"Life is the flower for which love is the honey" .......... " Its feels so nice under the sky, hey look.. there are so many star's in the sky"she said pointing at the stars "But i'm more interested in my moon" he said looking at her. ............ Elena's life has always been limited to herself, completing her studies she wanted work for fulfilling her dreams. Being the only child she was always pampered by her parents. Under their guides she never knew of the outside world. she wanted to experience every thing from love to life. Lucas Thomson, known for his playboy image never wanted to have a serious relationship. He treated women like piece of cloth, changing after having fun with them. The only heir of PM Enterprises, he had everything from good looks to money. But what will happen when he starts getting attracted to a girl who have never had any experience in love? ................ "Wh- what do you want? " she said stammering. "Your heart"he said looking at her intently. " why? "she said looking in his eyes. " Because i want it to beat for me as my beats for you... " taking her hand he place it on his heart for her to listen. ............ Come join me with the journey of Lucas and Elena from how they fall in love and experience new turns in their lives. P. S: This cover doesn't belong to me credit to the respected owner. You can follow me on Instagram:@ author_ akshayaSimon Wren Amedio, Son of Yug Mael Amedio the duke of the Gealach Empire, had everything he wanted: money, fame, power intelligence, he was the god's special child and was adored wherever he went. The only thing he didn't have and yearned for was his mother. However, his mother took advantage of his yearning and used him for her own gain. She made him kill everyone who stood in her way, including the people that perhaps loved him, the most by his own hands. When Simon realized his mistakes, it was too late or maybe not...after all, he was God's special child. And just like everyone deserves a second chance, Simon got his second chance as well after he went back in time as a child and, hence, began the game of revenge. Cover not mine credit goes to the original owner Not a slow burn story.
Eine Liebe, die von Anfang an zum Scheitern verurteilt war, eine verlorene Sache, ein verlorener Kampf - und doch sind beide Herzen nicht bereit, bis zum Ende loszulassen. ----- Arlan Cromwell, der Inbegriff des perfekten Kronprinzen. Alles was er will, ist ein normales Menschenleben zu führen, aber das Leben eines Drachen ist alles andere als normal. Er hat nur ein Ziel - seine entlaufene Verlobte zu finden und sie zu enthaupten. Was passiert, wenn er herausfindet, dass die Frau, die sein Herz erobert hat, diejenige ist, die er zu töten geschworen hat? Oriana, eine Schwarze Hexe, die sich als Mann verkleidet hat, war ihr ganzes Leben lang auf der Flucht, ohne zu wissen, wovor sie wegläuft. Als die Geheimnisse ihrer Vergangenheit sie langsam einholen, hat sie niemanden, an den sie sich wenden kann ... außer Arlan. Doch als sie erfährt, dass der Mann, dem sie ihr Herz geschenkt hat, derselbe ist, der sie töten will, wie kann sie da die grausame Karte akzeptieren, die ihr das Leben zugedacht hat? Zwei Menschen mit Geheimnissen, die es zu bewahren gilt, Identitäten, die es zu verbergen gilt, und Antworten, die es zu finden gilt. Wird der Drache in der Lage sein, seine Gefährtin zu beschützen, wenn die Dunkelheit droht, Oriana zu entführen? ----- Auszug- "Hätte ich gewusst, dass du meine Verlobte bist, hätte ich dich gleich bei unserer ersten Begegnung getötet." Arlans Blick verfinsterte sich hasserfüllt. "Hätte ich gewusst, dass ich mit dir verlobt bin, hätte ich mich umgebracht, bevor du mich umgebracht hast!" Oriana spiegelte die gleichen Gefühle wie er. Er zog einen Dolch heraus und bot ihn ihr an. "Es ist noch nicht zu spät. Schneide dir damit einfach die Kehle durch und du wirst schmerzlos verbluten." Sie nahm das Messer an, ihre Finger umklammerten den Griff fest. Im nächsten Moment wurde er gegen die Wand gepresst und das Messer befand sich auf der rechten Seite seines Halses. "Wie wäre es, wenn ich es zuerst an dir ausprobiere, mein Verlobter?" "Du kannst es gerne versuchen. Aber wenn du versagst, wird dieses Messer erst das Blut deines Großvaters kosten und dann deins." Zorn stieg in ihren Augen auf, und im nächsten Moment floss Blut durch die rechte Seite seines Halses. Sie hatte tief genug geschnitten, um ein wichtiges Blutgefäß zu verletzen. "Du hättest mich nicht herausfordern sollen", höhnte sie und trat zurück, um zu warten, bis er zusammenbrach. Er schmunzelte nur und strich mit dem Finger über die tiefe Wunde an seinem Hals. "Sieht aus, als hättest du versagt." Sie sah zu, wie die Wunde an seinem Hals von selbst verheilte, und war bis auf die Knochen erschüttert. "Du... was bist du?" "Raten?" -----
