
martial book 1

  • martial book 1

    Peerless Martial God 1

    by MichaelDeGreat
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    Lin Feng tried to be the diligent and hard-working good guy. He studied hard, did his best to make his family proud and not get into trouble, but when he saw a girl being taken advantage of, he had to

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  • martial book 1

    I Practice With A System

    by LucasWhyNot
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    martial arts school, working hard to make a living while practicing martial arts.   One day, while he was practicing martial arts, he heard this voice.   "You are trying to practice your martial arts,

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  • martial book 1

    Warrior's Promise

    by Baili Longxia
    4.1 (463 ratings)

    martial arts. Before Su Mo had awakened his Martial Soul, he could only study the elementary martial arts on the first floor. Now that he had awakened his Martial Soul, and his cultivation was at Lv

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  • martial book 1

    Heavenly Immortal System

    by MortaN
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    book, the system sounded in his head [Host can use it by issuing a system command via voice command, which uses "Use ..." to issue the command.] Hesitated a bit he decided to try out the command

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  • martial book 1

    Unrivaled Medicine God

    by Feng Yise
    4.38 (1139 ratings)

    1 martial techniques. It was just perfect for the current Ye Yuan to use. The entire section was packed with bookshelves. There were cultivation laws, martial techniques, as well as books related to

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  • martial book 1

    Memory 3

    by Indespair
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    martial spirit before. Judging from how it could communicate with him, it is clearly an Intelligent-type. 'I've heard a pet-type that has its own mind. I've seen a sword-type that has intellige

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  • martial book 1

    Money-Maker System

    by YiZheng
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    1 Exp: 0/2000 Money: 100 000 yuan SP: 0 G [Skills] None - [Shop] [Inventory] [Missions] - "This thing is still not complete yet. I can't see my intelligent stats. I'll be upgrading th

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  • martial book 1

    The World's Greatest Assassin

    by CultivationMaster
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    book I got to know about this new world. The five kingdoms that were present in the world were: Sky kingdom Air kingdom Fury kingdom Pure Water kingdom Rock Hard kingdom These kin

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  • martial book 1

    Here Lies The Wicked

    by Fire-Biter
    4.49 (36 ratings)

    martial art or a Taoist one.  There was a rumor that it was created by Bodhidharma. Shaolin monks had stumbled upon it as they were repairing the statue of the Dharma.  Another rumor claimed that bo

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  • martial book 1

    Saiyan System in the Immortal World

    by kielreniel
    4.16 (84 ratings)

    martial path and how I can reach the Martial Ancestor realm?" "Caol, always so eager. The martial path is a very direct and straightforward path to take. It needs determination and hard work. Talen

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