
creative writing professor

  • creative writing professor

    Creative Writing: A Creative and Abnormal Teacher

    by BlueGirl16
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    writing stories., They were her escape from reality. She always wished that a man would come and save her like they always do in the stories. Well, she got her wish. Emica entered a small writing scho

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  • creative writing professor

    Journey of 365 Days (((Kind of Completed)))

    by FaebyenTheFairy
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    creative writing prompts in a desperate bid to overcome my laziness. The prompts come from https://thinkwritten.com/365-creative-writing-prompts/ and I write one a day. THE SITUATION RIGHT NOW: I've

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  • creative writing professor

    Daeva Schiff

    by Pitch_Black_God
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    professor and listens to her. A couple of subjects passed then Daeva's lunch break arrived. She quickly ate at the cafeteria before going to the library. The school's library was enormous. It's als

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  • creative writing professor

    The Wizard’s Love Spell

    by AshryverArcheron
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    creative arts and writing. We also focus on learning how to assess a situation instead of immediately casting a spell or hex. So it is sort of different from here." "Do you have a sorting hat too?"

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  • creative writing professor


    by Hornets_Mike_TV
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    After I visited Arina, she started going to school again. That's a good thing because she still have a lot to catch up on. Before our Professor in Creative Writing left, I received a text from Arina

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  • creative writing professor


    by DoMinJun
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    professor before continuing to walk towards me. Towards me?!! A rush of adrenaline kind of brought me back to my senses. Although his entrance is noticeable and grand, I forced myself to keep my eyes

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  • creative writing professor

    Home For The Holidays

    by PJ_Lowry
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    creative if he was going to have the happy holiday he missed so much. He had considered writing them all out of his will if they didn't show up this year. That was an empty threat because he didn't ha

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  • creative writing professor

    Throne of Magical Arcana

    by Cuttlefish That Loves Diving
    4.41 (740 ratings)

    creative. It’ll be available the day after tomorrow." Felipe did not say anything, but listened to Rogerio carefully. "Of course, the reason why I asked you to come here today is not to recommend th

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  • creative writing professor

    Prom Night

    by knjxksj_deibuck
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    creative imagination, and you can start now." Prof. Kim announced, and sat down in his chair. What shall i write, hmm? Maybe I'll give him an idea. So i decided to write my poem again. Jin's

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  • creative writing professor


    by runemcgrey
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    creative. Getting on the web gives us more ways to share and get connected to other people with the same kind of thinking from across the ocean. Some of the people we meet along the way give us rea

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