"In Qiyuan, kissing is an act of mutual surrender. To ask for a kiss is to ask someone to be yours, while offering yourself in return. On that note, making love is a common practice and is regarded as deeply romantic." —Book 1 of Romances in Qiyuan— Haruki had no memories prior to his awakening. With only his black katana and his name to ground him in an identity, he lived through every encounter on pure instinct and a great deal of luck. But it wasn't until he locked eyes with Lanling, those sky-blue orbs gazing at him with the stillness of a lake, that he believed his luck had finally peaked. Shamelessly, he integrated into General Lanling Cheng's army, finding the man even more pleasing to his eyes the longer he watched over him. But as Haruki learned more about his new idol, he began to realize just how deep their connection ran, how precious the memories stolen from him were, and how deeply he loved this man. No matter how many times his mind was wiped clean, his feelings seemed to cross beyond the boundaries of memory, for he had long branded the image and name of Lanling Cheng into the very depths of his soul. He could only hope for a day when the curse that plagued them—this curse that relentlessly tested their love—would finally be shattered, and they could live on with their lives in peace. ~#~#~#~#~#~ [Volumes Synopsis] —Volume 1 [1-50] Amidst the war between the Silver Dragons and the Black Pythons, familiar faces and voices seemed to emerge from nowhere, as though fate itself were playing a cruel game, tugging relentlessly at Haruki’s mind—almost desperate to make him remember his past. But to Haruki, the most important thing was meeting and shamelessly flirting with the general, so he couldn’t care less. Besides, Lanling had told him not to remember, and who was he to disobey his future wife? —Volume 2 [51-145] Haruki and his friends find themselves in a typical isekai setting! At least, that's what Haruki originally thought. But soon, he realized the waters in the palace ran deep, and his connection to whatever schemes were brewing here stretched all the way back to before he even came to... Earth? So, he's a local? Oh, and there’s that Lanling Cheng… Haruki: ...God, why is he so hot? —Volume 3 [146~300] Lanling lost his best friend… his boyfriend… his fated lover. And the loneliness brought by the sudden emptiness gripped his heart every day, almost driving him mad, scorching anyone who dared touch his reverse scale. But just as he gave up dodging the oncoming claws of a chimera, the wind swept him away—into a familiar embrace. Haruki had come back. With a new identity, a new family, and a new… fiancé?! Lanling was in tatters. How had his boyfriend become someone else’s fiancé?? Determined to win him back, he appoints Haruki as his knight, keeps him by his side at all times, and climbs into his bed at night… ~#~#~#~#~#~ —updates every Saturday and Sunday [M]—Mature Content Server: https://discord.gg/cMqPN7WVbf Art: @minttea5 Best Unca Consultant: Zeriq Haruk [for worldbuilding]
