
luck and money

  • luck and money

    luck runs out

    by spike1223
    (Not enough ratings)

    Johnathan Heartwright was born with amazingly great luck everything he wanted he got money women anything always through some stoke of luck until one day he gets hit by a truck and everything changes.

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  • luck and money

    Rebirth of the Godly Prodigal

    by Chen Ji Tang Hong Dou
    4.36 (1035 ratings)

    and excitedly became the guinea pig for the first experiment. According to Dr. Ai Hui, after turning on the switch for the smaller device, the mysterious man held it in his hand. Then, the three of t

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  • luck and money

    Monillas: A Human Garbage

    by YoungOneStories
    4.88 (39 ratings)

    and immediately saw the situation. They only have at least 1,700 Pesos, much lesser than their starting amount. Antonio could only arrive at one conclusion... "We need to retreat! Before our mone

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  • luck and money

    The Legendary Mechanic

    by Qi Peijia
    4.5 (3929 ratings)

    and the players paused from buying and watched curiously. So Poor I Only Have Money Left took a deep breath and opened the boxes quickly. The surrounding spectators extended their necks, and their ex

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  • luck and money

    Is this Luck or Misfortune?

    by Voidne
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    luck, I know that I have contracted the disease. My luck is very bad, as I lived my whole life misfortunate. I work as a gate guard for my older brother who owns a shipping company. My job is to

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  • luck and money

    System : Game World

    by Imagination
    4.33 (20 ratings)

    and powerful. The bow was made from scales of an unknown beast and the string was very hard. Scales on the bow slightly reflected the light and was very smooth. The string was also very rigid, it look

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  • luck and money

    Choices system

    by raitosan
    4.54 (29 ratings)

    and drove straight to Paris in one go, he arrived in front of his rented apartment in Paris around 8pm. The owner was an old man waiting in a cafe right under the apartment, after some small talk h

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  • luck and money

    Bj Archmage

    by System_LookingGuy
    (Not enough ratings)

    money that wouldn't run out, and the ones who had immense luck. Reality was their garden, where only they were able to do as they pleased. It was the reason why reality was harsh. "Also, thes

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  • luck and money

    The 99th Divorce

    by Wan Lili
    4.41 (6206 ratings)

    and said, "Look how awesome the grand prize is! You get prize money of $200,000! If it's a vacation, you'll still have to spend your own money there. Can't you just be a little more ambitious?" "We'r

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  • luck and money

    End of The World? Time to Level Up!

    by KuroiDangan
    (Not enough ratings)

    and the group grew closer to each other and they trusted each other with their level number and skills, they were a mini family at this point. Junak: So what level you at May? You probably killed s

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