
living life alone

  • living life alone

    I’m Tired of Living Alone

    by Nagisa_Chwan
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    Two men. Two broken hearts. The one that got away is back, after a long time, but will he be forgiven?

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  • living life alone

    feeling alone ? life

    by Ansuman_Pattanayak
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  • living life alone

    Forever alone life

    by Magic_Times
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  • living life alone

    AppleOfTheEye(Writer Series #1)

    by StheAdventurer
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    life for you?"our instructor stopped infront of me. I pointed myself to confirm if it was me. "Yes,Ms. Avery ikaw" I stand up. "What is life... A great question. But to me,it is cruel"I stopped and

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  • living life alone


    by bornconfused
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    alone. My family has stopped visiting I have no one. Why does life so this to me. I get it there is a possibility that there is someone who probably has it worse then me, but I doubt it I have a prett

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  • living life alone

    A Witch Requested to Make a Love Potion

    by UsErMaNuP
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    life in fairness, the witch's entity was shrouded in darkness. The sight of the witch resurfacing from the lake greatly surprised him. He thought it was a fairy living in the lake. The sight was

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  • living life alone

    The Starry Sky

    by OLUAP
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    alone... a challenge that was given onto me. Learning how to save and learn not to spend money, to be thrifty and rational, a skill learnt through 2 years of training alone. I look at the dumbells

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  • living life alone

    The little prince of the Earth

    by kamisama446677
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    life, the very moment for himself was the moment to repent, for it proved that he was still alive. He heard from someone once that repentance was the torment of the living, for only the living were

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  • living life alone

    Reincarnated as a Side Character

    by MundaneClub
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    alone, that she still has a blood related family. She felt alone when her grandfather died in her past life. Even though her childhood friend was making effort to spend her free time with her, she

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  • living life alone

    Last Light in the Universe

    by q00u
    4.75 (11 ratings)

    living human was no longer conscious, Juno Terminal 'June' decided that the tour should end for now. The three proceeded down to the Residential Habitat so that Patrol Seven 'Pat' could deposit the sm

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