Había sido el mejor asesino de todos los tiempos en su mundo y cuando finalmente fue asesinado, una diosa aprovechó la oportunidad para enviar su alma al cuerpo de un chico en otro mundo que era débil por ahora pero que estaba destinado a convertirse en el mago más poderoso de este mundo. Este joven se llamaba Kevin y decidió tomar su identidad ya que había conservado sus recuerdos. Lo único que tenía en común con él era que ambos eran huérfanos, pero Kevin tenía una mente débil y un cuerpo débil, en resumen, todo lo que más odiaba. Tras lograr entrar en la Secta del Sol como mago, logró abrir el libro que Kevin había heredado de sus padres y que había sido incapaz de abrir. Qué sorpresa fue cuando se dio cuenta de que este libro se había convertido en un Sistema que le permitía subir de nivel como en los juegos de realidad virtual que solía jugar en su mundo natal. Con la ayuda de este Sistema cumplirá su deseo, se convertirá en el humano más poderoso de este mundo, ni los cambiaformas ni los demonios podrán hacerle nada. ………… —Vístete primero, luego hablaremos —dijo Kevin, apartando la vista de nuevo. Axel encontró ropa que parecía holgada y se la puso de inmediato, también tomó un par de dagas cuyas hojas eran un poco más cortas que sus antebrazos, y luego se acercó a Kevin y lo abrazó por detrás. Kevin le dejó hacer lo que quisiera, aunque una de sus dagas estaba ahora muy cerca de su garganta, Axel le susurró cerca del oído: —Quiero confiar en ti, Kevin, así que dame una buena razón para hacerlo. —¿Qué quieres saber? —le preguntó Kevín. Axel suspiró, amenazar a Kevin con sus propias dagas no le haría ningún bien, y corría el riesgo de romper el vínculo que estaban empezando a formar. Entonces tomó una decisión y clavó las dos dagas en el suelo frente a ellos, pasó sus manos por debajo del suéter de Kevin y rodeó su cintura con ellas, presionándolo más contra él. Kevin no había esperado este giro de los acontecimientos y sintió que su corazón se aceleraba. Las manos de Axel eran cálidas y podía sentir su enorme erección contra él, una cosa era segura, no lo dejaba indiferente. …………. ADVERTENCIA esta no es una novela romántica de desarrollo lento y es una novela BL R18 con muchas escenas picantes, así que si te gusta leer 100 capítulos antes de que los personajes principales se besen por primera vez, simplemente salta esta historia definitivamente no es para ti. De lo contrario, sigue las aventuras de nuestros dos héroes, si te encantan los mundos llenos de criaturas misteriosas, magia, peleas, mazmorras, un Sistema que te permite subir de nivel rápidamente, y una historia de amor única y poderosa, entonces esta historia es para ti. ……………. Si te gusta esta historia prueba mis otras novelas: El Sistema del Mago Divino El Fénix Celestial y su Guardiana (BL) Reencarnado para salvar el universo (GL/BL) Nueva Actualización: Domingo/Lunes/Miércoles/Viernes/Sábado Disfruta tu tiempo de lectura y no olvides votar, comentar y reseñar :)
``` Une femme de 24 ans se retrouve dans le monde d'un roman suite à un crash d'avion. Elle prend possession du corps d'un personnage secondaire qui porte le même nom qu'elle. Elle arrive à une époque où tout est rare. L'instant où elle ouvre les yeux, on lui dit qu'elle épousera dans deux mois un homme infirme. Jeune fille troublée : "Pourquoi personne ne m'a dit que mon fiancé était si beau ?" Fiancé fier : "Chérie, je suis content que tu aimes mon visage et mon corps. Dois-je réchauffer ton lit maintenant ?" Fille perplexe : "Ne disait-on pas que tu étais un infirme ? Comment peux-tu bouger avec autant de vigueur ?" Époux vigoureux : "Où as-tu entendu de telles rumeurs ? Il semble que je doive me prouver à toi." Jeune fille timide : "Tellement sans gêne..." ```
Marriage is nothing but hell to Ashley Scott. From her husband's unbearable indifference to his open affair, she just wants nothing to do with this miserable union. After almost five years with her husband, Nathan Li, Ashley was tired. She wanted to be free and that would only happen if they got divorced. And Ashley was determined to get a divorce, even if it meant getting on her mother's bad side. Nathan, on the other hand, did not want that. Ashley was his other half, his person and separating from her was something he could not stand. Ashley didn't want Nathan, but Nathan wanted her, and he would do anything to keep her. With the revelation of secrets, would the couple be able to get past their trials and sustain their marriage, or would they forever be apart? *Excerpt: He held her shoulders, his dark blue eyes glowing in the dark. "No one else can have you, Ashley. You're only mine." The scene then changed. This time, the blue-eyed man in her memories was kissing her. After, he spoke in an awfully dangerous tone. "You know what I'm capable of, Ashley. You're only mine."
