
how to write first book

  • how to write first book

    Hmmm.. how to write

    (Not enough ratings)

    Write need passion and patient

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  • how to write first book


    by GeekyCryBaby
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    how to stop it. Will they find out how? Or will everyone die while trying? Find out! Season Two- Now that everyone knows about the zombies its time to figure out where they came from and how to put t

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  • how to write first book

    Beta 2

    by Phantomfiend
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    write Novel instead Book, but after repeatedly voicing out, the word 'Book' seem better as the title for this Chapters. This Book/Novel is originally created by me, but of course not purely e

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  • how to write first book

    Spirit Immortal

    by Linodo
    4.39 (126 ratings)

    book 8 marks the end of Act II. Wow, how fast did time fly? I had begun writing Spirit Immortal over a year ago and I would have never imagined that we would have reached this stage. I'd always though

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  • how to write first book

    The Guardians of the Forest

    by Jynx_Jones
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    first chapter, so if you made it to the end thank you so much! the last time I posted it somewhere it didn't do nearly as well. But I'm not here to talk about how well this is doing, though it is

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  • how to write first book

    There Is Sweetness Within Bitterness, That Is Happiness

    by SilentWitch
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    book. That year, I came to realise that my mother is a famous literary author. "I want to read your books." I whined. "It's not as exciting as the stories you tell me." My mother smiled. W

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  • how to write first book

    Soul of Searing Steel

    by Gloomy Sky Hidden God
    3.9 (321 ratings)

    write about a fictional universe with no female main character, the story of a pure warrior without involving political elements (not really). The Soul of Searing Steel is too a heavy story, and you

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  • how to write first book

    The Webnovel Writer's Chatgroup

    by Elyon
    4.97 (32 ratings)

    book cover for her, she could only crawl out of the bed. That morning, Zehell's sister had to go to university at 7 a.m for a project so Zehell could only take a bath at that time. Feeling the col

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  • how to write first book

    Rebirth Online

    by SnowOnSummer
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    how is it going Dr. Hans?" "Oh, Mr. Rainer. It's all proceeding smoothly. Just like what we have predicted, she takes on the bait." "Ooh... Splendid... now, we just have to wait for her to come." "

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  • how to write first book

    Born As The Emperor's Daughter

    by moonvaleriee
    4.47 (51 ratings)

    write (Her handwriting was messy and she held the pencil the wrong way) and read, the maids were shocked especially, Diana. An average kid would learn how to write and read at the age of 7-8 but Alexa

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