
batman gotham after midnight

  • batman gotham after midnight

    Batman - Dark World

    by Sun_with_Moon
    (Not enough ratings)

    In a Gotham City abandoned by the US government, Wayne Enterprise took over the city. Batman has to face a new crime king who wants to divide Gotham City to make it a lawless land. At the same time a

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    Batman: The Return of a Legend

    by Jase_Lezz
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    Batman has been gone for too long and his arrival is a shocking turn of events and a real table turner for Gotham

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    Not A Book

    by Moron
    4.09 (48 ratings)

    midnight before LeoTard just chopped at her neck and dropped her in the bed before jumping onto the roof. He had Alexa search for an object with the Justice League satellites and he quickly found it.

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    I am the Protector of Gotham

    by Arikawane
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    batman is pretty irrational. Even if we can't catch him now, with the aid of detective Sarah Essen, we manage to found certain patterns of timing and method. One thing is certain, he is very skilled a

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    Hero's Rise

    by Faylan
    4.55 (26 ratings)

    midnight, prepared to listen to the nagging of his parents. They were strict, break a rule, and the consequences will be dire. Getting off the taxi, he saw that the lights were still on, as usual, he

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    Big Bang

    by Over_Lord_9904
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    "Have you heard of Batman, the dark knight in Gotham?" Bruce suddenly asked Wang Hai such a sudden question, as if Wang Hai, as a stranger, asked Bruce for a loan of ten thousand dollars. After he

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    Dc : Black Knight of justice

    by gzhjk
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    It was a good summer day. Sun was shining above Gotham. There was no dark cloud today in the sky which can obstruct the sun rays. It was a rather cheerful day compare to other days in Gotham. On

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    In the DC World with a System

    by Darthnorther
    3.89 (87 ratings)

    " I will get the things you want to be done. Contact Fox tomorrow. He will make all.the arrangements for this done. " He said before leaving in a similar fashion he arrived. He glided away from th

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  • batman gotham after midnight


    by lydia49f_f703w
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    midnight tonight, a virus cluster I've uploaded into the systems of every money lender you've seen here will wipe out all traces of debt. We all start from zero. Every last one of us." With that, t

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  • batman gotham after midnight

    Ultor The Legend of the True Hero_DC

    by Kriuswer
    4.28 (36 ratings)

    I flew at a considerable speed, but I did not fly to the hideout at first. First, I flew into a more built-up area of ​​the city. And I landed on one of the roofs. At a higher height. I was worried th

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