***Completed*** Táng JiaXing, a girl who had spent most of her life wildly in her village in a remote corner of the Wind Kingdom, suddenly had to leave to the Capital city and she gets involved in the power struggles of the Imperial Palace. A local hero to the Prime Minister's daughter? Everything she did till now casually is connected to the Empire? Why? Turns out she was the 'Chosen One' by the Gods for some purpose even she was unaware of. And wait... the Demon Realm is interested in her too? What will happen to her love with the exiled Prince? He is not a Prince now but a big underworld businessman? How much does he know about her 'supposed' fate? Divine Ruler? Supporting the Emperor? Really don't care! All I want is to spend the rest of my life with my Prince.... But will she be allowed to choose her own fate? Will Love conquer all? Lu Chenglie, the genius Third Prince of the Kingdom... He was sent away from the place by the plots of the Empress... When he was about to be engulfed in the darkness of his heart, he saw her... The Moon of his Life.... "Don't die", she shouted and he wanted life, a good long life with her... She loved him even though she knew of the darkness in him, something even he could not do... When he learned tidbits about her 'fate' he decided to fight for her... Not opposing her fate but by aiding her to achieve her goals quickly so that he can get her for himself... He made himself strong and wealthy so that he has the power to defend her if need arises... But could he protect her from her fate...? This story is about the love between two people who are not supposed to be together by fate and how they succeed with their love in the end. Give a chance to this book if you like a supportive ML and an OP FL...4.91
Zai, a soldier, and her squad live a life of brutal hit-and-run operations and training the people of Aviye to resist the will of the Hegemons that divided her nation. When a beautiful defector falls into her lap, the terrible secret of how the Hegemony creates its Ascendants, powerful warriors wielding powers only a few understand, is revealed, as well as a lost path to the same power. As Zai and Amri struggle to understand the truth of the path, deadly enemies and even divisions within their own people must be overcome. Yet in the shadows of the Hegemony lurks an enemy far older and more powerful than even they can imagine. -------- I invite you to consider my other works if you are interested: https://www.webnovel.com/book/the-demon-lord-is-an-angel_28486713700592205#review I also have a Discord if you want to communicate with me directly: https://discord.gg/ksJ8dJup4d Special thanks to SapphoAndHerFriend for her support and help with the cover. I am so lucky to have her as a fan and supporter. Humbly, ~Haizao4.89
Eve Ziffer always believed that one day her nano-machines would save humanity. It needed to be saved—from pollution, from the climate change, from the wars. Yet in the end, her research instead turned out to be the thing that pushed it into the very abyss. After surviving an attack and waking up from a six-years long coma that followed, Eve opens her eyes to see the world changed beyond recognition. Walking corpses roam the streets, and humans fight them with swords and superpowers. Now Eve is the only person able to finish her own work and fix the nano-machines that brought this devastation. Whether the last vestiges of mankind would disappear, or would the human race rise like a phoenix from the ashes—all lies in hands of Eve and the people she will meet along the way. They will fight and they will scheme and they will talk, because human vices are adversaries as bad as the zombies; and trials of friendship and love can be as perilous as any battle. ===================== Victor