
martial book

  • martial book

    The Martial Master

    by infermite
    3.95 (15 ratings)

    book under his sofa, and although it looked like any other antique, such a book will bring him on a path beyond!

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  • martial book

    God of Speed

    by 327442111
    (Not enough ratings)

    A boy who is from Earth loves martial arts. He buyes martial book and tries to cultivate and transfers to another world.

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  • martial book

    The Favored Son of Heaven

    by Highrise Building
    4.19 (409 ratings)

    martial dao, as well as the star-level he possessed, was indeed out of proportion.  However, this kind of disproportion was completely different than most other martial artists who had shown dispropo

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  • martial book

    The Empress's Gigolo

    by Xiu Lijian
    4.45 (589 ratings)

    book on the table in front of him. At this moment, he was feeling slightly emotional. After all, this book was a martial art manual from this world. This martial art must be a very high-level, otherw

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  • martial book

    Warrior's Promise

    by Baili Longxia
    4.1 (463 ratings)

    martial arts. Before Su Mo had awakened his Martial Soul, he could only study the elementary martial arts on the first floor. Now that he had awakened his Martial Soul, and his cultivation was at Lv

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  • martial book

    Heretic in the Heavens

    by vexum
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    book. The book was of course [The Asura's Way]. This though was the complete version of the book, it wasn't just a few pages, it was in ninety pages long. The moment that old lady had given hi

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  • martial book

    The Divine Nine-Dragon Cauldron

    by Heavenly Overlord
    3.86 (442 ratings)

    book yard, and flipped through the Books of Life? It's impossible! At least half of them have come from other areas and have never been to the book yard" Voices of confusion broke out amongst the cro

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  • martial book

    The City of Terror

    by Daoist Fierce Tiger
    3.83 (692 ratings)

    book, you can ask him to help you."  When the monk left, Wei Xiao Bei did not rush to enter the Sutra Depository Pavillion to go and read the secret scriptures. On the contrary, he curiously chatted

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  • martial book

    The last Martial artists in the Modern World

    by Bit_Lucky
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    martial arts book off the ground flying through the air like a feather but hard as a rock and then the book flies towards a house with its window closed. *crash* "TF!" "That scared the sh*t out of me,

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  • martial book


    by Zanzo99
    (Not enough ratings)

    martial skills gathered and preserved over unknown years. They were used to help those of later generations, hoping to raise a genius, and to keep the city in power. Ran before ascending the heaven w

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