
batman green lantern ring

  • batman green lantern ring


    by Jase_Lezz
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    13 year old boy finds a ring that gives him the ability to absorb, release electricity, super human attributes, and change his appearance as well. Inspired from SHAZAM and GREEN LANTERN

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  • batman green lantern ring


    by ULTRAMAN07
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    ring siding shined. "Searching...Found. Planet Earth. Heading there at Mach 6." The ring disappeared and headed to Earth. In a different universe, a tomb suddenly shined and a device came

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Ben 10:unlimited crossover(Dropped)

    by Mickey_Mouse02
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    ring, which his opponent promptly knocked himself out against. "Sure you will." Green Lantern responded. As the other fallen villains were brought together, he bound them together with some willpow

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Ben 10 : Unlimited

    by Copy_Ninja
    2.83 (18 ratings)

    ring, which his opponent promptly knocked himself out against. "Sure you will." Green Lantern responded. As the other fallen villains were brought together, he bound them together with some willpow

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Lord Doomsday

    by Grey0814
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    green meteor came crashing down, going through any building that was unlucky enough to be on its path. With a loud sound and a huge explosion, it landed heavily on the ground, creating a huge crater.

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Goku- The God of Destruction (On Hiatus)

    by Ravindra_Bisht
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    green together and it came out with yellow eyes when he is a ssj) and flinched when he appeared right in front of him. "Unlike everybody on this planet I learned how to sense other people's unique

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Spiderman Dc And Marvel crossover

    by Adityak77797349
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    ring began to glow brighter "I'm not with you guys" Cyborg said nervously "Uh kid, I don't think it matters to him. Hell, we probably all look alike to him" Spider-man said with his lenses narro

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Osmosian in DC OC/SI

    by KingBlue
    4.4 (13 ratings)

    green veins running across its body in the arctic. "The attack on the fortress of solitude began and was immediately hacked. Superman received its distress call and moved towards it but was intercep

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  • batman green lantern ring

    Super Saiyan White

    by Andrewstewart002
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    lantern of fear used his ring which operates at faster than light speeds to form a massive yellow hammer construct. Swinging the hammer he knocked the kryptonian into Bizzaro who caught him in a bear

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  • batman green lantern ring


    by PurpleFizz
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    ring on my left ring finger. I do not recognize the logo but I do know that it belongs to a lantern... <"Greetings I have traveled trillions of light years for you, Lantern Alpha of Space Se

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