leaned towards her face, burning her with his glare. “No.” “I’m doing this for myself, for you and for science. Any single one of these reasons is enough to keep disagreeing with you.” Victor’s eyes dropped to her lips. ‘There is more than a single way to dominate a person…’ Before he could even try to stop himself, he dived in, pressing his lips on hers. His hand grabbed the back of Eve’s head, another fell on Eve’s thin waist and followed the alluring lines of her figure to her hip. His body was burning with inner fire. Eve was too shocked to think. She never expected for this standoff to end like it did. Victor kissed her as if he wanted to eat her. His bites stung, but his lips soothed. The heat of his hand burned her skin even through clothes. Then Eve finally regained her sanity. She drove her knee into Victor’s groin. He gasped and bended in pain, letting Eve go. Before he could resist, she continued the combo with a strike to the back of his head and a submission hold on his arm. “What are you doing?! I should’ve listened to Xia better. Men really are worse than dogs! How did I miss the moment when your brain had turned into mush, Victor?” “I didn’t think that I would need to spell it out, but there can be no romantic interactions in work time, and no romantic relations between researchers and test subjects. More than that, I’m not interested!” ==================== [Status: completed] Warning! May contain darker themes, mentions of rape, descriptions of gore, etc etc etc. Check out my other story - My Vampire Assistant https://www.webnovel.com/book/my-antique-assistant_20063615405026605 Join my discord server for SPECIAL CONTENT - https://discord.gg/74h73Re2Ak``` La historia de un hombre que trae la muerte y una chica que la niega. ---- En la montaña embrujada del reino, dicen que vivía una bruja. Ella nació princesa. Pero incluso antes de su nacimiento, el sacerdote la declaró maldita y exigió su muerte. Envenenaron a la madre para matar al bebé antes de que diese a luz, pero el bebé nació de la madre muerta —una niña maldita. Una y otra vez, intentaron matar al bebé pero ella milagrosamente sobrevivió cada intento. Dándose por vencidos, la abandonaron en la montaña embrujada para que muriera pero ella aún sobrevivió en esa tierra estéril —una bruja. —¿Por qué no muere? Años más tarde, la gente finalmente se hartó de la bruja y decidió quemar la montaña. Pero el Diablo llegó en su rescate y la llevó consigo de aquel lugar en llamas, porque morir no era su destino ni siquiera entonces. Draven Amaris. El Dragón Negro, que gobernaba sobre los seres sobrenaturales, el Diablo con quien nadie deseaba cruzarse en su camino. Odiaba a los humanos pero esta determinada chica humana lo atraía hacia ella cada vez que estaba en peligro. —¿Es realmente humana? Él se llevó a la humana con él y nombró a esta misteriosamente tenaz chica “Ember”, un pedazo de carbón ardiente en un fuego moribundo. Un alma manchada de venganza y la oscuridad del infierno, se levantaría de las cenizas y cumpliría su revancha. ------ Este es el segundo libro de la serie de Los Diablos y Las Brujas. El primer libro es - La hija de la bruja y el hijo del diablo. Ambos libros están conectados entre sí, pero puedes leerlos de manera independiente. ```
In der Nacht vor ihrer Hochzeit brannte ihr Verlobter mit seiner Geliebten durch. Aus Frustration packte sie den Mann, der vor dem Amt für zivile Angelegenheiten stand: "Präsident Mo, Ihre Braut ist nicht angekommen und mein Bräutigam ist weggelaufen... Darf ich vorschlagen, dass wir heiraten?" Vor der Hochzeit sagte sie: "Selbst wenn wir das gleiche Bett teilen würden, würde nichts zwischen uns passieren!" Nach der Hochzeit sagte er: "Wenn wir es nicht versuchen, wie sollen wir es dann wissen?"
