
creative writing presentation

  • creative writing presentation

    Creative Writing: A Creative and Abnormal Teacher

    by BlueGirl16
    (Not enough ratings)

    writing stories., They were her escape from reality. She always wished that a man would come and save her like they always do in the stories. Well, she got her wish. Emica entered a small writing scho

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  • creative writing presentation

    Journey of 365 Days (((Kind of Completed)))

    by FaebyenTheFairy
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    creative writing prompts in a desperate bid to overcome my laziness. The prompts come from https://thinkwritten.com/365-creative-writing-prompts/ and I write one a day. THE SITUATION RIGHT NOW: I've

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  • creative writing presentation

    Superstars of Tomorrow

    by Lazy Cliche
    4.62 (1428 ratings)

    writing. Initially, the cameraman had thought that Fang Zhao was posing. No wonder he starred in "Founding Era." That's some serious acting chops. But eventually, the cameraman realized that Fang Zha

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  • creative writing presentation


    by runemcgrey
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    creative. Getting on the web gives us more ways to share and get connected to other people with the same kind of thinking from across the ocean. Some of the people we meet along the way give us rea

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  • creative writing presentation

    SS Glasgow Castle

    by Michael_Ryman
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    presentation, and attempted to perform a proposed advertising jingle in front of a roomful of suits; that was when people started calling them the Glitter Twins. The clients loved them. Everybody else

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  • creative writing presentation

    Luckiest person in the world! Re-Write SOON

    by Voidne
    4.61 (25 ratings)

    writing the basics of the EXP system, and now stuck in the elemental system (almost done, but need some creative ideas!) After I finish writing the new game system, I will proceed with the re-writ

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  • creative writing presentation


    by sheeep101
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    writing and here I am .Never expected anyone to read my book and Thank you to all who read it.I live in India so we have English as our first language so there won't be many grammatical mistakes.We ha

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  • creative writing presentation

    Number One Dungeon Supplier

    by Moloxiv
    4.44 (620 ratings)

    creative in her use of traps. (However, she had to give credit when they nearly caught her in a surprise.) Ruo Ying also added that she remembered how exciting it was to be teleported to somewhere ne

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  • creative writing presentation

    Scholar's Advanced Technological System

    by Morning Star LL
    4.52 (1207 ratings)

    writing on the blackboard. Now, even fewer people could keep up with his pace. Most people started to feel lost. For example, even Luo Rundong was staring at the blackboard with a confused expressi

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  • creative writing presentation

    Clover Queen Knows Her Languages

    by LanaSya
    (Not enough ratings)

    presentation. She can't speak at all, because that would only make everyone confused. The best short-term solution would be finding someone to talk in her stead. Then she will need an explanation as t

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