
how to create a villain

  • how to create a villain

    How to be a Good Villain?

    by ThatWeebThing
    (Not enough ratings)

    villain, together with his equally villainous comrades he tries to defeat Alex Smith who goes by 'Anti-Villian'.

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  • how to create a villain

    Check last chapter.

    by Phantom17
    5 (16 ratings)

    villain superpower selection. (Allows you to obtain a superpower from a minor villain: Ex. if Tv Show then the villain shouldn't last more than 5 episodes, supervillain should be on the first 2 season

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  • how to create a villain

    Naruto in My Hero Academia

    by Andrewstewart002
    3.75 (13 ratings)

    how to process this information. His sister was alive... meaning his brother might be alive too? Hoshi no Tama... meaning she had the same Quirk as he had to. Naruto wanted to drop his disguise,

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  • how to create a villain

    Destroy the Fantasyworld with Science

    by Beggar_Genesis
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    villain, giving him the opportunity to fill all openings with stone or metal to block all smells. This however could attract attention to him and might raise questions causing him to rate it only as a

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  • how to create a villain

    Movie World’s Archvillain

    by Imperial_Fox
    3.96 (37 ratings)

    villain space." A voice came over. "Villa Space? What the fuck is this? Who the hell are you?" Wu Yang asked. "Who am I? I am the system of this space, the villain system." "System? Villain

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  • how to create a villain


    by Wawako19
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    villain. "Deku, Deku, Deku… or should I call you Midoriya? Izuku?" the villain spoke in a calm soothing voice. "What did you do to me? Not much is known about your quirk, but I doubt paralysis i

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  • how to create a villain

    Overpowered Beast (Worm CYOA Multicross)

    by LuxVonDeux
    4.42 (Not enough ratings)

    create or using the power that he needs at will. Recommended Strategies : Do Not Engage. Do Not Antagonize. If the Subject demonstrates aggressive behavior, prepare the city for wide-scale evacuatio

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  • how to create a villain

    My Hero Academia - Saiyaman

    by JAsura
    4.72 (56 ratings)

    create and develop skills which were normally used in the world of the 'Dragon Ball' franchise, like the 'Instant Transmission' and the 'Dragon Fist' from Goku, the 'Solar Flare', 'Telekinesis' and ev

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  • how to create a villain


    by Fearmongering
    (Not enough ratings)

    how I can be sure where one bone ends and the next one begins. A possible answer would be that I already knew the general bone structure and only have to confirm their existence. But that would be

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  • how to create a villain

    My Stash of fanfics ,webnovels and lightnovels

    by Blood_rogue
    (Not enough ratings)

    how long I'd spent in the vacant expanse of darkness. All I knew at this point was that I died, I died in a car crash. The reasoning for my death was simplistic, but I also knew that I wasn't the one

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