O apocalipse chegou e os humanos aos poucos se adaptaram ao ambiente extremo. Após o apocalipse, a vida de Su Jiyai se tornou mais miserável na casa de seus pais adotivos. Sua mãe adotiva continuava procurando maneiras de vendê-la, seus primos queriam matá-la para reduzir o fardo, e seu pai adotivo tentou tirar vantagem dela. No entanto, foi o momento em que seus pais adotivos a empurraram para ser admitida no Exército em vez de sua filha biológica, que ela deixou a casa e cortou laços com eles. Quando foi admitida no Exército, ela lutou com zumbis com as próprias mãos, pois não tinha superpoderes. Justo quando Su Jiayi estava lutando com os zumbis perto de um lugar misterioso e tinha certeza de que morreria, ela acidentalmente ativou um sistema e se tornou a proprietária daquele lugar misterioso. Não só ela tinha um lugar seguro para ficar, mas também tinha um sistema incrível que permitia multiplicar as coisas que ela obtinha da Caça Dimensional. [Ding! Máquina de Vendas Detectada! Parabéns ao anfitrião por obter a Máquina de Vendas X ∞! O Anfitrião pode começar a comprar Máquinas de Vendas por 200 Moedas Federais] [Ding! Um Quarto de Luxo Detectado! Parabéns ao anfitrião por obter Quarto de Luxo X ∞! O Anfitrião pode começar a comprar Quarto de Luxo por 10000 Moedas Federais] Ela abriu sua própria área residencial e mercearia. Sua mercearia e a casa alugada logo se tornaram um grande sucesso e pessoas de diferentes lugares vinham agradá-la. Conforme seu negócio crescia, seus pais adotivos vieram implorar a ela, mas ela simplesmente os expulsou. Oh! E não era aquele o capitão do Exército do Salgueiro por quem ela tinha uma queda? Por que ele está olhando para ela como um tesouro perdido quando ele nem mesmo sabe sua verdadeira identidade... A história será acelerada nos primeiros 19 capítulos. O enredo principal começará após 20 capítulos.
Ele havia sido o melhor assassino de todos os tempos em seu mundo e quando finalmente foi assassinado, uma deusa aproveitou a oportunidade para enviar sua alma para o corpo de um garoto em outro mundo, que por enquanto era fraco, mas que estava destinado a se tornar o mago mais poderoso deste mundo. Este jovem garoto era chamado Kevin e ele decidiu assumir sua identidade, já que havia mantido suas memórias. A única coisa que ele tinha em comum com ele era que ambos eram órfãos, mas Kevin tinha uma mente fraca e um corpo fraco, em resumo, tudo o que ele mais odiava. Depois de entrar com sucesso na Seita do Sol como um mago, ele conseguiu abrir o livro que Kevin havia herdado de seus pais e que ele não conseguia abrir. Qual não foi sua surpresa ao perceber que este livro havia se transformado num Sistema que lhe permitia subir de nível como nos jogos de realidade virtual que costumava jogar em seu mundo natal. Com a ajuda deste Sistema, ele realizará seu desejo: se tornará o humano mais poderoso deste mundo, nem mesmo metamorfos ou demônios poderão fazer algo contra ele. ………… Kevin virou a cabeça em direção a ele e, vendo que ainda estava nu, disse, desviando o olhar novamente: "Vista-se primeiro, depois conversamos." Axel encontrou algumas roupas que pareciam folgadas e as vestiu imediatamente, ele também pegou um par de adagas cujas lâminas eram um pouco mais curtas que seus antebraços, e então se aproximou de Kevin e o abraçou por trás. Kevin deixou-o fazer o que quisesse, mesmo que uma de suas adagas estivesse agora muito próxima de sua garganta, Axel disse a ele perto de seu ouvido: "Quero confiar em você, Kevin, então me dê uma boa razão para isso." Kevin então perguntou a ele: "O que você quer saber?" Axel suspirou, ameaçar Kevin com suas próprias adagas não lhe faria bem, e ele corria o risco de quebrar o vínculo que acabavam de criar. Então, ele tomou uma decisão e fincou as duas adagas no chão na frente deles, passou as mãos por baixo do suéter de Kevin e contornou sua cintura com elas, pressionando-o mais contra si. Kevin não esperava essa reviravolta nos eventos e sentiu seu coração acelerar. As mãos de Axel eram quentes e ele podia sentir sua enorme ereção contra si, uma coisa era certa, isso não o deixava