ratings)

    standard man, died, killed by instant noodle suffocation. He is reincarnated in the body of a woman with a system of sex slave. Will he fight the system where just had a good time? A lot of sex sce

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  • standard time calculation

    Legend of the Supreme Soldier

    by Fang Xiang
    4.26 (214 ratings)

    standard setup." She gave a brief introduction before retreating herself to the "auditorium" at one side with the rest of the crew who were equally interested of this strange-looking weapon. Into p

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  • standard time calculation

    Sword of Dawnbreaker

    by Yuan Tong
    4.43 (259 ratings)

    time… It will be much easier to treat the entire yard as a piece of paper." The answer was too vague. Gawain frowned and asked, "More details?" "This side of the yard is a line. The other side is an

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  • standard time calculation

    Fatal Shot

    by Shi Yao
    4.2 (429 ratings)

    time for most of the employees of the Conglomerate to "spoil" themselves at Nightless City, a club they had been hearing about for a long time. Their expressions were painted with excitement, and they

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  • standard time calculation


    by Aidka
    4.63 (47 ratings)

    time she spent with Bloed as she taught him about earth's knowledge. Camilla had realized that, without she noticing, the pain and despair in her heart had reduced significantly. Actually, she had s

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  • standard time calculation

    Tempest of the Stellar War

    by Skeleton Wizard
    4.12 (485 ratings)

    time until the warship collided with the debris belt. Noam surged to his feet. "There is still time! Give me the control key! Each to your stations and prepare to execute standard evasive procedures…

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  • standard time calculation

    Dead on Mars

    by Skyray Descriptor
    4.09 (204 ratings)

    time. Occasionally, there would be sandstorms and tiny amounts of dust would be pulled into the atmosphere, making the sky turn dusty. Sometimes it looked like orange smog. Back when they launched th

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  • standard time calculation

    The Surgeon's Studio

    by Black Ursa Prime
    4.21 (156 ratings)

    standard general surgery methods to stop the bleed. If they cut open the retroperitoneum, the trapped blood would burst out due to pressure. Zheng Ren looked to the side and saw Su Yun move a chair

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  • standard time calculation

    Virtual World: Close Combat Mage

    by Butterfly Blue
    4.07 (386 ratings)

    standard of Appraisal: Gu Fei's two pieces of equipment were at the forefront in terms of grade and tier, and the others could not appraise it since their levels were considered lower than those equip

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