indiferente. …………. AVISO: Esta não é uma romance de desenvolvimento lento e é um romance BL 18+ com muitas cenas picantes, então se você gosta de ler 100 capítulos antes dos protagonistas se beijarem pela primeira vez, pule esta história, definitivamente não é para você Caso contrário, siga as aventuras de nossos dois heróis, se você ama mundos cheios de criaturas misteriosas, magia, lutas, masmorras, um Sistema que permite subir de nível rapidamente, e uma história de amor única e poderosa, então esta história é para você. ……………. Se você gosta desta história, experimente meus outros romances: O Sistema do Mago Divino O Fênix Celestial e Seu Guardião (BL) Reencarnado para salvar o universo (GL/BL) Novas Atualizações: Domingo/Segunda-feira/Quarta-feira/Sexta-feira/Sábado Aproveite seu tempo de leitura e não esqueça de votar, comentar e avaliar :)
Amalia, la ex mercenaria interestelar murió en misión. Fue transmigrada a un Mundo de Cultivo Urbano y se convirtió en el sacrificio de la familia Rodríguez. En su camino de venganza, conoció a un hombre extraño que le preguntó sobre el Conejo Blanco. Ella pensó que esa sería la última vez que lo viera, ¡pero nunca supo que el destino los uniría de una manera inesperada! ¡Esta fue la historia de cómo Amalia pasó de ser un simple sacrificio en el Mundo de Cultivo Urbano a una Gran Figura de los Tres Reinos!
Like a phoenix...Lisa rose from the ashes, ready to burn down everyone that had wronged her! A forgotten heiress, brimming with vengeance must make her great comeback and take back everything that rightfully belongs to her. Lisa must navigate the vicious webs of betrayal, heartbreak and temptation to get back to the top. ***excerpt*** "Are you coming with me or not?" His oh so familiar chilled voice with an edge reached her ears and Lisa shivered. She knew she was totally screwed. Lian Que was going to take her with him, whether she wanted to come along or not. He was merely feigning the decency to ask. About a couple of months back, she could have sneered at him and turned her back but clearly, she was in no position to do that. I'd appreciate you trying out my book and offering your support and encouragement. Thank you in advance.4.78
(COMPLETED) Amanda was getting too hot, literally, and only the master of water could cool her down. Unfortunately, he was missing in action. **** Amanda was the master of fire. After five years of carrying out her responsibility, she was an accomplished fighter, but soon her strength became unmanageable and only the master of water can tame her flames. Sadly, he was nowhere to be found. Why? It was a mystery altogether. **** "I want someone to talk to," Amanda said before taking a deep breath. "I want somebody to hold and... I can only do that with you." "I did not think you missed me that much," Christopher said with a smirk on his face. He reached for her cheeks and caressed them with both his hands before he leaned over for a kiss. Amanda's heart fluttered, seeing his lips inches from her. She gulped and said to herself, 'I might as well splurge.' **** This is a story about trusting your heart and finding your fate. Try a different kind of romance story, this time around! Give this story a chance! If Fantasy is not your thing, you may try my other novels. Note that all my novels are all romance related. :) If you like action-romance, try The President's Lover is a Fighter. If you like simply crazy and hilarious, try out Tricking my Cold Lover. *** Join me on my server: https://discord.gg/mGDZ6aH IG: https://www.instagram.com/authorlilhyz/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/LiLhyzwithlove4.79
Evie Lewis wanted to be a detective just like her father. Her life came crashing down when she found herself unable to save her parents, kidnapped by a serial killer and tortured for their pleasure. She escaped but she was just a shell of herself. She wished to live a silent life. An unexpected job offer and lots of pleading from a genius criminal psychologist lead her to be pulled back into the world of monsters. Follow Evie as she learns to dissect the human mind and forgive herself. And maybe fall in love, too. After all, who can resist Sebastian Butler? - - - - - Pain is world-annihilating. I have felt it push me to the brink of death and catapult me back to the base of my very existence. It evoked in me a monster... It injected in me the violent need to survive—even if it meant that I had to eat the flesh of another. Pain instilled in me Reason. There is only one: You only have hope when you survive. - - - - - Read my other works: 1. Cornered by the CEO - Complete 2. Alter Ego: His Sultry Lover - Complete 3. The Story of Blood and Roses - Complete 4. Phoenix in the Moonlight - Hiatus Story Discord: https://discord.gg/bG7YsaRRbs Author Instagram: @sunscar9Sold by her father, Bella short for Arabella, was forced to live a life as a slave that would entertain the guests of the castle. The job of slaves were merely to be humiliated and to have as feast once they became a boring creature toward the guests. Arabella with her fierce attitude had only caused more trouble than good, although that helped her from being feasted by the vampires until her body dried up, the vampires also enjoy in harming her, toying with her, hoping to see that one day she would break. However she had caught the wrong attention by those crimson gaze, eventually being the toy of the one and only Mad Crown Prince of Versailles. Eventually this interest only cause her to be more tangled by the twisted and thorny battle for the Throne. Will eventually Bella concede and accept the Mad crown prince? Or will she finally succeed in running away from his grasp. Why her? *** excerpt*** Arabella felt her wrists stung as the shackle around her wrist jingled from the sudden pull. She then met with the icy red eyes that brood down upon her appearance, drinking into every inch of her figure as if he was studying her, even to how those breaths escaped her lips. "I thought we had bonded over the days we have spent together, Bella," he sang, his bright scarlet eyes betraying the singing tone he had used as it had grown so dark and filled with anger. "Yet you left so quickly as soon as I opened the castle gate." Bella gritted her teeth, her eyes glaring at him as she defiantly shook his hand off her face, "I can remind you if you have forgotten it, Your Majesty, I am kept here against my wish." Cassius' smile faded as he stared at her. The sudden pin-drop silence filled her nerves with tension as she found his smileless face the most terrifying sight. She had always known his fearsome side however, it felt scarier tonight. Bella tried to endure how loud her heart had raced against her chest, gathering her breaths together even though it remained shallow in his presence. "So cold," he muttered, his tone trying to tease her, but she could see the raw anger crossing his eyes. "You cannot run from me. Not after what we've done. Not after what you promised." Her heart faltered. She wasn't supposed to stay in this castle; she knew that the royal palace was filled with those vampire monsters who would kill for their desire, simply to have fun. She knew she should never give her heart to any of these monsters, and she had once believed she would never. But that was until Cassius came. She had made that promise because her heart had betrayed her, and she wished that she had never uttered that promise. Promises she had made to him on the call of love. Yet deep within her, a part of her still crave for him. "You're not the first one I have broken my promises with," she gritted her teeth and looked up at him, "I broke my promise the way you broke yours first, isn't it fair?" "Fair? Then was everything a lie, Arabella?" he murmured, his hands cupping her face, forcing her to meet his eyes. "You were mine the moment you entered my castle. And you will be mine until the very end." She gulped as his eyes shone underneath the moonlight, his gaze unforgiving over her, exposing his wild hunger. Her breath caught, her pulse quickening. "A human and a vampire should have never stayed together. They were all right." "I don't care," he spoke through his clenched jaw. "You're going to remain here by my side forever."